Date published: 2021 May 06

Characters that can be replaced without being damaged by the special cover change of "rescue system" [Teleportation]

Editor: Master Roshi

Characters with rescue abilities can cut rescue combos with the first cover change without damaging allies.Rescue abilities are effective not only for hitting and shooting arts, but also for deadly, ultimate arts, and rising rush, so you can restrain your opponent just by having a rescue character on hand.

Because it is a powerful effect, the number of times it can be used in one battle is often limited to only once for the first time, and there are also disadvantages such as extending its own standby count after the effect is activated.

GRNSon Gohan and Son Goku can be used twice in one battle because they can be used more often with their main abilities.

Disable special cover change

There is a description of "special cover change" from Android No. 21, and it is targeted to be invalidated by the ability to invalidate the special cover change action.Detail isDisable cover change actionOn the page.If the condition is met but it does not activate, it may be disabled.

If you find a missing character, please report it to the manager in the comments.In the feature ranking, various feature summaries are summarized in a ranking format.Check out the abilities that are currently in the spotlight.

Feature ranking

HP: 2751k ATK: 339k DEF: 186k CRT: 5.12k KI: 2.34k uniqueOnly when the cover is changed for the first time, you can switch without receiving damage from your opponent. ZENKAI uniqueOnly during the first cover change, change the cover without taking damage from the opponent (can be activated during assist action) When the enemy changes while you are in play, the following effects will be activated.・You have 3 or fewer cards in your hand. In this case, randomly draw 1 card, recover 20 energy, increase the amount of physical strength recovered by 30% (10 counts), and give the enemy a "20% increase in damage taken" ability reduction effect ( 20 counts) ZENKAI Unique VIEach time you use a batting/shooting arts card, activate the following effects: - Recover your energy by 5 - Increase your own damage by 20% (10 counts) - Reduce the standby count of allies by 1 count (activated) (10 times) At the start of the battle, if one or more battle members other than yourself have "Tag: Android", "Tag: Regeneration", or "Tag: Future", the number of times you can use your own special cover change increase by 1
HP: 2461k ATK: 338k DEF: 167k CRT: 4.65k KI: 2.29k unique初回のカバーチェンジ時のみ、相手からダメージを受けずに交代する(アシストアクション時発動可) 自身の打撃・射撃アーツヒット時、以下の効果を発動する ・必殺アーツカードを次にドローする(発動回数1回) ・自身の気力を10回復 ・自身の与ダメージを5%アップ(消去不可)(発動回数6回) ・自身に敵が発動する「被ダメージカット」の効果を5%マイナスする能力強化効果を付与する(消去不可)(発動回数6回) ・敵に「被ダメージ15%アップ」の能力低下効果を与える(10カウント) ・敵に「体力被回復量20%ダウン」の能力低下効果を与える(10カウント) 敵がライジングラッシュを発動時、自身に以下の効果を発動する ・体力を25%回復(発動回数1回) ・待機カウントを10カウント短縮 場に出た時、戦闘不能なバトルメンバーがいると、自身に以下の効果を発動する ・体力を20%回復(発動回数3回) ・気力を20回復 MaineDraw the ultimate arts card "Final Flash" next time Recover 30% of your physical strength & recover 40 morale Increase your damage dealt by 20% (cannot be erased) Reduce your own hitting/shooting arts cost by 5 (cannot be erased) Increases the number of uses of your own special cover change by 1.
HP: 2735k ATK: 356k DEF: 197k CRT: 4.94k KI: 2.39k uniqueOnly the first cover change, it will be replaced without receiving damage from the opponent (can be activated at the time of assist action) After the effect is activated, the standby count of itself is extended by 2 counts.When one ally becomes incapacitated, activates the following effects on himself ・ Increases damage dealt by 1% (cannot be erased) ・ Grants the ability enhancement effect of "standby count shortened by 30 counts" ZENKAI uniqueOnly when changing cover for the first time, switch without taking damage from the opponent (can be activated during assist action) If one ally becomes incapacitated, activate the following effects on yourself ・Increase damage dealt by 1% (cannot be erased) ) ・ Adds the ability enhancement effect of ``waiting count is reduced by 30 counts'' (cannot be erased) MaineNext, draw the ultimate arts card "Excellent Full Course".Recovers 25% of your health and 60 of your energy. Increases your arts card draw speed by 1 level (30 counts) Increases the number of times you use your special cover change by 1. ZENKAI mainDraw the ultimate arts card "Excellent Full Course" next time Recover 25% of your physical strength & recover 60 morale Gradually recover your physical strength for each count (1 counts) Increase your arts card draw speed by one level Up (30 counts) Increases the number of uses of your own special cover change by 1
