Date published: 2018 May 05

VH17 Inexhaustible super power lap and drop consideration

Editor: Master Roshi

Event stage 17 where Android No. 4 appears Challenge the inexhaustible lap of super power.Normal can be cleared if there is one strong character with power attribute, and hard is a strong character with power attribute and about one other.This time, a combination of powerful Dodoria and high-speed Doctor Gero.Doctor Gero is easy to get angry and easy to use because it can cut the damage of special moves.

Stage 4 Inexhaustible drop of super power

The result of the training is Krillin, which is a combination of a strong character and an existing Z soul. Z Super Saiyan Vegeta is only available in Very Hard, so I'd like to challenge VH if possible.If not, other stages seem better.

normal [Warlike]-[Permanent type]
ハ ー ド [Ruthless battle game]-[Results of training]-[Warlike]
Very hard [[Technique] Android No. 17]-[Super power beyond imagination]-[Results of training]-[Permanent type]

VH inexhaustible super power

Android 17 is a skill attribute, so it's a good match for power attributes. ★ 7 In Son Goku Kaiouken, one strong character is mixed and it is barely enough.Breaking through a single horse is quite difficult. Since No. 1 has the following skills, the damage of the first special move will also be reduced.

Skill: margin Receives only 1% damage when receiving a Special Move
Skill: bottomless energy Zero energy spent on "defense"

★ 7 If you are a Super Saiyan, you will be able to break through a single horse from level 100.

Super Saiyan Vegeta

Since it is a cross memory that can be obtained at this stage, it is not realistic, but considering the number of enemies and the compatibility of attributes, it seems that if you have a super Saiyan Vegeta, you can stably break through a single horse.

You can power up with confidence in your skills, so it seems that you will be out of your head in battles with multiple enemies.

Details of Super Saiyan Vegeta

Skill: confidence +20% power/speed each time the enemy goes down
Skill: Returning Genius 10 seconds from power-up, power/speed/stamina +20%
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