Date published: 2021 May 06

Character with shooting armor playing shooting arts

Editor: Master Roshi

It is a summary of characters with shooting armor.Shooting armor is an ability that allows you to rush while playing the opponent's shooting armor.It is set not only for hitting arts but also for special, deadly, and ultimate arts.

It is necessary to note that even with the same bullet system, special arts and ultimate arts cannot be prevented and even if you play shooting arts, you will be damaged.

There is a possibility that you can get the right to attack just by matching the shooting armor with the opponent's shooting arts, but if the timing is bad such as far away, it may be avoided by the vanishing step.

If you find a missing character, please report it to the manager in the comments.In the feature ranking, various feature summaries are summarized in a ranking format.Check out the abilities that are currently in the spotlight.

Feature ranking

HP: 2573k ATK: 318k DEF: 217k CRT: 4.95k KI: 2.41k ultimate敵に衝撃属性の特大ダメージを与える。 発動時、自身の究極与ダメージを40%アップ(3カウント) ヒット時、敵全体に以下の効果を発動する ・「体力被回復量50%ダウン」の能力低下効果を与える(15カウント) ・「KI RESTORE50%ダウン」の能力低下効果を与える(15カウント) ・「全アーツコスト3アップ」の能力低下効果を与える(15カウント) ・「待機カウント3カウント延長」の能力低下効果を与える(15カウント) ※突進時射撃アーマー
HP: 2459k ATK: 283k DEF: 249k CRT: 4.84k KI: 2.31k DeadlyDeals large impact damage to the enemy. When activated, increases your special damage by 40% (3 counts) When hit, activates the following effects - Discards all cards in the enemy's hand - Gives all enemies an ability reduction effect of "all arts cost increased by 5" * Shooting armor when charging ultimateDeals huge impact damage to the enemy. When activated, increases your ultimate damage by 50% (3 counts) Furthermore, if there is a battle member who is unable to fight, all enemies will be prohibited from being replaced (5 counts) When hit, activates the following effects on yourself・Increases the next deadly damage dealt by 100% (cannot be erased) ・Increases the damage dealt by the next activated batting arts by 100% (cannot be erased) ・Increases the damage dealt by the next activated shooting arts by 100% (cannot be erased) (Not allowed) * Shooting armor when charging
HP: 2817k ATK: 319k DEF: 240k CRT: 4.88k KI: 2.37k ZENKAI UltimateDeals huge impact damage to the enemy. When hit, activates the following effects: - Recovers ally's physical strength by 20% & energy by 50 - Gives the enemy an ability reduction effect of "arts card draw speed down by 1 level" (15 counts) - Enemy's ability enhancement effect *Delete shooting armor when charging
HP: 2443k ATK: 299k DEF: 217k CRT: 4.87k KI: 2.21k DeadlySaturday Crash Deals huge impact damage to enemies. When activated, increases your special damage by 30% (3 counts) When hit, seals one enemy's hand slot at random. Sealed hand slots cannot be used for a certain number of counts (1 counts) * Shooting armor when charging ultimateDeals huge impact damage to the enemy. When activated, activates the following effects: - Increases your ultimate damage by 70% (3 counts) - Gives all enemies an ability reduction effect of "arts card draw speed down by 1 stage" (30 counts) - All enemies Adds 5 standby counts * Shooting armor when charging
HP: 2431k ATK: 331k DEF: 237k CRT: 5k KI: 2.3k BlowWhen hit, gives the enemy a "10% increase in damage taken" ability reduction effect (15 counts) * Shooting armor when charging DeadlyDeals huge slashing damage to the enemy. When activated, activates the following effects: ・Increases your special damage by 50% (3 counts) ・Gives the enemy a "50% reduction in physical strength recovery amount" ability reduction effect (10 counts) When hit, the enemy 100% chance of inflicting extreme bleeding * Shooting armor when charging ultimateDeals huge explosive damage to the enemy. When activated, activates the following effects on yourself - Increases ultimate damage by 50% (3 counts) - Disables the enemy's "Recover physical strength when physical strength reaches 0" effect when attacking yourself (3 counts) ・Gives an ability strengthening effect that reduces the effect of "damage cut" activated by the enemy by 30% (3 counts) When hit, part of the damage dealt is also given to the enemy's backup members (reserve (Members will not become incapacitated) * Shooting armor when charging
HP: 2372k ATK: 298k DEF: 234k CRT: 5.02k KI: 2.43k ultimateDeals huge impact damage to the enemy. When activated, increases your ultimate damage by 50% (3 counts) When hit, activates the following effects - Discards all cards in the enemy's hand - Gives all enemies a 20% increase in damage taken ability reduction effect (30 counts) ・Gives all enemies the ability reduction effect of "hitting, shooting, special arts cost 10 up" (30 counts) * Shooting armor when charging
HP: 2524k ATK: 280k DEF: 265k CRT: 5k KI: 2.47k ultimate敵に爆発属性の特大ダメージを与える。 発動時、自身に以下の効果を発動する ・バニシングゲージを100%回復 ・究極与ダメージを50%アップ(3カウント) ・敵が発動する「被ダメージカット」の効果を20%マイナスする能力強化効果を付与する(3カウント) ・自身の攻撃時、敵の「体力が0になった時、体力を回復する」効果を無効化する(3カウント) 【ユニークゲージが最大の場合に使用時】 発動時、自身のユニークゲージを全て消費し、以下の効果を発動する ・自身の究極与ダメージを70%アップ(3カウント)(消去不可) ・敵全体に交代禁止を付与する(3カウント) ※突進時射撃アーマー BlowShooting Armor Character Strike
HP: 2817k ATK: 383k DEF: 213k CRT: 5.31k KI: 2.77k Deadly after transformationWhen activated to inflict extraordinary impact damage on the enemy, it activates the following effects on itself ・ Increases the damage dealt by 20% (20 counts) ・ Strengthens the ability to reduce the effect of the "damage cut" activated by the enemy by 50% Gives effect (3 counts) Shooting armor when rushing Makeover ZENKAI SpecialDeals huge impact damage to the enemy. When activated, activates the following effects on yourself ・Increases damage dealt by 20% (20 counts) ・Gives an ability strengthening effect that reduces the effect of "damage cut" activated by the enemy by 50% (3 counts) Hit When, randomly discard 2 cards from enemy's hand * Shooting armor when charging
HP: 2445k ATK: 299k DEF: 243k CRT: 4.78k KI: 2.24k BlowWhen hit, gives an ability-enhancing effect that reduces the effect of "damage cut" that the enemy activates by 10% (10 counts) * Shooting armor when charging DeadlyDeals huge impact damage to the enemy. When activated, activates the following effects on yourself - If you have 3 or fewer cards in your hand, randomly draw up to 2 cards - Recovers 20 energy - Recovers 70% of Vanishing Gauge - Increases special damage by 30% (3 counts) * Shooting armor when charging specialWhen activated, activates the following effects on yourself ・Increases damage dealt by 20% (10 counts) ・Gives a status strengthening effect that nullifies special actions that are activated when the enemy changes cover (10 counts) ・When the enemy Adds a status strengthening effect that nullifies the effect of the activated "discard hand" (10 counts) - Increases the number of Dragon Balls by 1 (activation number of times) When hit, activates the following effects on yourself - Blow arts card Next draw ・Recover 2 energy [Arts that can be pursued] ・Blow arts ・Shooting arts ・Special arts ・Special arts ・Ultimate arts * Shooting armor when charging
HP: 2445k ATK: 317k DEF: 243k CRT: 5.08k KI: 2.39k BlowReduces enemy's morale by 30 when hit *Rush armor Deadly敵に衝撃属性の特大ダメージを与える。 発動時、敵全体に「体力被回復量70%ダウン」の能力低下効果を与える(10カウント) 発動時、自身の手札を全て破棄する 破棄したアーツカードの枚数に応じて、自身に以下の効果を発動する 0枚:必殺与ダメージを30%アップ(3カウント) 1枚:必殺与ダメージを40%アップ(3カウント)&気力を30回復 2枚以上:必殺与ダメージを60%アップ(3カウント)&気力を50回復 ※突進時射撃アーマー