HP: 2762k ATK: 325k DEF: 212k CRT: 5.41k KI: 2.51k uniqueOnly at the time of the first cover change, it will be replaced without being damaged by the opponent (can be activated at the time of assist action) When it comes into play, for each battle member who can not fight, the following effects will be activated for itself ・ Physical strength 1 Recovers by% ・ Increases damage dealt by 10% (cannot be erased) ・ Increases ultimate damage dealt by 20% (cannot be erased) ZENKAI uniqueAt the start of the battle, if two battle members other than yourself have "Tag: GT", increase the number of uses of your special cover change by 2. At the start of the battle, the battle members other than yourself will have "Tag: GT ” or “Tag: Son Ichizoku” is organized by two people, gives yourself the ability-enhancing effect of “Reduces standby count by 1 count” (cannot be erased) When changing cover, change without receiving damage from the opponent Do (2 activation) (Can be activated during assist action) When on the battlefield, activate the following effects on yourself for each battle member who is unable to fight ・Recover physical strength by 1% ・Damage dealt by 1% Increases by 1 (cannot be erased) ・Increases ultimate damage by 10% (cannot be erased) This effect is reset when replaced ZENKAI uniqueAt the start of the battle, if two battle members other than yourself have "Tag: GT", increase the number of uses of your special cover change by 2. At the start of the battle, the battle members other than yourself will have "Tag: GT ” or “Tag: Son Ichizoku” is organized by two people, gives yourself the ability-enhancing effect of “Reduces standby count by 1 count” (cannot be erased) When changing cover, change without receiving damage from the opponent Do (2 activation) (Can be activated during assist action) When on the battlefield, activate the following effects on yourself for each battle member who is unable to fight ・Recover physical strength by 1% ・Damage dealt by 1% Increases by 1 (cannot be erased) ・Increases ultimate damage by 10% (cannot be erased) This effect is reset when replaced
HP: 2581k ATK: 319k DEF: 176k CRT: 4.56k KI: 2.49k uniqueOnly at the first cover change, it will be replaced without receiving damage from the opponent. After the effect is activated, your own hit damage will be increased by 20% (15 counts) & the standby count will be extended by 5 counts. ZENKAI uniqueOnly at the time of the first cover change, it changes without receiving damage from the opponent (can be activated at the time of assist action) After the effect is activated, own hit damage is increased by 20% (15 counts) MaineDraw the ultimate arts card "Blast Rush" next time Increase the number of times "Cover: Rescue" is used ZENKAI mainDraw the ultimate arts card "Explosion Rush" next. Recover 20% of your own health & recover 50 energy. Increase the number of times you use "Cover: Rescue" by 1.
HP: 2784k ATK: 283k DEF: 251k CRT: 4.52k KI: 2.61k uniqueOnly at the first cover change, after activating the effect of changing without receiving damage from the opponent, the standby count of yourself is extended by 3 counts When you are in play, the following effect will be activated for yourself when the enemy changes. Increases damage dealt by 20% (15 counts) ・ Increases ultimate damage dealt by 10% (cannot be erased) ・ Increases 1 dragon ball (1 activation) ZENKAI uniqueOnly at the time of the first cover change, it changes without receiving damage from the opponent (can be activated at the time of assist action) After the effect is activated, your own standby count is extended by 2 counts When you are in play, when the enemy changes, you will be replaced Activate the following effects ・ Increase the damage dealt by 20% (15 counts) ・ Increase the ultimate damage dealt by 10% (cannot be erased) ・ Increase the dragon ball by 1 (1 activation count)
HP: 2243k ATK: 236k DEF: 135k CRT: 3.69k KI: 2.54k uniqueOnly when the cover is changed for the first time, you can switch without receiving damage from your opponent. MaineIncreases the number of times "Cover: Rescue" is used. Draws a special arts card next. Increases your shooting damage by 1% (30 counts).
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  • I feel like I'll be using it until UL Gohan comes out...
  • This Buu is the strongest and defeated the golfer.
  • Too much trash
  • Seriously, that's it...
  • I still think selfishness is broken.
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