Date published: 2019 May 10

Challenge Rush 4"REDStrategy

Editor: Master Roshi

4th CHALLENGE RUSHREDIt is a capture of. Valid attributes areBLUIt will be.

Except for the support that raises the firepower rather than building a complicated structure, it is made up of 3 special attack characters you have, and the Z ability enhancement with the color of the attribute is simple and easy to capture.

Attack character

Damage increase 100%

The damage cut +30% is also given to Broly. Both are hit types. Both are old characters, so it may be relatively easy to put them out.

Gohan is a defense type and Gogeta is a shooting type. Considering the strategy to achieve the challenge, Gogeta, which has a high firepower and is a shooting type, will be an important character at this stage.

Damage increase 75% + Cut 15%

Zhangya is hit and Kuura assists.

Damage increase 50% + Cut 30%

If you just want to win, we recommend the batting type vegeta. KUURA is a bit difficult to use because it has the strength of being synergistic with evil genealogy.

Since Android 13 is a shooting type, it matches the conditions of the challenge. The slug will be a hit type.

Challenge is cleared with 3 shooting types

You must select three shooting types to complete the challenge. Since only Gogeta and Android No. 3 are the shooting types among the special attack characters, it is necessary to select at least one shooting type from non-special attack characters.

  • Battle with 3 or more shooting-type characters
  • Clear within 150 counts

Bakayaro, Blue Son Goku, EX demon Buu pure evil, is the high firepower per Pod Freeza? Was Blue Son Goku the shooting type...

Recommended Z-ability

BLUHas many Z abilities that increase firepower. If you have a lineup of shooting types, we recommend that you specialize in BLAST ATK.BLUPlease also refer to the Z ability to increase the firepower of.

"attribute:BLU' OfBasic STRIKE ATK-Basic BLAST ATKUp by 26%
"attribute:BLU' OfBasic STRIKE ATK-Basic BLAST ATKUp by 30%
"attribute:BLU' OfBasic STRIKE ATK-Basic BLAST ATKUp by 22%
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