HP: 2689k ATK: 334k DEF: 236k CRT: 4.76k KI: 2.46k ZENKAI SpecialDeals huge impact damage to the enemy. When activated, increases your special damage by 30% (3 counts) When hit, gives the enemy a "30% increase in damage taken" ability reduction effect (15 counts) * Shooting armor when charging ZENKAI UltimateDeals huge impact damage to the enemy. When activated, activates the following effects: - Increases own ultimate damage by 50% (3 counts) - Nullifies own attribute compatibility disadvantage (3 counts) - Eliminates enemy's ability enhancement & status enhancement * Shoots when charging armor
HP: 2445k ATK: 276k DEF: 252k CRT: 4.79k KI: 2.37k DeadlyDeals huge impact damage to the enemy. When activated, activates the following effects: ・Increases your special damage by 50% (3 counts) ・Reduces the standby count of allies by 3 counts * Shooting armor when charging ultimateDeals huge impact damage to the enemy. When activated, activates the following effects on yourself ・Increases ultimate damage dealt by 40% (3 counts) ・Gives an ability strengthening effect that reduces the effect of "damage cut" activated by the enemy by 20% (3 counts) When hit, there is a 30% chance to stun the enemy. * Shooting armor when charging
HP: 2575k ATK: 312k DEF: 243k CRT: 4.96k KI: 2.34k DeadlyDeals huge impact damage to the enemy. When activated, activates the following effects: -Recovers 30 of your energy. -Seals one random enemy hand slot. Sealed hand slots cannot be used for a certain number of counts (1 counts). When hit, activates the following effects:・Draw a special arts card next time (activated once) ・Add 10 standby counts to all enemies * Shooting armor when charging ultimate敵に衝撃属性の特大ダメージを与える。 発動時、自身に以下の効果を発動する ・気力を30回復 ・攻撃時、敵の「体力が0になった時、体力を回復する」効果を無効化する(3カウント) さらに、生存している敵バトルメンバーの人数に応じて、自身に以下の効果を発動する 3人:究極与ダメージを20%アップ(3カウント) 2人:究極与ダメージを40%アップ(3カウント) 1人:究極与ダメージを70%アップ(3カウント) ヒット時、以下の効果を発動する ・特殊アーツカードを次にドローする(発動回数1回) ・与えたダメージの半分を敵の控えメンバーにも与える(控えメンバーは戦闘不能にならない) ※突進時射撃アーマー
HP: 2445k ATK: 342k DEF: 203k CRT: 4.8k KI: 2.25k DeadlyDeals huge impact damage to the enemy. When activated, activates the following effects: ・Increases your special damage by 40% (3 counts) ・Gives the enemy a "20% increase in damage received" ability reduction effect (20 counts) When hit, the enemy's shooting arts Sealed arts that seal cannot be used for a certain count (5 counts) * Shooting armor when charging ultimateDeals huge impact damage to the enemy. When activated, activates the following effects on yourself ・Increases ultimate damage dealt by 40% (3 counts) ・Gives an ability strengthening effect that reduces the effect of "damage cut" activated by the enemy by 20% (3 counts) When hit, activates the following effects - Reduces the enemy's energy by 70 - Gives all enemies a "30% increase in damage taken" ability reduction effect (20 counts) * Shooting armor when charging
HP: 2524k ATK: 288k DEF: 264k CRT: 4.84k KI: 2.35k ultimateInflicts huge impact damage on the enemy. When activated, activates the following effects on yourself - Increases ultimate damage by 50% (3 counts) - When attacking, nullifies the enemy's "Recover physical strength when physical strength reaches 0" effect (3 Count) If your own unique gauge is at the maximum value, when activated, nullify your own attribute compatibility disadvantage (3 counts) * Shooting armor when charging
HP: 2759k ATK: 284k DEF: 271k CRT: 5.17k KI: 2.46k specialWhen activated, activates the following effects on itself ・ Recovers 50 energy ・ Increases damage dealt by 20% (15 counts) ・ Gives a state strengthening effect that invalidates the dedicated action that the enemy activates at the time of cover change (10) Count) When hit, activate the following effects ・ Destroy all the enemy's hand ・ Eliminate the enemy's ability enhancement effect (2 activations) [Pursuitable arts] ・ Blow arts ・ Shooting arts ・ Special arts ・ Special arts・ Ultimate Arts * Shooting armor during rush ultimateInflicts extraordinary impact damage on enemies.When activated, activates the following effects on itself ・ Increases the ultimate damage dealt by 50% (3 counts) ・ Gives the ability enhancement effect that deducts the effect of the "damage cut" activated by the enemy by 100% (3 counts) -When attacking yourself, invalidate the enemy's "recover health when health becomes 0" effect (3 counts) * Shooting armor when rushing ZENKAI specialWhen activated, activates the following effects on itself. ・Recover 50 energy ・Increases damage dealt by 30% (20 counts) ・Gives a status strengthening effect that nullifies the special action that is activated when the enemy changes cover (10 counts) When hit, activates the following effects ・Discard all cards in enemy's hand ・Erase the enemy's ability enhancement effect (activated 3 times) [Arts that can be pursued] ・Blowing Arts ・Shooting arts ・Special arts ・Special Arts ・Ultimate Arts * Shooting armor when charging ZENKAI UltimateInflicts extraordinary impact damage on enemies.When activated, activates the following effects on itself ・ Increases the ultimate damage dealt by 50% (3 counts) ・ Gives the ability enhancement effect that reduces the effect of the "damage cut" activated by the enemy by 100% (3 counts) -When attacking yourself, invalidate the enemy's "recover health when health becomes 0" effect (3 counts) * Shooting armor when rushing BlowShooting Armor Character Strike
HP: 2309k ATK: 238k DEF: 246k CRT: 5.18k KI: 2.8k Deadly敵に爆発属性の大ダメージを与える。 発動時、自身に以下の効果から1~3つをランダムで発動する ・与ダメージを50%アップ(10カウント) ・与ダメージを50%アップ(10カウント) ・与ダメージを50%アップ(10カウント) ヒット時、敵全体に「被ダメージ15%アップ」の能力低下効果を与える(10カウント) ※突進時射撃アーマー
HP: 2524k ATK: 330k DEF: 228k CRT: 5.1k KI: 2.37k DeadlyDeals huge impact damage to the enemy. When activated, activates the following effects on itself. ・Recovers 30 energy ・Increases special damage by 35% (3 counts) (cannot be erased) When hit, discard all special arts cards in the enemy's hand. * Shooting armor when charging ultimateInflicts huge impact damage on the enemy. When activated, activates the following effects: ・Increase your ultimate damage by 50% (3 counts) (cannot be erased) ・Recovers 70% of own unique gauge ・Gives you an ability strengthening effect that reduces the effect of the enemy's "damage cut" by 20% (3 counts) ・Seal the enemy's rising rush (10 counts) Furthermore, if there is a battle member who is unable to fight, his own attribute compatibility disadvantage will be nullified (3 counts) (cannot be erased) * Shooting armor when charging
HP: 3145k ATK: 338k DEF: 236k CRT: 5.03k KI: 2.35k ultimateCauses extraordinary impact damage to enemies.When activated, activates the following effects on itself ・ Increases the ultimate damage dealt by 50% (3 counts) ・ Gives the ability enhancement effect that reduces the effect of the "damage cut" activated by the enemy by 50% (3 counts) -When attacking yourself, invalidate the enemy's "recover health when health becomes 0" effect (3 counts) * Shooting armor when rushing ZENKAI UltimateDeals huge impact damage to the enemy.When activated, activates the following effects on yourself ・Increases ultimate damage dealt by 50% (3 counts) ・Gives an ability strengthening effect that reduces the effect of "damage cut" activated by the enemy by 50% (3 counts)・During your own attack, nullify the enemy's "Recover your physical strength when your physical strength reaches 0" effect (3 counts) * Shooting armor when charging
