Date published: 2022 May 09

"LL Final Form Cooler" gasha starts!If there is a Super Saiyan, the attribute compatibility disadvantage will be nullified!

Editor: Master Roshi

On September 2022, 9, the Gasha "LEGENDS STEP UP Tokkiri no Strongest", in which the LL final form Cooler was picked up, started.It is implemented as the 14th body of the mighty enemy campaign.

Final form Coola is strong against Super Saiyans

Its greatest feature is that it is strong against Super Saiyans.attribute isREDSoBLUThe compatibility with UL Gogeta is bad, but you can nullify the attribute compatibility disadvantage with a unique ability.

Unique ability Increases damage dealt to "Tag: Super Saiyan" by 20% (cannot be erased)
Unique ability If the enemy battle member has "Tag: Super Saiyan", nullify the disadvantage of own attribute compatibility (10 counts)

Invalidate Fubari and special cover change with main ability

The main ability draws the ultimate arts, restores physical strength and energy, increases the draw speed, and disables 20 counts of fluff and special cover changes.

Main ability Randomly discard one card from your hand and draw the ultimate arts card "Death Gliding" next.
Restores 25% HP and 40 HP
Increases your arts card draw speed by one level (1 counts)
When attacking yourself, nullify the effect of "Recover health when physical strength reaches 0" of the enemy (20 counts)
Gives yourself a state-enhancing effect that negates the special action that the enemy activates when the cover changes (20 counts)
Ultimate Arts Causes extraordinary shock damage to the enemy.
When activated, activates the following effects on itself.
・Increased ultimate damage by 40% (3 counts)
Adds an ability enhancement effect that reduces the effect of "damage cut" activated by the enemy by 50% (3 counts)

In addition, if the enemy's physical strength is 50% or less, increase own ultimate damage by 30% (3 counts)
* Shooting is invalid when rushing

It is also characterized by strong hitting arts

A character that specializes in batting arts and has various batting arts-related effects.

Possessing Arts Hit damage up
Special arts Draw batting arts card next
Shooting arts When hit, gives all enemies a "10% increase in damage taken" ability reduction effect (15 counts)
Battle start Increases own blow damage by 40% (cannot be erased)
15% increase in damage dealt to allies other than yourself (cannot be erased)
on the field Convert shooting arts card in hand to hitting arts card
Increases the damage dealt by the next hitting arts by 50% (non-overlapping)
Enemy takes turns when you are in play Draw batting arts card next
Every time you use a batting arts card Restores 4% health
Restores 5 energy
Increases damage dealt by 10% (15 counts)
When own hitting arts hit Discard all special arts cards in the enemy's hand
Reduces enemy energy by 40
Gives 2 wait counts to all enemies (1 activation)
When replaced, this trigger count is reset

Special cover change for blows, follow-up possible with deadly

A special cover change is activated against the blow, and you can follow up with special arts.

Special cover change Blows enemies to a long distance when cover changes are made against a hitting arts attack (can be activated during assist action)
[Arts that can be pursued]
・ Deadly Arts
Deadly Arts Causes extraordinary shock damage to the enemy.
25% increase in own death damage when activated (3 counts)
When hit, reduce the standby count of allies by 3 counts
* Shooting armor when charging

Good compatibility tags will be added for Evil Genealogy, Mighty Enemy, Mighty Enemy from ★3 in the movie version, and from ★6 to the movie version.It's a good idea to decide how much gasha you want to use with which tag.

ZI (100~)
At the time of battle, increase the basic STRIKE ATK/Basic BLAST ATK of "Tag: Evil Genealogy" by 22%
ZII (700~)
Increases basic STRIKE ATK and basic BLAST ATK of "Tag: Genealogy of Evil" or "Tag: Mighty Enemy" by 28% during battle
ZⅢ (2400~)
2% increase in damage done by hitting arts in "Episode: Theatrical Edition" during battle & Basic STRIKE ATK/Basic BLAST of "Tag: Genealogy of Evil" or "Tag: Mighty Enemy" or "Episode: Theatrical Edition" Increase ATK by 32%
Ⅳ (9999)
Red 7+
3% increase in damage done by hitting arts in "Episode: Theatrical Edition" during battle & Basic STRIKE ATK/Basic BLAST of "Tag: Genealogy of Evil" or "Tag: Mighty Enemy" or "Episode: Theatrical Edition" Increase ATK by 38%
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  • I feel like I'll be using it until UL Gohan comes out...
  • This Buu is the strongest and defeated the golfer.
  • Too much trash
  • Seriously, that's it...
  • I still think selfishness is broken.
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