Date published: 2018 May 06

[Level up] Semi-automatic orbit around the world king god Berry Hard

Editor: Master Roshi

I had a delusion that there might be training contents and events to raise the level in the future, so I decided to go around the hardware of Kaioh God.The following is the reason

Level-up configuration that does not consider AP

If there is battle-type training content that does not need to consider AP, it will be a prerequisite, but it will be as follows.

King god At the end of the battle, gained experience value of all allies +15%
3 others
King of the Soul Soul ×2
Character experience gained after the battle + 15% (30%)

If this happens, you will need 1 Kaioujin souls for each strong Kaioujin to lead.

Kai King God and Kai King H and VH

The soul of the king who can be obtained at Very Hard is also gaining experience points.However, the figures are higher for Kaioujin at 10% and 15%.

List of Seoul

You have a good soul as rumored... +15% experience value for characters acquired after the battle
Kai-yo-kai-o-kaiou...Kaiou! +10% experience value for characters acquired after the battle

Cross-memory "God" "Visitors"

If Kaioshin's cross memory is hard, the above experience value increase soul will not appear.So going around Very Hard was... painful.However, if it is hardware, the associated memory[God],[Visitor]There are two advantages that you can obtain.Should I use Super Saiyan God or "God"?
Drop search

H [Mysterious existence],[God],[Visitor]
VH [As rumored, you have a good soul...],[The one who rules over Kaiou],[Kai~yo~kai~oh~kaiou...Kaiou!],[Visitor]

Very hard semi-automatically

Considering various things, the battle looks like this.The composition is Mr. Satan and Super Saiyan Son Goku.

  1. Place Mr. Satan at the top
  2. Switch to manual and leave until Mr. Satan goes down
  3. After down, switch from manual to entrusted

With this, it is possible to lap in play, albeit a little.Mr. Satan is tough, so be careful not to increase the durability in Z Soul so much, and it seems good to take up to the first special move of the god of the world and exhaust the opponent's energy.

Son Goku: Super SaiyanUses the following skills

Skill: Legendary Power Power/hit +10% for 20 seconds after power up
Skill: full power of anger 20% increase in power/speed/stamina each time an ally goes down

Feel free to ask questions of beginners, requests to the site, chatting to kill time.Anonymous is also welcome! !

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