Date published: 2018 May 11

Until 12/4 Time Machine Quest Summary “Co-op! Eternal Saiyan Battle”

Editor: Master Roshi

Together! Summary of the eternal Saiyan battle.

Together! Eternal Saiyan Battle

Part1 2018/8/28 メンテナンス終了後(16:00予定) ~ 2018/9/11 12:59(予定)
Part2 2018/9/11 メンテナンス終了後(16:00予定) ~ 2018/9/25 12:59(予定)
Part3 2018/9/25 メンテナンス終了後(16:00予定) ~ 2018/10/9 12:59(予定)
Part4 2018/10/9 メンテナンス終了後(16:00予定) ~ 2018/10/23 12:59(予定)
Part5 2018/10/23 メンテナンス終了後(16:00予定) ~ 2018/11/6 12:59(予定)
Part6 2018/11/6 メンテナンス終了後(16:00予定) ~ 2018/11/20 12:59(予定)
Part7 2018/11/20 メンテナンス終了後(16:00予定) ~ 2018/12/4 12:59(予定)

Ranking reward

1 bit All Star Gasha Ticket x 100
Bardack Fragment x 2
2 bit All Star Gasha Ticket x 80
Bardack Fragment x 2
3 bit All Star Gasha Ticket x 60
Bardack Fragment x 2
4 to 10th All Star Gasha Ticket x 50
11 to 30 All Star Gasha Ticket x 40
31 to 50 All Star Gasha Ticket x 30
51 to 100 All Star Gasha Ticket x 20
101 to 200 All Star Gasha Ticket x 10
201 to 1000 All Star Gasha Ticket

Mission reward

Achieve 750 points All Star Gasha Ticket x 1
Achieve 1,500 points All Star Gasha Ticket x 1
Achieve 3,000 points All Star Gasha Ticket x 1
Achieve 6,000 points All Star Gasha Ticket x 1
Achieve 10,000 points All Star Gasha Ticket x 1
Achieve 20,000 points All Star Gasha Ticket x 1
Achieve 30,000 points All Star Gasha Ticket x 1
Achieve 50,000 points All Star Gasha Ticket x 1
Achieve 75,000 points All Star Gasha Ticket x 1
Achieve 100,000 points All Star Gasha Ticket x 3
Achieve 150,000 points All Star Gasha Ticket x 1
Achieve 250,000 points All Star Gasha Ticket x 1
Achieve 300,000 points All Star Gasha Ticket x 1
Achieve 500,000 points All Star Gasha Ticket x 1
Achieve 600,000 points All Star Gasha Ticket x 1
Achieve 700,000 points All Star Gasha Ticket x 1
Achieve 800,000 points All Star Gasha Ticket x 1
Achieve 1,000,000 points All Star Gasha Ticket x 1
Achieve 1,500,000 points All Star Gasha Ticket x 5

Special login bonus

On the 1th day, All Star Gasha Ticket x 1
Time key: Age 760s B×1
On the 2th day, Cross memory "Extreme X device"
On the 3th day, AP instant recovery 500 AP
Awakening shoes x 3
3 Awakening Suits
Awakening Weight×3
On the 4th day, All Star Gasha Ticket x 1
On the 5th day, Cross fast completion gear
On the 6th day, AP Instant Recovery 500
Awakening Shoes/Strength x1
Awakening Doki/Strength x 1
Awakening Weight/Strength×1
On the 7th day, All Star Gasha Ticket x 1
On the 8th day, cross memory[Vivid death sentence] × 1
On the 9th day, AP immediate recovery 500×1
Awakening Shell x5
On the 10th day, All Star Gasha Ticket x 1
On the 11th day, AP Instant Recovery 500
King Star × 5
On the 12th day, Cross fast completion gear
On the 13th day, cross memory[Blue Hurricane! Bertha!!] × 1
On the 14th day, AP Instant Recovery 500
Satan's champion belt, copper

Time key

A special item "Time key" is required to operate the time machine. It is rarely available at the time key search stage.


Defeat the enemy and destroy the gate

You can reduce the gate gauge by defeating the enemy, and you can destroy the gate by setting the gauge to 0. When destroyed, the wave of the stage progresses and progresses from wave 1 to wave 2. The number of waves differs depending on the time key.

BP and points

Keepers defeat point The kill points for all the Keepers members and the points that can be earned when the stage is cleared are the Keepers points.
Individual destruction points Individual defeat points are points that can be obtained by defeating enemies. Depending on the individual defeat points you have collected, you will be able to receive luxurious rewards in event missions.
BP In Time Machine Quest, "BP" will be used for battle. "BP" is consumed only when a battle is won. BP will recover up to 10 the first time every day after login at XNUMXam. You can also buy using the Zeny at the shop.

Participant number bonus

1 x1
2-4 people x1.1
5-7 people x1.2
8-10 people x1.3
11-13 people x1.4
14-16 people x1.5
17-19 people x1.6
19-22 people x1.7
23-25 people x1.8
26-28 people x1.9
29-30 people x2

Z boost

You can apply Z boost by defeating "enemy". By applying Z Boost, you can raise the status of all the fellows on stage.

Feel free to ask questions of beginners, requests to the site, chatting to kill time.Anonymous is also welcome! !

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  1. Blue key clear reward XNUMXpt x participant number ratio
    Small fish XNUMXpt x participant size ratio x number of people
    Boss XNUMXpt x Participant ratio x Number of people

    Green key clear reward XNUMX pt x number of participants ratio
    Small fish XNUMXpt×Participant ratio×Number of people
    Boss XNUMXpt x participant size x number of people

    How to earn a lot of pt
    XNUMX. Increase the number of participants and increase the number of participants.
    XNUMX. Collect a lot of green keys at the event stage.
    XNUMX. By defeating multiple bosses at the same time, you can save green key and earn pt.
    XNUMX. Stop destroying the green key at the same time and get a lot of green key clear reward XNUMX pt

Team ranking (latest 2)

Character evaluation (during recruitment)

  • I feel like I'll be using it until UL Gohan comes out...
  • This Buu is the strongest and defeated the golfer.
  • Too much trash
  • Seriously, that's it...
  • I still think selfishness is broken.
  • Latest comments


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