Date published: 2020 May 08

"Only 5 fighting power... trash" Battle 50 level 5000

Editor: Master Roshi

Only 5 fighting powers... Garbage BATTLE-40 Lv4500

The opponent RaditsGRNAnd the advantageous attribute isYEL, The disadvantage attributeGRNHas become. Be careful because Raditz's Special Arts are sealed in your hand. Vanishing gauge recovers when shooting arts are repeated.

New character LL Piccolo + Play

Centered around LL PiccoloYELPlayback configuration. Legends Road's Piccolo can take turns strengthening allies and recovering all. Perfect cell is attractive for crushing rising rush and high firepower in rescue.

It is recommended to strengthen the Z ability by playing.

Bardack configuration

Movie versionYELBardack has an advantageous attribute and is a special attack. New characterREDBardack is also a non-favorable attribute, but it has a special attack on the Frieza army, so it has considerable firepower. Both have high STRIKE ATK, so if you turn the character from EX Seripa, you can strengthen Bardak's STRIKE ATK by 50%. Even if it becomes impossible to fight, Ceripa will give it a debuff to the enemy, so it can be strengthened.

YELNote that Bardac does not belong to the Bardac team.

We recommend strengthening Z-abilities with Saiyan people.

Evil Genealogy Strong against Saiyans

A special attack bonus is also given to each evil genealogy system. Although not an advantageous attribute, each freezer has a Saiyan attackREDCan grant a Saiyan special attack to an ally. Kuura will strengthen herself after being hit, such as strengthening her teammates.

Z abilities are recommended to be strengthened with evil genealogy

Composition in Z Saiyan edition

You can also assemble the new character Z Saiyan edition. The character is turned from Son Goku, which can be strengthened in alternation around the advantageous LL Piccolo, and heals allies with Ultimate Arts. Since Bardack is on the rise, it transforms into an attacker in the second half. The Z ability of the Z Saiyan edition is still insufficient, but it can be supplemented with new Radits.

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