Date published: 2018 May 05

GRNClass up Freeza and challenge Radits at the event

Editor: Master Roshi

GRNFreeza of (green) attribute is Raditz of the eventBLUIt's compatible with (blue), so if you trained it preferentially, set it to MAX level 300. Apparently, if you can't do it with 300, you can improve your class and there is a further training.

What is Novice! I thought I was in class. Class up and become a fighter. The maximum level is 600. This is a masochistic thing, but it looks fun.

Clear Radits EX1 somehow! I worked hard as a level 384 radits and 321 and 341 growers, but...

There was still a higher degree of difficulty! This will not end during the period unless you work hard.


For the time being, I am glad that the Radits are raised. I'm also happy that Raditz is a powerful enemy in the story. Goku's big brother isn't that Barduck's son is a small fish!

Feel free to ask questions of beginners, requests to the site, chatting to kill time.Anonymous is also welcome! !

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