Date published: 2019 May 12

Brave Tapion Required & Recommended Fragment

Editor: Master Roshi

Brave TapionREDRecommended fragment consideration

Essential fragment

Grab Ola's shoulder!

Grab Ola's shoulder!
① Basic CRITICAL 12.50%
② Foundation STRIKE DEF or foundation BLAST DEF 18.00% or 18.00%
③Upon each STRIKE ATK 1% per battle member's “Episode: Theatrical Edition”

A fragment that allows you to significantly increase the amount you can get when you are selected for the movie version. The feature is that CRITICAL also goes up.

Ola knows

Ola knows
① Basic STRIKE DEF 13.00%
② Basic BLAST DEF 15.00%
③ "Attribution:GRNOr "attribute:PUR", STRIKE ATK 10.00% increase
Movie version & RED
/[Rising Battle Broly]

GRNOrPURA highly versatile fragment that greatly improves STRIKE ATK simply by having attributes in the elected members. Easy to use with various configurations.


① Basic STRIKE ATK 13.00%
② Basic BLAST DEF 15.00%
③ "Attribution:GRN”Or “Tag: GT”, your own STRIKE ATK 12.50%
/[Super Space-Time Duel]

This is also as versatile as above.

Recommended fragment

[Awakening] Haha!!! No.1

[Awakening] Haha!!! No.1
① Basic STRIKE DEF 18.00%
② Basic BLAST DEF 18.00%
③ Basic STRIKE ATK 20.00%
[Movie version]
/[Rising Battle Broly]

Greatly increase STRIKE ATK and increase durability.

Mogumogu... Hell...

Mogumogu... Hell...
① Basic STRIKE ATK 12.50%
② Basic BLAST DEF 15.00%
③ Basic STRIKE ATK 15.00%
/[Super Space-Time Duel]

You can raise STRIKE ATK up to 30% by careful selection.

PvP recommended

It's an extra manne...
① Basic BLAST ATK 15.00%
② Basic BLAST DEF 13.00%
(1) Each STRIKE DEF of 5.00% per battle member's "Episode: Theatrical Edition"
[Movie version]
/[Super Space-Time Duel]
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