Date published: 2019 May 06

Added available Gasha events and exchanges to the character page!

Editor: Master Roshi

Just below the character image on the character's detail page, we've added a banner that shows the character, such as gasha, events, and exchanges.

For example, the image above to be enhanced by tomorrow's balanceSPARKING Son Goku: Heart Disease YELYellow attributeHowever, you can see that it is currently available in "LEGENDS ANNIVERSARY -GOKU-", "LEGENDS ANNIVERSARY -VEGETA-", and "Daily free 10 consecutive gasha".
Also, since Gasha that was obtained in the past is displayed in gray out, you can judge at a glance whether the character you want to obtain is available.

The target characters of this available banner display are only SP characters in Gasha. Only SP and EX characters will be available for the event.

If it's currently unavailable...

All banners are grayed out. The date on the upper left of the banner shows the end date of the last event.

Supports reproduction of the original and other events

Available in the original reproduction "Broly" and Rising Battle BrolySP Broly: AngerFor, show banners for two available events.

Event/Exchange banner is also displayed on EX

Available at permanent eventsEX Freezer First Formin the case of. "Permanent" is displayed on the upper left of the banner.

In addition to the original reproduction event, if it can be exchanged at the scout battle or Z medal exchange, its banner is also displayed.

Was there such an event? ! Or, can this character get it at this event, this gasha! ! Since it is fun to see, please look at the character details page from the list of all the characters you care about.

Feel free to ask questions of beginners, requests to the site, chatting to kill time.Anonymous is also welcome! !

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  • I feel like I'll be using it until UL Gohan comes out...
  • This Buu is the strongest and defeated the golfer.
  • Too much trash
  • Seriously, that's it...
  • I still think selfishness is broken.
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