HP: 2575k ATK: 311k DEF: 223k CRT: 5.07k KI: 2.39k BlowWhen hit, gives an ability-enhancing effect that reduces the effect of "damage cut" that the enemy activates by 10% (10 counts) * Shooting armor when charging Deadly■孫悟空【不屈のかめはめ波】 敵に衝撃属性の特大ダメージを与える。 発動時、自身に以下の効果を発動する ・必殺与ダメージを50%アップ(3カウント) ・攻撃時、敵の「体力が0になった時、体力を回復する」効果を無効化する(3カウント) ヒット時、敵の特殊アーツを封印する 封印されたアーツは一定カウント使用できない(5カウント) ※突進時射撃アーマー ■バーダック【リベンジャーカタパルト】 敵に衝撃属性の特大ダメージを与える。 発動時、自身に以下の効果を発動する ・必殺与ダメージを50%アップ(3カウント) ・攻撃時、敵の「体力が0になった時、体力を回復する」効果を無効化する(3カウント) ヒット時、敵の必殺アーツを封印する 封印されたアーツは一定カウント使用できない(5カウント) ※突進時射撃アーマー
HP: 2814k ATK: 383k DEF: 198k CRT: 5.14k KI: 2.43k DeadlyCauses extraordinary impact damage to enemies.When activated, increase your own special damage by 15% (3 counts) When hit, grant yourself the ability enhancement effect of "shortening the standby count by 5 counts" (cannot be duplicated) This effect is reset when changing * Shooting armor during rush ultimateCauses extraordinary impact damage to enemies.When activated, activates the following effects on itself ・ Gives the ability enhancement effect that deducts the effect of "damage cut" activated by the enemy by 100% (3 counts) ・ When activated, the enemy's "health is 0" Disables the effect of "Recovers health when it becomes" (10 counts) * Shooting armor when rushing ZENKAI SpecialDeals huge impact damage to the enemy.When activated, increase your special damage by 20% (3 counts) When hit, activate the following effects - Give yourself the ability strengthening effect of "reducing standby count by 5 counts" (cannot be duplicated) When switching, This effect will be reset. ・Gives the enemy a "15% reduction in the amount of physical strength recovered" ability reduction effect (10 counts) * Shooting armor when charging ZENKAI UltimateDeals huge impact damage to the enemy.When activated, activates the following effects on yourself - Gives an ability strengthening effect that reduces the effect of "damage cut" activated by the enemy by 100% (3 counts) - When attacking yourself, the enemy's "stamina is 0" Disables the effect of "recovers physical strength when
HP: 2409k ATK: 255k DEF: 242k CRT: 5.02k KI: 2.39k DeadlyDeals large impact damage to the enemy.When activated, activates the following effects: ・Increases your special damage by 30% (3 counts) ・Gives yourself the ability strengthening effect of “reducing standby count by 5 counts” (10 counts) (cannot be duplicated) ・Reduces ally's standby count by 1 count * Shooting armor when charging
HP: 2814k ATK: 383k DEF: 199k CRT: 4.81k KI: 2.22k ultimateCauses extraordinary explosive damage to enemies.When activated, activates the following effects on itself ・ Increases the ultimate damage dealt by 20% (3 counts) ・ Gives the ability enhancement effect that deducts the effect of the "damage cut" activated by the enemy by 100% (3 counts) When hit, discard all enemy's hand * Shooting armor when rushing ZENKAI UltimateDeals huge explosive damage to the enemy.When activated, activates the following effects on yourself ・Increases ultimate damage dealt by 20% (3 counts) ・Gives an ability strengthening effect that reduces the effect of "damage cut" activated by the enemy by 100% (3 counts)・Gives a status strengthening effect that nullifies the effect of "discard hand" activated by the enemy (30 counts) When hit, discards all cards in the enemy's hand * Shooting armor when charging
HP: 2437k ATK: 349k DEF: 202k CRT: 4.74k KI: 2.26k ultimateDeals huge impact damage to the enemy.When hit, activates the following effects: ・Applies paralysis to the enemy with a 100% chance ・Gives all enemies the ability reduction effect of "Special/Ultimate/Awakening Arts Power Down 30%" (10 counts) ・All enemies Gives an ability reduction effect of "arts card draw speed down by 1 stage" (10 counts) - Gives an ability reduction effect of "all arts cost up 5" to all enemies (10 counts) - Gives an ability reduction effect of "all arts cost increases by 2" to all enemies (10 counts) - Gives a "standby count of XNUMX" to all enemies Gives ability reduction effect of "Count extension" (XNUMX counts) * Shooting armor when charging
HP: 2638k ATK: 260k DEF: 255k CRT: 4.95k KI: 2.39k DeadlyDeals huge impact damage to the enemy.When hit, activates the following effects on the enemy - Gives the ability reduction effect of "extends the standby count by 5 counts" (15 counts) - Forcibly replaces * Shooting armor when charging
HP: 2723k ATK: 370k DEF: 229k CRT: 4.9k KI: 2.26k DeadlyDeals huge impact damage to the enemy.When activated, activates the following effects on yourself - Recovers 70% of the vanishing gauge (3 activations) - Increases special damage by 30% (3 counts) [When used when the unique gauge is at maximum] When activated, Activate the following effects on yourself ・Draw 1 card at random ・Increase the number of Dragon Balls by 1 (3 activations) ・Apply an ability strengthening effect that reduces the effect of "damage cut" activated by the enemy by 30% Grant (3 counts) * Shooting armor when charging Deadly after transformation敵に衝撃属性の特大ダメージを与える。 発動時、自身に以下の効果を発動する ・バニシングゲージを70%回復(発動回数3回) ・必殺与ダメージを40%アップ(3カウント) ・攻撃時、敵の「体力が0になった時、体力を回復する」効果を無効化する(3カウント) 【ユニークゲージが最大の場合に使用時】 発動時、自身のユニークゲージを全て消費し、自身に以下の効果を発動する ・カードをランダムに1枚ドローする ・ドラゴンボールを1つ増やす ・敵が発動する「被ダメージカット」の効果を30%マイナスする能力強化効果を付与する(3カウント) ※突進時射撃アーマー BlowShooting Armor Character Strike Blow after transformationShooting Armor Character Strike
HP: 2579k ATK: 343k DEF: 217k CRT: 4.95k KI: 2.44k BlowWhen hit, reduce all arts costs by 3 (4 counts) * Shooting armor when charging Deadlyベジータ「オーバードライブシュート」 敵に衝撃属性の特大ダメージを与える。 発動時、自身に以下の効果を発動する ・必殺与ダメージを30%アップ(3カウント)(消去不可) ・敵が発動する「被ダメージカット」の効果を20%マイナスする能力強化効果を付与する(3カウント) ・チェンジゲージを20%増加 ・自身の攻撃時、敵の「体力が0になった時、体力を回復する」効果を無効化する(3カウント) ※突進時射撃アーマー 孫悟空「オーバードライブブロー」 敵に衝撃属性の特大ダメージを与える。 発動時、自身に以下の効果を発動する ・必殺与ダメージを30%アップ(3カウント)(消去不可) ・敵が発動する「被ダメージカット」の効果を20%マイナスする能力強化効果を付与する(3カウント) ・チェンジゲージを20%増加 ・自身の攻撃時、敵の「体力が0になった時、体力を回復する」効果を無効化する(3カウント) ※突進時射撃アーマー
HP: 2690k ATK: 350k DEF: 255k CRT: 5k KI: 2.29k BlowWhen hit, grants the ability enhancement effect that increases the effect of "damage cut" that the enemy activates by 10% (10 counts) * Shooting armor at the time of rush ultimateInflicts extraordinary impact damage on enemies.When activated, activates the following effects on yourself ・ Increases the ultimate damage dealt by 40% (3 counts) ・ When attacking yourself, negates the effect of the enemy's "recovers health when health becomes 0" (3 counts) When hit, part of the damage done is also given to the enemy's reserve member (the reserve member does not become incapacitated) * Shooting armor at the time of rush ZENKAI UltimateInflicts huge impact damage on the enemy.When activated, activates the following effects on yourself - Increases ultimate damage by 50% (3 counts) - Disables the enemy's "Recover physical strength when physical strength reaches 0" effect when attacking yourself (3 counts) When hit, part of the damage dealt is also given to the enemy's standby members (standby members are not incapacitated) * Shooting armor when charging
HP: 2607k ATK: 280k DEF: 270k CRT: 5.07k KI: 2.41k Blow after transformationShooting Armor Character Strike
