Date published: 2022 May 11

Characters with automatic avoidance [avoidance action]

Editor: Master Roshi

A summary of characters that can automatically avoid by activating "avoid action" while they are not acting or swiping.

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HP: 2524k ATK: 330k DEF: 228k CRT: 5.1k KI: 2.37k unique打撃アーツの攻撃に対してカバーチェンジした場合、敵を遠距離まで吹き飛ばす(アシストアクション時発動可) 【追撃可能アーツ】 ・必殺アーツ 自身が行動していない状態またはスワイプ移動中、敵の以下の攻撃に対し、自身のユニークゲージを30%消費して回避アクションを発動する ※自身のユニークゲージは、自身が場に出ている間徐々に減少し、控えにいる間徐々に回復する 【回避可能アクション】 ・タップアクション ・打撃アーツ ・射撃アーツ ただし、以下の場合は回避アクションは発動しない ・自身のユニークゲージ残量が消費量に満たないとき ・自身のステップや攻撃アクション等の行動直後で、隙が発生しているとき 自身が敵の攻撃を受けている時、敵の打撃アーツまたは一部を除く突進技などの必殺・特殊アーツに対し、自身のユニークゲージを30%消費して回避アクションを発動する(発動回数3回) ただし、以下の場合は回避アクションは発動しない ・自身のユニークゲージ残量が消費量に満たないとき ・状態異常または特定のアーツによる特殊なやられ状態のとき ・カバーチェンジ時 回避アクション発動時、以下の効果を発動する ・特殊アーツカードを次にドローする(発動回数1回) ・自身の与ダメージを15%アップ(15カウント) ・自身の全アーツコストを5ダウン(10カウント) ・自身に敵が発動する「気力減少」の効果を無効化する状態強化効果を付与する(10カウント) ・味方の待機カウントを1カウント短縮 自身の打撃・射撃アーツの攻撃に対して敵がカバーチェンジすると、敵のカバーチェンジまたはカバーチェンジ時に発動する専用のアクションを無効化し、敵を遠距離まで吹き飛ばす(発動回数1回) 自身が場に出た時、戦闘不能なバトルメンバーが2人いると、この発動回数はリセットされる 無効化時、以下の効果を発動する ・究極アーツカード「瞬身の閃撃」を次にドローする ・自身の気力を60回復 ・敵全体に交代禁止を付与する(3カウント) 【追撃可能アーツ】 ・打撃アーツ ・射撃アーツ ・必殺アーツ ・究極アーツ
HP: 2719k ATK: 354k DEF: 222k CRT: 4.84k KI: 2.6k uniqueUntil the second cover change, if the enemy's attack is a hitting or shooting art, it will blow the enemy away to a long distance (can be activated during assist action) *If disabled, the number of activations will not be consumed. While not in a state or during swipe movement, consume your own unique gauge and activate evasion action against the following attacks of the enemy [Avoidable action] ・Tap attack ・Tap shot ・Tackle ・Blow arts ・Shooting arts However, the following In the case of , the evasion action will not be activated ・When the remaining amount of your unique gauge is less than the consumption ・When there is a gap immediately after your own step or attack action Gradually decreases while in play, and gradually recovers while in reserve ZENKAI uniqueCuts the damage received from "Tag: Combined Warrior" by 15% (cannot be erased) When changing cover, if the enemy's attack is a hitting or shooting art, blow the enemy away (2 activations) (assist action (Can be activated at time) * The number of activations will be consumed even if you change the cover to an attack other than hitting or shooting arts. * If you are disabled, the number of activations will not be consumed. Consume 30% of your own unique gauge and activate an evasive action against the attack [Avoidable action] ・Tap action ・Blowing arts ・Shooting arts However, in the following cases, the evasive action will not be activated ・Own unique gauge When the remaining amount is less than the consumption ・When there is a gap immediately after your own step or attack action *Your unique gauge gradually decreases while you are on the battlefield Gradually recover while in
HP: 2386k ATK: 380k DEF: 184k CRT: 5.38k KI: 2.64k Unique after transformationWhen the cover is changed against the attack of the hitting arts, the enemy is blown away to a long distance (can be activated during the assist action) [Pursuitable arts] ・The following attacks of the enemy while the deadly arts itself is not acting or swiping Consume 30% of your own unique gauge and activate an evasive action [Avoidable action] ・Tap action ・Blowing arts ・Shooting arts However, in the following cases, the evasive action will not be activated ・Your own unique gauge remaining amount is less than the consumption ・When there is a gap immediately after your own step or action such as an attack action *Your own unique gauge gradually decreases while you are on the battlefield recover gradually
HP: 2508k ATK: 357k DEF: 164k CRT: 5k KI: 2.45k uniqueWhen rushing techniques such as striking and ultimate arts collide at the same time, except for some, it forcibly wins the Dokabaki Impact and damages the enemy. * The damage caused by this attack does not make the enemy incapable of fighting. At the time of cover change, if the enemy's attack is a blow / shooting arts, the enemy is blown away to a long distance (2 activations) (can be activated during assist action) * Strike / The number of activations will be consumed even if the cover is changed to an attack other than shooting arts. * If disabled, the number of activations will not be consumed. Activates evasive action by consuming 30% of the unique gauge [Avoidable action] ・ Tap attack ・ Tap shot ・ Tackle ・ Blow arts ・ Shooting arts In the case of further blow ・ Shooting arts, the counter will be activated after the evasive action and the enemy will be attacked. Causes impact damage. * The damage caused by this attack does not make the enemy incapable of fighting. However, in the following cases, the avoidance action will not be activated.-When the remaining amount of your unique gauge is less than the consumption amount.-Immediately after your step or attack action, etc. When there is a gap * Your unique gauge decreases while you are in play and gradually recovers while you are on hold.
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  • I feel like I'll be using it until UL Gohan comes out...
  • This Buu is the strongest and defeated the golfer.
  • Too much trash
  • Seriously, that's it...
  • I still think selfishness is broken.
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