Date published: 2019 May 11

Goku or Vegeta or Broly! Which stage should I choose? [Elite Soldier N]

Editor: Master Roshi

Among the added stages, there is a stage where you have to select one from the three stages of Son Goku: Super Saiyan God SS, Vegeta: Super Saiyan God SS, and Broly: Super Saiyan. I'm worried about which stage to choose, so I will introduce the difference (〃ω〃)

Number of items required for exchange

I tried to calculate the number of items necessary for exchange items such as Z power of characters, Enetike, skip ticket, etc., without exchanging fragments. For reference, which stage to choose. If you would like to know more detailed items, please visit the exchange page below.

screw 17500
Ladle iron plate 11500
Mysterious Iron Plate 14000

Orbiting on other stages...

In each of these 3 stages, the initial reward is 1000 items, but the drop reward is around 10 items, so it seems that the other stages are more efficient during the lap (*'∀`*)

Grassland 3 -> Son Goku: Super Saiyan God SS

Enemy character Lv3000 Son Goku: Super Saiyan God SS BLUtag
Advantage attribute GRN 绿
First reward Chrono Crystals ×10
Screw x 1000
Drop reward Screw x 10

Meadow 4 → Vegeta: Super Saiyan God SS

Enemy character Lv3000 Vegeta: Super Saiyan God SS PURpurple
Advantage attribute YEL yellow
First reward Chrono Crystals ×10
Ladled Iron Plate x 1000
Drop reward Lazy iron plate x around 10

Steppe 5 → Broly: Super Saiyan

Enemy character Lv3000 Broly: Super Saiyan PURpurple
Advantage attribute YEL yellow
First reward Chrono Crystals ×10
Mysterious Parts x 1000
Drop reward Mysterious parts x around 10
Feel free to ask questions of beginners, requests to the site, chatting to kill time.Anonymous is also welcome! !

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