Date published: 2018 May 12

Aim to clear the event and reach level 2000!BLU&GRN

Editor: Master Roshi

Training items, Rising Soul, Super Soul, Zeny, etc. are indispensable for leveling up, but defeat them! It seems that a large amount can be obtained with the mission reward of Immortal Vegeta. I tried to summarize

5 Rising Rush 10x gravity device: fuel x 10 Z5 10 Z
15 Rising Rush 10x gravity device: fuel x 5 Z10 20 Z
15 deadly arts 10x gravity device: fuel x 5 Z15 20 Z
5 deadly arts 10x gravity device: fuel x 10 Z5 10 Z
100 shooting arts Rising Soul 5 [Green] x 40 30 Z Z10
60 shooting arts Rising Soul 5 [Green] x 30 20 Z Z10
30 shooting arts Rising Soul 5 [Green] x 30 Z15 10 Z
Hit arts 100 times Rising Soul 5 [Blue] x 40 Z15 30 Z
Hit arts 60 times Rising Soul 5 [Blue] x 30 20 Z Z10
Hit arts 30 times Rising Soul 5 [Blue] x 30 10 Z 5Z
BLU(Blue) special skill 5 times Super Soul 1 [Blue] x 5 Super Soul 2 [Blue] x 5 Z5
BLU(Blue) special skill 15 times Super Soul 3 [Blue] x 5 Super Soul 4 [Blue] x 3 Z10
GRN(Green) special skill 5 times Super Soul 1 [Green] x 5 Super Soul 2 [Green] x 5 Z5
GRN(Green) special skill 15 times Super Soul 3 [Green] x 5 Super Soul 4 [Green] x 3 Z10
Cleared EX5 episode 3 times EX Vegeta x 60  Z10
Cleared EX4 episode 3 times EX Vegeta x 60  Z10
Cleared EX3 episode 3 times EX Vegeta x 60  Z10
Cleared EX2 episode 3 times EX Vegeta x 60  Z10
Cleared EX1 episode 3 times EX Vegeta x 60 Z10
Clear 6 episodes 3 times Skip ticket x 10 10Z
Clear 5 episodes 3 times Triple Kamioken's Kamehameha!! 3Z
Clear 4 episodes 3 times Skip ticket x 5 10Z
Clear 3 episodes 3 times Become the dust of the universe! 10Z
Clear 2 episodes 3 times Skip ticket x 5 10Z
Clear 1 episodes 3 times Remember, trash... 10Z
overthrow! Complete 5 Immortal Vegeta missions Chrono Crystals × 200 5Z
overthrow! Complete 15 Immortal Vegeta missions Chrono Crystals × 100 15Z
overthrow! Complete 30 Immortal Vegeta missions Chrono Crystals × 400 20Z
Clear the story 30 times 70 Z 5Z
Clear the story 60 times 70 Z 10Z
Clear the story 100 times 100 Z 15Z
Be the dust of the universe! Chrono Crystals ×50
3x 50x Kaioken's Kamehameha!! Chrono Crystals ×50
Remember, 80 trash... Chrono Crystals ×50
Complete 11 challenges in a story Chrono Crystals ×150
Feel free to ask questions of beginners, requests to the site, chatting to kill time.Anonymous is also welcome! !

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  • I feel like I'll be using it until UL Gohan comes out...
  • This Buu is the strongest and defeated the golfer.
  • Too much trash
  • Seriously, that's it...
  • I still think selfishness is broken.
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