HP: 2609k ATK: 330k DEF: 229k CRT: 5k KI: 2.29k BlowWhen hit, there is a 30% chance to inflict extreme bleeding on the enemy. * Shooting armor when charging DeadlyDeals huge slashing damage to the enemy.When activated, increases your special damage by 40% (5 counts) When hit, activates the following effects on the enemy - Gives an ability reduction effect of "20% increase in damage taken" (15 counts) - Seals special arts Sealed arts cannot be used for a certain number of counts (10 counts) - 100% chance of inflicting extreme bleeding * Shooting armor when charging ultimateInflicts huge slashing damage on the enemy.When activated, activates the following effects on yourself - Increases ultimate damage by 20% (cannot be erased) (activates twice) - Disables the enemy's "recover physical strength when it reaches 2" effect (0 counts) When hit, activates the following effects - Reduces enemy's energy by 3 - Gives extreme bleeding to all enemies with a 60% chance * Shooting armor when charging
HP: 2719k ATK: 340k DEF: 194k CRT: 4.88k KI: 2.51k specialWhen hit, activate the following effects ・ Give the enemy incapacity ・ Increase your own damage by 20% (10 counts) ・ Cut your next damage taken by 25% (cannot be duplicated) Until the end of the combo This effect is applied * Shooting armor during rush ZENKAI specialWhen hit, activates the following effects: - Increases own damage by 25% (15 counts) - Cuts next damage received by 25% (cannot be duplicated) (continues until enemy combo ends) - Acts on enemy Grants incapacity * Shooting armor when charging
HP: 2506k ATK: 303k DEF: 237k CRT: 4.73k KI: 2.19k Deadly敵に衝撃属性の特大ダメージを与える。 発動時、以下の効果を発動する ・自身の必殺与ダメージを30%アップ(3カウント) ・敵に「体力被回復量30%ダウン」の能力低下効果を与える(10カウント) ヒット時、敵全体に以下の効果を発動する ・「待機カウント2カウント延長」の能力低下効果を与える(20カウント) ・「体力被回復量50%ダウン」の能力低下効果を与える(20カウント) ・「KI RESTORE50%ダウン」の能力低下効果を与える(20カウント) ・「全アーツコスト3アップ」の能力低下効果を与える(20カウント) ※突進時射撃アーマー ultimate敵に衝撃属性の特大ダメージを与える。 発動時、自身に以下の効果を発動する ・究極与ダメージを40%アップ(3カウント) ・自身の攻撃時、敵の「体力が0になった時、体力を回復する」効果を無効化する(3カウント) ヒット時、敵全体に以下の効果を発動する ・「待機カウント2カウント延長」の能力低下効果を与える(20カウント) ・「体力被回復量50%ダウン」の能力低下効果を与える(20カウント) ・「KI RESTORE50%ダウン」の能力低下効果を与える(20カウント) ・「全アーツコスト3アップ」の能力低下効果を与える(20カウント) ※突進時射撃アーマー
HP: 2545k ATK: 273k DEF: 254k CRT: 4.85k KI: 2.26k ultimateDeals huge impact damage to the enemy.When activated, activates the following effects on yourself ・Increases ultimate damage dealt by 40% (3 counts) ・Gives an ability strengthening effect that reduces the effect of "damage cut" activated by the enemy by 50% (3 counts) When hit, activates the following effects on the enemy - Reduces energy by 60 - Discards all cards in hand * Shooting armor when charging
HP: 2442k ATK: 319k DEF: 224k CRT: 4.82k KI: 2.22k DeadlyDeals huge impact damage to the enemy.When activated, increase your special damage by 30% (3 counts) Furthermore, if there is a battle member who is unable to fight, you will be given an ability strengthening effect that will reduce the effect of the enemy's "damage cut" by 30%. Do (3 counts) * Shooting armor when charging ultimateDeals huge impact damage to the enemy.When activated, activates the following effects on yourself - Increases ultimate damage by 30% (3 counts) - Disables the enemy's "recover physical strength when physical strength reaches 0" effect when attacking yourself (3 counts) When hit, discard all cards in enemy's hand * Shooting armor when charging BlowShooting Armor Character Strike
HP: 2979k ATK: 255k DEF: 187k CRT: 4.84k KI: 2.22k ultimateDeals huge impact damage to the enemy.When activated, activates the following effects on yourself ・Increases ultimate damage by 50% (3 counts) ・Removes ability reduction When hit, activates the following effects ・Transfers a portion of the damage dealt to the enemy's backup members Also gives (backup members will not become incapacitated) - Eliminates the enemy's ability enhancement effect * Shooting armor when charging
HP: 2588k ATK: 364k DEF: 206k CRT: 4.94k KI: 2.34k ultimateDeals huge impact damage to the enemy.When activated, activate the following effects: - If you have 3 or fewer cards in your hand, randomly draw up to 3 cards - Increase your ultimate damage by 50% (3 counts) - When attacking yourself, Disables the enemy's "recover physical strength when the physical strength reaches 0" effect (3 counts) - Reduces the standby count of allies by 2 counts In addition, if there is a battle member who is unable to fight, the enemy will activate on himself. Adds an ability strengthening effect that reduces the effect of "damage cut" by 50% (3 counts) * Shooting armor when charging
HP: 2374k ATK: 348k DEF: 227k CRT: 4.64k KI: 2.34k Deadly敵に衝撃属性の特大ダメージを与える。 ※突進時射撃アーマー 【ユニークゲージが最大の場合に使用時】 発動時、自身のユニークゲージを全て消費し、以下の効果を発動する ・自身の体力を15%回復 ・自身の必殺与ダメージを50%アップ(3カウント) ・敵の気力を100減少 ・敵のドラゴンボールを1つ減らす ヒット時、戦闘不能なバトルメンバーがいると、自身のユニークゲージを50%増加 【ユニークゲージが100%未満の場合に使用時】 発動時、以下の効果を発動する ・自身の必殺与ダメージを30%アップ(3カウント) ・敵の気力を30減少 specialジャイアントスイング 【追撃可能アーツ】 ・打撃アーツ ・射撃アーツ ・特殊アーツ ・必殺アーツ ・究極アーツ ※突進時射撃アーマー 【ユニークゲージが最大の場合に使用時】 発動時、自身のユニークゲージを全て消費し、自身に以下の効果を発動する ・気力を50回復 ・与ダメージを30%アップ(15カウント) ヒット時、自身に以下の効果を発動する ・打撃アーツカードを次にドローする(発動回数1回) ・アーツカードドロー速度を1段階アップ(10カウント) ・次に発動する打撃アーツの与ダメージを100%アップ(重複不可) ・敵がカバーチェンジ時に発動する専用のアクションを無効化する状態強化効果を付与する(10カウント) さらに、戦闘不能なバトルメンバーがいると、自身のユニークゲージを50%増加 【ユニークゲージが100%未満の場合に使用時】 発動時、自身に以下の効果を発動する ・気力を30回復 ・与ダメージを20%アップ(15カウント) ヒット時、自身に以下の効果を発動する ・アーツカードドロー速度を1段階アップ(5カウント) ・次に発動する打撃アーツの与ダメージを30%アップ(重複不可) ・敵がカバーチェンジ時に発動する専用のアクションを無効化する状態強化効果を付与する(5カウント) ultimate敵に衝撃属性の特大ダメージを与える。 ※突進時射撃アーマー 【ユニークゲージが最大の場合に使用時】 発動時、自身のユニークゲージを全て消費し、以下の効果を発動する ・自身の究極与ダメージを40%アップ(3カウント) ・自身に敵が発動する「被ダメージカット」の効果を100%マイナスする能力強化効果を付与する(3カウント) ・自身の攻撃時、敵の「体力が0になった時、体力を回復する」効果を無効化する(3カウント) ・敵全体に交代禁止を付与する(3カウント) ヒット時、戦闘不能なバトルメンバーがいると、自身のユニークゲージを50%増加 【ユニークゲージが100%未満の場合に使用時】 発動時、自身に以下の効果を発動する ・究極与ダメージを30%アップ(3カウント) ・敵が発動する「被ダメージカット」の効果を50%マイナスする能力強化効果を付与する(3カウント) ・攻撃時、敵の「体力が0になった時、体力を回復する」効果を無効化する(3カウント) BlowShooting Armor Character Strike
HP: 2772k ATK: 346k DEF: 235k CRT: 5.07k KI: 2.42k ultimateCauses extraordinary impact damage to enemies.When activated, activates the following effects on itself ・ Increases the ultimate damage dealt by 20% (3 counts) ・ Gives the ability enhancement effect that reduces the effect of the "damage cut" activated by the enemy by 50% (3 counts) * Shooting armor during rush ZENKAI specialWhen activated, recovers 40 of your own energy.When hit, activates the following effects-Draw a shooting arts card next time-Gives all enemies a "25% increase in damage taken" ability reduction effect (20 counts)-Allies Reduces the standby count of 3 counts (3 activations) [Pursuitable arts] ・Blowing arts ・Shooting arts ・Special arts ・Special arts ・Ultimate arts * Shooting armor when charging ZENKAI UltimateInflicts a large amount of shock-attribute damage on the enemy.When activated, activates the following effects on yourself ・Increases ultimate damage dealt by 20% (3 counts) ・Gives an ability-enhancing effect that reduces the effect of "damage cut" activated by the enemy by 70% (3 counts) *Rush shooting armor
HP: 2452k ATK: 326k DEF: 220k CRT: 4.81k KI: 2.37k DeadlyDeals huge impact damage to the enemy.When hit, activates the following effects: - Increases own resurrection probability by 10% (cannot be erased) - Blinds the enemy's hand (5 counts) Arts cards in the hand are shuffled, and during the effect period, the arts cards are Becomes prone * Shooting armor when charging
HP: 2549k ATK: 261k DEF: 258k CRT: 4.92k KI: 2.46k Deadly【リクーム】ウルトラファイティングボンバー 敵に爆発属性の特大ダメージを与える。 発動時、自身に以下の効果を発動する ・与ダメージを20%アップ(15カウント) ・必殺与ダメージを20%アップ(3カウント) ヒット時、自身の手札を全て破棄し、カードをランダムに3枚ドローする ※突進時射撃アーマー 【グルド】金縛りアタック 敵に衝撃属性の特大ダメージを与える。 発動時、自身に以下の効果を発動する ・与ダメージを20%アップ(15カウント) ・必殺与ダメージを20%アップ(3カウント) ヒット時、自身の手札を全て破棄し、カードをランダムに3枚ドローする ※突進時射撃アーマー
