Date published: 2019 May 12

YELLet's decide the special move 30 times with Satan! Challenge to God Destruction God Birth

Editor: Master Roshi

Challenge to God Birth of the God of DestructionYELThe condition to decide the special move of the character belonging to "30 times" becomes easier if there is a character who has special death arts such as Mr. Satan.

Usually you can draw only one special death arts or special arts, but if you want to keep your own arts, you can put out two. So the probability of drawing will also increase. If you can select a stage with many opponents, you can use the deadly arts many times in one battle. This timeYELBecause it is a designationYELNeed to take turns.

In addition, Mr. Satan is easy to use because he can destroy all his cards with special arts. Let's use it well and draw deadly arts quickly. It will be even more efficient if there is a character that can draw Special Arts with their main ability.

OtherGRNBulma has a deadly arts. I want a character with deadly arts in possession arts around Legends Road.

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