Date published: 2019 May 01

Character ranking TOP20 PvP usage rate [XNUMXth Super Space-Time Duel]

Editor: Master Roshi

Top 50 character rankings in Battle Rank 20 of "The XNUMXth Super Dimensional Duel" have been released.SPARKING,EXTREME,HEROAnd because it is a ranking by rarity, it is also a reference for training.

SPARKING Utilization rank

1th Super Saiyan Bardak (DBL07-04S)

2st Super Saiyan Broly (DBL07-07S)

3.Super Gogeta (DBL05-10S)

4th Super Saiyan 3 Goku (DBL06-11S)

5th Son Goku (DBL07-08S)

6th Broly: Anger (DBL-EVT-02S)

7.Vegeta (DBL07-10S)

8th place Super Vegeta (DBL03-14S)

9th Super Saiyan Son Goku (DBL04-10S)

10th Super Saiyan Son Gohan (DBL08-01S)

11th place Sun Wukong (DBL02-11S)

12th Super Saiyan 2 Trunks: Adolescent (DBL08-02S)

13.Birdack (DBL03-10S)

14.Goku black (DBL06-13S)

15th Super Saiyan God Son Goku (DBL07-09S)

16.Pai Kuhan (DBL01-16S)

17th Mai (DBL08-03S)

18th place Final form Freezer (DBL01-41S)

19th Super Saiyan 2 Goku (DBL07-01S)

20.Kula (DBL02-15S)

EXTREME Utilization rank

  1. Ceripa (DBL08-09E)
  2. Thomas (DBL08-08E)
  3. Son Gohan (DBL08-06E)
  4. Radits (DBL01-21E)
  5. Son Goku (DBL01-02E)
  6. Android No. 18 (DBL08-05E)
  7. Burduck (DBL04-06E)
  8. Android No. 17 (DBL08-04E)
  9. Bread: Honey (DBL08-07E)
  10. Super Saiyan Trunks: Adolescent (DBL07-03E)
  11. Trunks: Adolescents (DBL02-03E)
  12. Zarbon (DBL04-08E)
  13. Android No. 18 (DBL03-07E)
  14. Dodria (DBL04-09E)
  15. Kuula (DBL07-06E)
  16. Super Saiyan Vegeta (DBL07-02E)
  17. First form Freezer (DBL04-07E)
  18. Pink white (DBL01-31E)
  19. Son Goten: Childhood (DBL05-02E)
  20. Tianjin Rice (DBL01-11E)

HERO Utilization rank

  1. Shallot (DBL00-01)
  2. Super Saiyan Son Goku (DBL06-02H)
  3. Son Goku (DBL01-01H)
  4. Krillin (DBL01-09H)
  5. Recome (DBL01-27H)
  6. Turles (DBL06-08H)
  7. Jesus (DBL01-28H)
  8. Barter (DBL01-29H)
  9. Guinyu (DBL01-45H)
  10. Nappa (DBL01-20H)
  11. Yamcha (DBL01-10H)
  12. Final Form Frost (DBL01-47H)
  13. Cultivation man (DBL01-23H)
  14. Vegeta (DBL01-18H)
  15. Second form freezer (DBL01-42H)
  16. Yamcha (DBL02-04H)
  17. Son Goku (DBL03-02H)
  18. Bread (DBL01-32H)
  19. GRUD (DBL01-30H)
  20. Cell Junior (DBL04-05H)
Feel free to ask questions of beginners, requests to the site, chatting to kill time.Anonymous is also welcome! !

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  • I feel like I'll be using it until UL Gohan comes out...
  • This Buu is the strongest and defeated the golfer.
  • Too much trash
  • Seriously, that's it...
  • I still think selfishness is broken.
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