HP: 2483k ATK: 354k DEF: 204k CRT: 4.5k KI: 2.22k Deadly【ジース】クラッシャーボール 敵に衝撃属性の特大ダメージを与える。 発動時、自身の必殺与ダメージを30%アップ(3カウント) ヒット時、以下の効果を発動する ・自身のチェンジゲージを60%増加 ・敵に「アーツカードドロー速度1段階ダウン」の能力低下効果を与える(15カウント) 【バータ】パープルコメットクラッシュ 敵に爆発属性の特大ダメージを与える。 発動時、自身の必殺与ダメージを30%アップ(3カウント) ヒット時、以下の効果を発動する ・自身のチェンジゲージを60%増加 ・敵に「KI RESTORE50%ダウン」の能力低下効果を与える(15カウント) ※突進時射撃アーマー
HP: 2630k ATK: 336k DEF: 234k CRT: 4.88k KI: 2.3k specialWhen activated, activates the following effects on yourself ・ Recovers 20 energy ・ Increases hit damage by 20% (20 counts) ・ Increases KI RESTORE by 50% (20 counts) ・ Special action activated when the enemy changes cover Disables the state enhancement effect (10 counts) [Pursuitable arts] -Blowing arts-Shooting arts-Special arts-Special arts * Shooting armor when rushing ZENKAI specialWhen activated, activate the following effects on yourself ・Recover 20 morale ・Increase damage dealt by 20% (20 counts) ・Increase KI RESTORE by 50% (20 counts) ・Special action that is activated when the enemy changes cover Adds a state enhancement effect that invalidates (10 counts) [Pursuitable arts] ・Blowing arts ・Shooting arts ・Special arts ・Special arts ・Ultimate arts * Shooting armor when charging ZENKAI UltimateInflicts a large amount of shock-attribute damage on the enemy.When activated, activates the following effects on yourself・Increases ultimate damage dealt by 40% (3 counts)・Adds an ability-enhancing effect that reduces the effect of "damage cut" activated by the enemy by 50% (3 counts)・When you attack yourself, nullify the enemy's "recovers your health when your health reaches 0" effect (3 counts) Reduces the enemy's energy by 60 when hit *shooting armor when charging
HP: 2629k ATK: 271k DEF: 254k CRT: 4.77k KI: 2.17k DeadlyDeals huge impact damage to the enemy.When activated, activates the following effects on all enemies - Gives an ability reduction effect of "physical strength recovery amount reduced by 50%" (10 counts) - Gives an ability reduction effect of "increases damage taken by 15%" (10 counts) * Shooting armor when charging
HP: 2431k ATK: 369k DEF: 210k CRT: 4.9k KI: 2.33k Deadly敵に衝撃属性の特大ダメージを与える。 発動時、自身に以下の効果を発動する ・必殺与ダメージを30%アップ(3カウント) ・攻撃時、敵の「体力が0になった時、体力を回復する」効果を無効化する(3カウント) 生存しているバトルメンバーの人数に応じて、以下の効果を発動する 3人:ヒット時、敵を10%の確率で気絶させる 2人:ヒット時、敵を20%の確率で気絶させる 1人:ヒット時、敵を30%の確率で気絶させる ※突進時射撃アーマー
HP: 2751k ATK: 339k DEF: 186k CRT: 5.12k KI: 2.34k ZENKAI UltimateInflicts a large amount of shock-attribute damage on the enemy.When activated, activate the following effects on yourself ・Increase damage dealt by 30% (15 counts) ・Increase ultimate damage dealt by 20% (3 counts) When hit, stun the enemy with a 20% chance. *Rush shooting armor
HP: 2622k ATK: 330k DEF: 227k CRT: 4.89k KI: 2.49k BlowWhen hit, gives the enemy a "10% increase in damage taken" ability reduction effect (15 counts) * Shooting armor when charging DeadlyInflicts a large amount of slashing attribute damage on the enemy.When activated, increase own special damage by 30% (3 counts) When hit, give extreme bleeding to the enemy with a 100% chance. *Rush shooting armor ultimateInflicts enormous impact damage on the enemy.When activated, activates the following effects on yourself・Increases ultimate damage dealt by 20% (3 counts)・When attacking, negates the enemy's "Recover physical strength when physical strength reaches 0" effect (3 counts) When hit, part of the damage dealt is also given to the enemy standby member (the standby member will not be incapacitated). Activates the following effects ・Increases damage ・Discards all enemy cards *Rush armor
HP: 2745k ATK: 347k DEF: 254k CRT: 4.95k KI: 2.35k ultimateInflicts extraordinary slashing damage on enemies.When activated, activates the following effects on yourself ・ Increases the ultimate damage dealt by 50% (3 counts) ・ When attacking yourself, negates the effect of the enemy's "recovers health when health becomes 0" (3 counts) Furthermore, if there are two battle members who cannot fight, their own attribute compatibility disadvantage is invalidated (2 counts) * Shooting armor at the time of rush ZENKAI UltimateInflicts extraordinary slashing damage on enemies.When activated, activates the following effects on yourself ・ Increases the ultimate damage dealt by 50% (3 counts) ・ When attacking yourself, negates the effect of the enemy's "recovers health when health becomes 0" (3 counts) Furthermore, if there is a battle member who cannot fight, the disadvantage of own attribute compatibility is invalidated (10 counts) * Shooting armor at the time of rush
HP: 2554k ATK: 336k DEF: 182k CRT: 5.01k KI: 2.32k DeadlyInflicts a large amount of shock-attribute damage on the enemy.When activated, increase your own special damage by 30% (3 counts) When hit, activate the following effects on yourself・Discard all cards in your hand and randomly draw 4 cards・Recover 70% of the vanishing gauge* Rush shooting armor
HP: 2478k ATK: 323k DEF: 239k CRT: 4.89k KI: 2.34k Deadly【ガンマ1号:ガンマ・インパクト】 敵に衝撃属性の特大ダメージを与える。 発動時、以下の効果を発動する ・自身の必殺与ダメージを30%アップ(3カウント) ・自身に敵が発動する「被ダメージカット」の効果を20%マイナスする能力強化効果を付与する(3カウント) ・敵のドラゴンボールを1つ減らす(発動回数2回) さらに、戦闘不能なバトルメンバーがいると、自身の攻撃時、敵の「体力が0になった時、体力を回復する」効果を無効化する(3カウント) ※突進時射撃アーマー 【ガンマ2号:ガンマ・ブラスター】 敵に衝撃属性の特大ダメージを与える。 発動時、以下の効果を発動する ・自身の必殺与ダメージを30%アップ(3カウント) ・自身に敵が発動する「被ダメージカット」の効果を20%マイナスする能力強化効果を付与する(3カウント) ・敵のドラゴンボールを1つ減らす(発動回数2回) さらに、戦闘不能なバトルメンバーがいると、自身の攻撃時、敵の「体力が0になった時、体力を回復する」効果を無効化する(3カウント) ※突進時射撃アーマー
HP: 2467k ATK: 361k DEF: 219k CRT: 5.34k KI: 2.77k DeadlyInflicts a large amount of explosive damage on the enemy.When activated, increase own deadly damage by 20% (3 counts) When hit, draw a special arts card next * Shooting armor when charging Blow after transformationWhen hit, gives the enemy a "10% increase in damage taken" ability reduction effect (10 counts) * Shooting armor when charging Deadly after transformationInflicts a large amount of shock-attribute damage on the enemy.When activated, activates the following effects on yourself・Increases deadly damage by 30% (3 counts)・Adds an ability-enhancing effect that reduces the effect of "damage cut" activated by the enemy by 20% (3 counts)・When attacking, nullify the enemy's "Recover physical strength when physical strength reaches 0" effect (3 counts) * Shooting armor when charging
HP: 2719k ATK: 354k DEF: 222k CRT: 4.84k KI: 2.6k ultimateInflicts extraordinary impact damage on enemies.When activated, activates the following effects on yourself ・ Increases your ultimate damage dealt by 50% (3 counts) ・ Gives yourself an effect that deducts 100% of the effect of "damage cut" activated by enemies (3) Count) ・ When attacking yourself, invalidate the enemy's "recover health when health becomes 0" effect (3 counts) * Shooting armor when rushing ZENKAI SpecialInflicts a large amount of shock-attribute damage on the enemy.Increases own special damage by 25% when activated (10 counts) Recovers own unique gauge by 50% when hit * Shooting armor when charging ZENKAI UltimateInflicts enormous impact damage on the enemy.When activated, activates the following effects on yourself・Increases own ultimate damage dealt by 50% (3 counts)・Gives an ability-enhancing effect that reduces the effect of "damage cut" activated by the enemy by 100% (3 counts) ・When you attack yourself, disable the enemy's "Recover your health when your health reaches 0" effect (3 counts) * Shooting armor when charging
HP: 2310k ATK: 302k DEF: 214k CRT: 4.92k KI: 2.44k BlowShooting Armor Character Strike
HP: 2502k ATK: 341k DEF: 180k CRT: 4.95k KI: 2.32k DeadlyInflicts a large amount of shock-attribute damage on the enemy.When activated, erases the enemy's ability enhancement & status enhancement (activated 3 times) * Shooting armor when rushing
