Date published: 2020 May 03

Carefully selected SP LL first form freezerPURRecommended fragment

Editor: Master Roshi

LEGEND LIMITEDSPARKING First form freezer PURHere is a discussion of recommended fragments. Freeza has a high BLAST ATK, and the power of the ultimate arts "It's such a beautiful fireworks!!" Has a special move in possession arts.

Let's make the trash garbage!
(1) Basic BLAST ATK20.00%
(2) Basic shooting STRIKE DEF15.00%
(3) Special Move Damage20.00%
[Evil Genealogy]
/[Super Space-Time Duel][Fragment collection]

A fragment that increases BLAST ATK and Special Move damage.

Yu... Yuru-san...
(1) Basic STRIKE DEF15.00%
(2) Basic BLAST DEF15.00%
(3) One BLAST ATK for each "Tag: Evil Genealogy" battle member6.00% upUp
[Evil Genealogy]
/[I should be killed!!!]

Fragment that greatly raises BLAST ATK when selecting in the lineage of evil.

[Awakening] C...CHIKUSHOO...!!! No.1
(1) Deadly damage10.00%
(2) Basic BLAST ATK15.00%
(3) Special Attack: Regeneration15.00%

Increases the damage and damage caused by special attacks, special moves, and shootings that relentlessly play in PvP. Is it for PvP?

You did it, everyone...
(1) Basic CRITICAL12.50%
(2) Basic BLAST ATK15.00%
(3) STRIKE DEF of each Battle Member's "Tag: Evil Genealogy"5.00%Up
[Evil Genealogy]
/[Super fragment collection]
It's not as gentle as before...
(1) Basic CRITICAL12.50%
(2) Basic STRIKE ATK15.00%
(3) Your own BLAST DEF per battle member's "Tag: Transformation Warrior"5.00%Up
[Transform warrior]
/[Super Space-Time Duel]
Was there any trash left?
(1) Basic BLAST ATK15.00%
(2) Basic STRIKE DEF15.00%
(3) Each BATT DEF of each Battle Member "Tag: Frieza Army"6.00%Up
[Frieza Force]
/[The Emperor of the Universe Freeza Advent!!

A durable fragment. For PvP etc.

Feel free to ask questions of beginners, requests to the site, chatting to kill time.Anonymous is also welcome! !

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  • I feel like I'll be using it until UL Gohan comes out...
  • This Buu is the strongest and defeated the golfer.
  • Too much trash
  • Seriously, that's it...
  • I still think selfishness is broken.
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