Date published: 2019 May 11

Ultimate transformation final form Kuura 50 level 4500 recommended configuration

Editor: Master Roshi

Attack character

It seems that not only new characters but also old characters are easy to select. I want to make good use of the distributed EX Krillin.

Special attack 250% (no attribute advantage)

Transformation Freeza and Great Saiyan Man 2 have a special attack of 250% and damage damage + 40%. Also, the Great Saiyan Man 2 is characterized by a special attack on evil genealogy,PURSince there is a strong synergy withPURIt can be combined with attribute characters.

Righteous iron
Great Saiyan Man 2
"Tag: Evil Genealogy" 40% more damage on your own, and 1% more damage on your own per battle member. :PURIncreases damage dealt to each person by 1%

Special attack 200% (advantageous attribute)

The new character's transformation Kuura is set to 200% special attack. This character has a good balance of attack endurance this time and is the easiest to fight.

Special attack 150% (advantageous attribute)

Vegeta has a replacement buff.

Special attack 100% (advantageous attribute)

Kuririn is able to extend the firepower of any character with an excellent alternate buff that can be used for any target, so any configuration is addictive. A death buff will be added to the above Son Goku. Souther's fire power increases when there is a kuula. Freeza is recommended when arranging with the genealogy of evil.

Composition in the lineage of evil

BLUKUURA has a change buff to the lineage of evil, so it is advantageous & special attackPURJust connecting to Kuula and Frieza will greatly increase the firepower.

REDFreeza is also a lineage of evil and can be incorporated into this configuration.

Structure in the movie version

DistributedPURNappa has a replacement buff, and there are synergies in the movie version with Kuura, Souther.

Saiyan composition

From Kuririn, who has a replacement buff, to Vegeta. Vegeta also has a replacement buff, so you can connect to Goku. The rising rush and the deadly arts are received by Kuririn's cover change, and the death buff to Son Goku is activated.

Nappa + Vegeta

The above Nappa has strong synergies with Vegeta.

Activates the following effects when self returns

  • Restores 30 morale
  • Increases damage dealt to allies by 30% (15 counts)
  • Increases damage dealt to allies by "Character: Vegeta" or "Tag: Kids" by 15% (15 counts)
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  • I feel like I'll be using it until UL Gohan comes out...
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  • Too much trash
  • Seriously, that's it...
  • I still think selfishness is broken.
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