HP: 2445k ATK: 321k DEF: 218k CRT: 4.86k KI: 2.32k ultimateInflicts a large amount of shock-attribute damage on the enemy.When activated, activates the following effects on yourself ・Increases ultimate damage dealt by 40% (3 counts) ・When attacking, nullifies the effect of "recovering physical strength when physical strength reaches 0" (3 count) *Rush shooting armor
HP: 2480k ATK: 276k DEF: 242k CRT: 4.92k KI: 2.4k DeadlyInflicts a large amount of piercing damage on the enemy.When activated, activates the following effects on yourself・Increases deadly damage by 30% (3 counts)・Adds an ability-enhancing effect that reduces the effect of "damage cut" activated by the enemy by 30% (3 counts) On hit, inflicts Extreme Bleeding on the enemy with a 100% chance. *Rush shooting armor ultimateInflicts a large amount of shock-attribute damage on the enemy.When activated, activates the following effects on yourself・Increases ultimate damage dealt by 30% (3 counts)・When attacking, negates the enemy's "Recover physical strength when physical strength reaches 0" effect (3 counts) When hit, activate the following effects-Discard all of your hand and randomly draw 4 cards-Discard all of the enemy's hand * Shooting armor when charging
HP: 2641k ATK: 322k DEF: 257k CRT: 5k KI: 2.29k Deadly after transformationInflicts a large amount of shock-attribute damage on the enemy.When activated, activates the following effects on yourself ・Increases deadly damage by 40% (3 counts) ・Reduces ability ・Releases abnormal status * Shooting armor when charging BlowShooting Armor Character Strike Blow after transformationShooting Armor Character Strike
HP: 2541k ATK: 325k DEF: 236k CRT: 4.76k KI: 2.44k Deadly孫悟空:龍波蹴拳 敵に衝撃属性の特大ダメージを与える。 発動時、自身に以下の効果を発動する ・必殺与ダメージを30%アップ(3カウント) ・敵が発動する「被ダメージカット」の効果を30%マイナスする能力強化効果を付与する(3カウント) ・自身の攻撃時、敵の「体力が0になった時、体力を回復する」効果を無効化する(3カウント) ※突進時射撃アーマー フリーザ:デスプレッシャー 敵に衝撃属性の特大ダメージを与える。 発動時、自身に以下の効果を発動する ・必殺与ダメージを30%アップ(3カウント) ・敵が発動する「被ダメージカット」の効果を30%マイナスする能力強化効果を付与する(3カウント) ・自身の攻撃時、敵の「体力が0になった時、体力を回復する」効果を無効化する(3カウント) ※突進時射撃アーマー special孫悟空:瞬間背負い投げ 発動時、自身に以下の効果を発動する ・カードをランダムに1枚ドローする(発動回数2回) ・気力を40回復 ・与ダメージを20%アップ(20カウント) ・能力低下・状態異常を解除 ヒット時、以下の効果を発動する ・自身のアーツカードドロー速度を1段階アップ(10カウント) ・敵全体に待機カウントを3カウント付与する 【追撃可能アーツ】 ・打撃アーツ ・射撃アーツ ・特殊アーツ ・必殺アーツ ※突進時射撃アーマー フリーザ:あなたは敗北を味わうことになるでしょう! 自身の手札が3枚以下の場合、カードを最大3枚までランダムにドローする 自身の気力を50回復 敵の打撃アーツを封印する 封印されたアーツは一定カウント使用できない(4カウント) 戦闘不能なバトルメンバーがいると、自身のバニシングゲージを70%回復 BlowSon Goku: When activated, increases own damage dealt by 15% (10 counts) Freeza: Shooting armor characteristic hit
HP: 2300k ATK: 274k DEF: 181k CRT: 5.02k KI: 2.42k ZENKAI SpecialInflicts a large amount of shock-attribute damage on the enemy.When activated, increase own deadly damage by 25% (3 counts) When hit, erase enemy ability enhancement & state enhancement (3 activations) * Shooting armor when charging
HP: 2581k ATK: 309k DEF: 209k CRT: 4.97k KI: 2.54k BlowWhen hit, gives an ability-enhancing effect that reduces the effect of "damage cut" that the enemy activates by 10% (10 counts) * Shooting armor when charging When hit, gives an ability-enhancing effect that reduces the effect of "damage cut" that the enemy activates by 10% (10 counts) * Shooting armor when charging DeadlyInflicts a large amount of explosive damage on the enemy.When activated, activates the following effects on yourself ・Recovers 20 energy ・Recovers 100% vanishing gauge (2 activations) On hit, discards all enemy cards * Shooting armor own unique gauge is maximum when charging In the case of value, when activated, all enemies are prohibited from changing (3 counts) ultimateInflicts enormous explosive damage on the enemy.When activated, activates the following effects on yourself・Increases ultimate damage dealt by 20% (3 counts)・When attacking, nullifies the effect of "recovering physical strength when physical strength reaches 0" (3 count) When hit, the following effects are activated.-Some of the damage dealt is also given to the enemy's backup members (the backup members will not be incapacitated)-Prohibit the use of main abilities to all enemies (5 counts) *Rush shooting armor
HP: 2524k ATK: 321k DEF: 208k CRT: 4.93k KI: 2.32k DeadlySon Goku "Super Dragon Strike" Inflicts a large amount of shock-attribute damage on the enemy.When activated, activates the following effects on yourself・Increases deadly damage by 30% (3 counts)・Adds an ability-enhancing effect that reduces the effect of "damage cut" activated by the enemy by 30% (3 counts) When hit, erases the enemy's status enhancement effect * Shooting armor Vegeta "Infinite Blast" when charging Inflicts a large amount of explosive damage to the enemy.When activated, activates the following effects on yourself・Increases deadly damage by 30% (3 counts)・Adds an ability-enhancing effect that reduces the effect of "damage cut" activated by the enemy by 30% (3 counts) When hit, erases the enemy's ability enhancement effect * Shooting armor when rushing
HP: 2615k ATK: 332k DEF: 212k CRT: 5.13k KI: 2.64k Deadly after transformationInflicts a large amount of shock-attribute damage on the enemy.When activated, activate the following effects on yourself-Discard all cards in your hand and randomly draw 3 cards-Add the ability-enhancing effect of "Reduce the standby count by 5 counts" (non-overlapping) When replacing, this Effect is reset *Rush shooting armor
HP: 2461k ATK: 338k DEF: 167k CRT: 4.65k KI: 2.29k DeadlyInflicts a large amount of piercing damage on the enemy.When activated, activates the following effects on yourself・Increases deadly damage by 30% (3 counts)・When attacking, nullifies the effect of "recovering physical strength when physical strength reaches 0" (3 count) When hit, give the enemy extreme bleeding with a 100% chance. *Rush shooting armor ultimateInflicts a large amount of shock-attribute damage on the enemy.When activated, activate the following effects on yourself・Discard all cards in your hand and randomly draw 4 cards・Recover 50 morale・Increase ultimate damage dealt by 50% (3 counts) * Shooting armor when charging
HP: 2650k ATK: 309k DEF: 202k CRT: 5.09k KI: 2.66k BlowOn hit, inflict heavy bleeding on the enemy with a 100% chance. *Rush shooting armor ultimateInflicts immense slashing attribute damage on the enemy.When activated, activates the following effects on yourself ・Increases ultimate damage dealt by 20% (cannot be erased) (activated 3 times) ・Ability enhancement effect that reduces the effect of "damage cut" activated by the enemy by 30% Grant (3 counts) ・Nullify the effect of "recovering physical strength when physical strength reaches 0" of the enemy (3 counts) * Shooting armor when charging
HP: 2794k ATK: 323k DEF: 213k CRT: 5.2k KI: 2.51k ultimateInflicts extraordinary impact damage on enemies.When activated, activates the following effects on itself ・ Increases the ultimate damage dealt by 20% (3 counts) ・ Gives the ability enhancement effect that reduces the effect of the "damage cut" activated by the enemy by 50% (3 counts) -When attacking yourself, invalidate the enemy's "recover health when health becomes 0" effect (10 counts) * Shooting armor when rushing ZENKAI UltimateInflicts extraordinary impact damage on enemies.When activated, activates the following effects on itself ・ Increases the ultimate damage dealt by 20% (3 counts) ・ Gives the ability enhancement effect that reduces the effect of the "damage cut" activated by the enemy by 60% (3 counts) -When attacking yourself, invalidate the enemy's "recover health when health becomes 0" effect (15 counts) * Shooting armor when rushing
