Date published: 2019 May 11

Challenge Rush 4 "DRK"

Editor: Master Roshi

It is the capture of the fourth CHALLENGE RUSH "DRK". The effective attribute is LGT. In other words, only shallots. Since it is quite difficult to shave with other attributes, you will have to cultivate a shallot and then shave with a shallot.

Charlotte at the momentnormal,Super saiya-jin,Super saiyan 2There are three types. Super Saiyan 3 has the highest firepower, but Super Saiyan also has the merit of being able to strengthen it even with Bardak.

Increase the firepower of shallots

In this Challenge Battle, Shallott must attack. So for the other two people, the support type that raises the firepower of shallot is active. The Z-ability will also consider the Sailot of Charlotte.

Strengthening with HE nails

NailHEROIt has a Z ability specialized for. ShallotHEROThe STRIKE ATK is high, so it goes well with it. Also, the main ability is "Rally of allies:HEROThere is "Increase damage dealt by 50% (20 counts)".

★ 0 ~ 2
During the battle, "Rarity:HERO”Basic STRIKE ATK increased by 30%
★ 3 ~ 4
During the battle, "Rarity:HERO”Basic STRIKE ATK increased by 40%
★ 5 ~ 6
During the battle, "Rarity:HERO”Basic STRIKE ATK increased by 50%

★ 7
During the battle, "Rarity:HERO”Basic STRIKE ATK increased by 100%

Shift strengthening system

It is convenient to strengthen the universal system. You can also use Vegeta designated by Saiyan.

EX KrillinPUR Increases damage dealt to allies by 20% (20 counts) when self returns, restores 30 power
When incapacitated, the following effects are given to allies:-Increase damage by 15%-Increase KI RESTORE by 30%
Android 18RED When entering the battlefield, "30% more damage to the enemy"
When you return to yourself, give the following effects to allies according to their battle style. Hit type: Increase hit damage by 30%
Girlhood Bunny Girl
Activates the following effects from the start of the battle until you become incapable of battle.・Increases damage dealt to allies by 20% (cannot be erased).
EX MyPUR Increases damage dealt to allies by 20% (15 counts) when returning to yourself
Increases damage dealt by allies by 20% when entering the battlefield (15 counts)
SP My When he returns, he recovers 30 morale and increases the damage dealt to allies by 20% (15 counts). If a battle member has "Character: Trunks", the damage dealt to allies is further increased by 10% (15 count)
Super saiyan 2PUR
Increases damage dealt to your ally "Tag: Saiyan" or "Tag: Mixed-Blood Saiyan" by 20% when you return to yourself (20 counts)
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  • I feel like I'll be using it until UL Gohan comes out...
  • This Buu is the strongest and defeated the golfer.
  • Too much trash
  • Seriously, that's it...
  • I still think selfishness is broken.
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