Date published: 2020 May 05

Added "Mighty Enemy" tag in 5/20 update. Battle version 2.2

Editor: Master Roshi

Maintenance and update on May 5th. The maintenance date and time is from 20/2020/05 20:10 to 00/2020/05 20:18 (planned). The battle version will be 00, and it will be possible to adjust tackle and combo.

Battle version 2.2

Tackle adjustment

By incorporating the tackle into the combo, the constraint time on the combo side became longer than expected, and nothing could be done until the combo was interrupted. Also, the attacker was able to carry the battle situation in an advantageous manner by shooting the tackle when the combo was cut off. As a response to this, the tackle that was activated against an opponent in a hit state such as after an arts attack hit was adjusted so that the opponent would only blow to the middle distance and the next combo would not be connected.

  • * As for the tackle that is activated against the opponent who is not in a bad condition, the next combo will be connected as before.
  • * A tackle that is activated against an opponent who is in a hurry state will not lead to the next combo even if the opponent can move when hit.

Adjusting the combo

Since it is no longer possible to continue the combo by tackle, the damage correction of the combo has been relaxed. With this change, the total damage value of the combo can be expected to increase for characters that easily extend the combo from the beginning.

Adjustment of Dokabaki Impact

When some beam-type special moves collide with each other, it causes Dokabaki impact to cause the opponent to dodge. If you win Dokabaki Impact and reduce your opponent's health to "0", you will be able to disable the battle. A normal Dokabaki impact, such as when a hitting arts collides, does not disable the battle.

Add a mighty enemy tag

Added "Mighty Enemy" tag as a new tag for existing characters. It seems that tags will be added for the purpose of expanding the range of party formation. I'm looking forward to seeing the changes.

Click here for all character pages of the powerful enemy tag.

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  • I feel like I'll be using it until UL Gohan comes out...
  • This Buu is the strongest and defeated the golfer.
  • Too much trash
  • Seriously, that's it...
  • I still think selfishness is broken.
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