HP: 2695k ATK: 319k DEF: 213k CRT: 4.98k KI: 2.22k DeadlyCauses a large amount of explosive damage to enemies.When activated, increase your own special damage by 30% (3 counts) * Shooting armor when rushing specialWhen hit, activate the following effects: -Discard all of your hand and draw 4 cards at random-Recover 50 energy-Recover 100% of the burnishing gauge (2 activations) -Recover 20 hit damage % Up (20 counts) ・ Gives a ban on replacement to all enemies (5 counts) * Shooting armor when rushing ultimateCauses extraordinary explosive damage to hostility.When activated, gives the ability reduction effect of "80% reduction in health recovery amount" to all enemies (40 counts) * Shooting armor at the time of rush ZENKAI SpecialInflicts a large amount of explosive damage on the enemy.Increases own special damage by 35% when activated (3 counts) * Shooting armor when charging ZENKAI specialWhen hit, activates the following effects: Discards all cards in your hand and randomly draws 4 cards.Recovers 50 morale.Recovers 100% vanishing gauge (2 activations).Self. Increases damage dealt by 30% (25 counts) ・Prohibits replacement of all enemies (5 counts) * Shooting armor when charging ZENKAI UltimateInflicts a large amount of explosive damage on the enemy.Increases own ultimate damage by 50% when activated (3 counts) When hit, gives all enemies a "100% reduction in physical strength recovery" ability reduction effect (40 counts) * Shooting armor when charging
HP: 2386k ATK: 380k DEF: 184k CRT: 5.38k KI: 2.64k DeadlyInflicts a large amount of shock-attribute damage on the enemy.When activated, increase own special damage by 30% (3 counts) When hit, add 3 counts to all enemies * Shooting armor when charging
HP: 2632k ATK: 325k DEF: 173k CRT: 4.82k KI: 2.35k ZENKAI UltimateInflicts a large amount of shock-attribute damage on the enemy.When activated, activates the following effects on itself-Gives an ability-enhancing effect that reduces the effect of "damage cut" activated by the enemy by 100% (3 counts)-When attacking, the enemy's physical strength is 0 When it becomes, nullify the effect of "Recover physical strength" (3 counts) When hit, stun the enemy with a 30% chance * Shooting armor when charging BlowShooting Armor characteristic hit (impact attribute) When activated, increase own hit damage by 25% (10 counts)
HP: 2655k ATK: 308k DEF: 206k CRT: 5.09k KI: 2.61k DeadlyInflicts a large amount of shock-attribute damage on the enemy.When activated, activates the following effects ・Increases own special damage by 20% (3 counts) ・Reduces enemy's morale by 50 inflicts extra damage.When activated, activate the following effects-Draw one card at random-Increase your own deadly damage by 1% (20 counts)-Give the enemy a "3% increase in damage taken" ability reduction effect (20 count) ultimateInflicts enormous impact damage on the enemy.When activated, activates the following effects on yourself・Recovers vanishing gauge by 100%・Increases CRITICAL occurrence rate by 30% (3 counts)・When attacking, the enemy's "When physical strength reaches 0, recover physical strength Nullify the effect (10 counts) * Shooting armor when charging
HP: 2454k ATK: 320k DEF: 177k CRT: 4.72k KI: 2.37k DeadlyInflicts a large amount of shock-attribute damage on the enemy.When hit, activate the following effects-Discard all of your hand and randomly draw 4 cards-Give the enemy a "100% reduction in physical strength recovery" ability reduction effect (15 counts) * Rush time shooting armor
HP: 2581k ATK: 306k DEF: 217k CRT: 4.72k KI: 2.37k ultimateInflicts a large amount of impact damage on the enemy.When activated, activates the following effects on yourself・Increases ultimate damage dealt by 50% (3 counts)・Adds an ability-enhancing effect that reduces the effect of "damage cut" activated by the enemy by 50% (3 counts)・When attacking, nullify the enemy's "recover physical strength when physical strength reaches 0" effect (3 counts) In addition, if there are battle members who are unable to fight, the following effects will be applied to themselves ・Attribute Disable compatibility disadvantage (15 counts) ・Increase one dragon ball * Shooting armor when charging
HP: 3258k ATK: 262k DEF: 186k CRT: 4.79k KI: 2.32k ZENKAI UltimateInflicts a large amount of shock-attribute damage on the enemy.When activated, depending on the number of battle members, the following effects will be applied to themselves 3 people: Increase ultimate damage by 70% (3 counts) 2 people: Increase ultimate damage by 50% (3 counts) 1 person: Increases ultimate damage by 30% (3 counts) * Shooting armor when charging
HP: 2617k ATK: 243k DEF: 226k CRT: 4.79k KI: 2.12k BlowShooting Armor Character Strike
HP: 2629k ATK: 309k DEF: 205k CRT: 5.09k KI: 2.56k BlowWhen hit, reduces own special arts cost by 3 (15 counts) * Shooting armor when charging DeadlyInflicts a large amount of impact damage on the enemy.When activated, the following effects will be applied to yourself.・Recovers 20 morale ・Increases deadly damage by 30% (3 counts) * Shooting armor when charging ultimateInflicts enormous impact damage on the enemy.When activated, activates the following effects-Increases own ultimate damage by 40% (3 counts)-When attacking, negates the enemy's "Recover physical strength when physical strength reaches 0" effect (3 counts) ・ Eliminate enemy ability enhancement & state enhancement * Shooting armor when charging
HP: 2592k ATK: 298k DEF: 218k CRT: 4.92k KI: 2.3k Deadlyトランクス「シャイニングバスター」 敵に衝撃属性の特大ダメージを与える。 発動時、自身に以下の効果を発動する ・射撃アーツカードを次にドローする ・必殺与ダメージを40%アップ(3カウント) ・敵が発動する「被ダメージカット」の効果を40%マイナスする能力強化効果を付与する(3カウント) ・自身の攻撃時、敵の「体力が0になった時、体力を回復する」効果を無効化する(3カウント) ※突進時射撃アーマー ベジータ「コズミックバスター」 敵に衝撃属性の特大ダメージを与える。 発動時、自身に以下の効果を発動する ・射撃アーツカードを次にドローする ・必殺与ダメージを40%アップ(3カウント) ・敵が発動する「被ダメージカット」の効果を40%マイナスする能力強化効果を付与する(3カウント) ・自身の攻撃時、敵の「体力が0になった時、体力を回復する」効果を無効化する(3カウント) ※突進時射撃アーマー
HP: 2808k ATK: 348k DEF: 212k CRT: 5.34k KI: 2.56k ultimateCauses extraordinary explosive damage to enemies.When activated, depending on the number of enemy battle members, activate the following effects on yourself 3 people: Increase the ultimate damage dealt by 30% (3 counts) 2 people: Increase the ultimate damage dealt by 60% (3 counts) 1 person : Increases ultimate damage by 90% (3 counts) * Shooting armor when rushing ZENKAI UltimateInflicts a large amount of explosive damage on the enemy.When activated, depending on the number of enemy battle members, activate the following effects on yourself 3 people: Increase ultimate damage by 40% (3 counts) 2 people: Increase ultimate damage by 60% (3 counts) 1 person : Increases ultimate damage by 90% (3 counts) * Shooting armor when charging
HP: 2545k ATK: 344k DEF: 182k CRT: 4.99k KI: 2.3k BlowReduces enemy's morale by 30 when hit *Rush armor Deadly孫悟空「グランドスマッシュ」 敵に衝撃属性の特大ダメージを与える。 発動時、自身に以下の効果を発動する ・必殺与ダメージを30%アップ(3カウント) ・敵が発動する「被ダメージカット」の効果を30%マイナスする能力強化効果を付与する(3カウント) ・自身の攻撃時、敵の「体力が0になった時、体力を回復する」効果を無効化する(3カウント) 発動時、自身の手札を全て破棄する 破棄したアーツカードの枚数に応じて、自身に以下の効果を発動する 1枚:必殺与ダメージを15%アップ(3カウント)&バニシングゲージを30%回復 2枚:必殺与ダメージを30%アップ(3カウント)&バニシングゲージを50%回復 3枚:必殺与ダメージを45%アップ(3カウント)&バニシングゲージを100%回復 ヒット時、自身の手札が3枚以下の場合、カードを最大2枚までランダムにドローする ※突進時射撃アーマー ベジータ「グランドシューター」 敵に衝撃属性の特大ダメージを与える。 発動時、自身に以下の効果を発動する ・必殺与ダメージを30%アップ(3カウント) ・敵が発動する「被ダメージカット」の効果を30%マイナスする能力強化効果を付与する(3カウント) ・自身の攻撃時、敵の「体力が0になった時、体力を回復する」効果を無効化する(3カウント) 発動時、自身の手札を全て破棄する 破棄したアーツカードの枚数に応じて、自身に以下の効果を発動する 1枚:必殺与ダメージを15%アップ(3カウント)&バニシングゲージを30%回復 2枚:必殺与ダメージを30%アップ(3カウント)&バニシングゲージを50%回復 3枚:必殺与ダメージを45%アップ(3カウント)&バニシングゲージを100%回復 ヒット時、敵の手札をランダムで2枚破棄する ※突進時射撃アーマー
