Date published: 2019 May 11

Elite Soldier N Challenge Battle Tips

Editor: Master Roshi

It's not a particularly difficult battle, but it's a bit difficult to understand because there are restrictions on the characters that can be played. There is a limit of "Freeza Army" + "Saiyan".

Frieza Army + Saiyan

You can put out this area as well. Although it is not an advantageous attribute, I want to firmly select 3 bodies.

Advantage attribute + special attack

I want to prioritizePURNappa with attributes and 100% damage increase. I think that Nappa is in the process of being raised, so I thinkPURVegeta is often easy to use. It is a character that was once revised upwards, so it is an old character, but it is relatively easy to use.

EX candidate

If you cannot select 3 bodies with SP, make up with EX. EX Radits are unfavorable and difficult to use.

Z-Ability is also Saiyan & Frieza Army

The following Z abilities are recommended because there are challenge conditions for counting.PURWhen using Vegeta, I want to prioritize BLAST ATK.

"Tag: Saiyan""Tag: Super Saiyan" OfBasic STRIKE ATK-Basic BLAST ATKUp by 30%
"Tag: The Genealogy of Evil" "Tag: Frieza Army"Basic STRIKE ATK-Basic BLAST ATKUp by 22%
"Tag: Frieza Army" OfBasic STRIKE ATK-Basic BLAST ATKUp by 28%
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