HP: 2762k ATK: 325k DEF: 212k CRT: 5.41k KI: 2.51k DeadlyCauses extraordinary impact damage to enemies.When activated, activates the following effects on yourself ・ Increases the special damage dealt by 30% (3 counts) ・ Releases ability deterioration and abnormal conditions * Shooting armor at the time of rush specialWhen activated, activates the following effects ・ Increases own damage dealt by 20% (15 counts) ・ Gives enemies the ability reduction effect of "extending the standby count by 5 counts" (10 counts) When hit, forcibly replaces the enemy Let * Shooting armor at the time of rush ultimate敵に衝撃属性の特大ダメージを与える。 発動時、自身に以下の効果を発動する ・敵の「体力が0になった時、体力を回復する」効果を無効化する(3カウント) さらに、バトルメンバーの人数に応じて、自身に以下の効果を発動する 3人:究極与ダメージを30%アップ(3カウント) 2人:究極与ダメージを50%アップ(3カウント)&敵が発動する「被ダメージカット」の効果を100%マイナスする能力強化効果を付与する(3カウント) 1人:究極与ダメージを70%アップ(3カウント)&敵が発動する「被ダメージカット」の効果を100%マイナスする能力強化効果を付与する(3カウント) ※突進時射撃アーマー ZENKAI SpecialInflicts a large amount of shock-attribute damage on the enemy.When activated, activates the following effects on yourself ・Increases deadly damage by 30% (3 counts) ・Reduces ability ・Releases abnormal status * Shooting armor when charging ZENKAI specialWhen activated, activates the following effects:-Increases damage dealt by 20% (15 counts)-Gives the enemy an ability-decreasing effect that "standby count is extended by 5 counts" (10 counts) When hit, the following effects Activates-Forcibly replaces the enemy-Reduces the enemy's energy by 70-Recovers the vanishing gauge by 70%-Nullifies the attribute compatibility disadvantage of the damage received (15 counts) * Shooting armor when charging ZENKAI Ultimate敵に衝撃属性の特大ダメージを与える。 発動時、自身に以下の効果を発動する ・敵の「体力が0になった時、体力を回復する」効果を無効化する(3カウント) さらに、バトルメンバーの人数に応じて、自身に以下の効果を発動する 3人:究極与ダメージを30%アップ(3カウント) 2人:究極与ダメージを50%アップ(3カウント)&敵が発動する「被ダメージカット」の効果を100%マイナスする能力強化効果を付与する(3カウント) 1人:究極与ダメージを70%アップ(3カウント)&敵が発動する「被ダメージカット」の効果を100%マイナスする能力強化効果を付与する(3カウント) ※突進時射撃アーマー
HP: 2665k ATK: 319k DEF: 184k CRT: 4.77k KI: 2.35k specialWhen activated, recovers 30 of your own energy. When hit, gives the enemy the ability reduction effect of "impact attribute damage increased by 20%" (30 counts) [Pursuitable Arts] Hitting, shooting, special, deadly, ultimate arts. * Shooting armor during rush ZENKAI specialWhen activated, restores 40 morale to the enemy when hit, activates the following effects on the enemy ・Gives an ability reduction effect of "20% increase in impact attribute damage" (30 counts) ・Erase ability enhancement effect (2 activations times) [Pursuitable arts] ・Blowing arts ・Shooting arts ・Special arts ・Special arts ・Ultimate arts * Shooting armor when charging ZENKAI UltimateInflicts a large amount of shock-attribute damage on the enemy.When hit, activates the following effects: ・Recovers 40% of own physical strength ・Decreases own ability ・Cancels status ailments ・Reduces enemy morale by 50 * Shooting armor when charging
HP: 2562k ATK: 304k DEF: 219k CRT: 4.79k KI: 2.5k Deadly[When used when the Unique Gauge is at maximum] Inflicts a large amount of shock-attribute damage on the enemy.When activated, consumes all of your own unique gauge and activates the following effects on yourself ・Increases deadly damage by 60% (3 counts) ・Recovers vanishing gauge by 70% ・Nullifies attribute compatibility disadvantage (3 counts) * Shooting armor when rushing [When used when the unique gauge is less than 100%] Causes a large amount of impact damage to the enemy.Increases own deadly damage by 30% when activated (3 counts) * Shooting armor when charging ultimateInflicts enormous impact damage on the enemy.When activated, activates the following effects on yourself・Increases ultimate damage dealt by 40% (3 counts)・When attacking, negates the enemy's "Recover physical strength when physical strength reaches 0" effect (3 counts) In addition, if there is a battle member who cannot fight, the following effects will be activated on yourself ・Recover 70% of the vanishing gauge ・If you have 3 or less cards in your hand, draw up to 4 cards at random* Rush shooting armor BlowShooting Armor Character Strike
HP: 2456k ATK: 336k DEF: 167k CRT: 4.67k KI: 2.23k DeadlyInflicts a large amount of shock-attribute damage on the enemy.Increases own special damage by 20% when activated (5 counts) When hit, activates the following effects ・Reduces standby count of allies by 5 counts ・Erase ability enhancement effects of enemies (2 activations) * Rush time shooting armor ultimateInflicts a large amount of piercing damage on the enemy.When activated, activates the following effects on yourself・Increases ultimate damage dealt by 50% (3 counts)・When attacking, negates the enemy's "Recover physical strength when physical strength reaches 0" effect. (3 counts) When hit, activate the following effects on the enemy, discard all cards in your hand, and apply extreme bleeding with a 100% chance. *Rush shooting armor
HP: 2629k ATK: 262k DEF: 238k CRT: 4.95k KI: 2.52k DeadlyInflicts a large amount of explosive damage on the enemy.When activated, depending on the number of surviving enemy battle members, the following effects will be applied to themselves 3 people: Increase deadly damage by 50% (3 counts) 2 people: Increase deadly damage by 30% (3 count) 1 person: Increases deadly damage by 20% (3 counts) * Shooting armor when charging specialWhen activated, activates the following effects on yourself ・Recovers 30 energy ・Recovers 70% of vanishing gauge When hit, activates the following effects ・Prohibits substitution to all enemies (5 counts) ・Main to all enemies Grant ability use prohibition (5 counts) ・Increase own unique gauge by 20% * Shooting armor when charging ultimateInflicts enormous explosive damage on the enemy.When activated, activates the following effects on yourself・Increases ultimate damage dealt by 50% (3 counts)・When attacking, negates the enemy's "Recover physical strength when physical strength reaches 0" effect. (3 counts) When hit, stun the enemy with a 30% chance. *Rush shooting armor BlowShooting Armor Character Strike
HP: 2759k ATK: 271k DEF: 207k CRT: 4.66k KI: 2.22k ZENKAI SpecialInflicts a large amount of shock-attribute damage on the enemy.When activated, activates the following effects on yourself・Increases the power of special arts by 50% (15 counts)・When attacking, negates the enemy's "Recover physical strength when physical strength reaches 0" effect (3 counts) *Rush shooting armor
HP: 2478k ATK: 350k DEF: 166k CRT: 4.91k KI: 2.52k DeadlyInflicts a large amount of shock-attribute damage on the enemy.When activated, increase own deadly damage by 25% (3 counts) When hit, reduce ally's standby count by 3 counts * Shooting armor when charging
HP: 2424k ATK: 241k DEF: 222k CRT: 4.96k KI: 2.32k DeadlyInflicts a large amount of explosive damage on the enemy.When hit, gives all enemies the ability-decreasing effect of ``waiting count is extended by 3 counts'' (15 counts) *shooting armor when charging
HP: 2420k ATK: 276k DEF: 187k CRT: 5.09k KI: 2.66k DeadlyInflicts a large amount of explosive damage on the enemy.When hit, activates the following effects-Gives the enemy a "100% reduction in physical strength recovery" ability reduction effect (3 counts)-Adds 3 counts to all enemies *shooting armor when charging
HP: 2950k ATK: 357k DEF: 177k CRT: 4.7k KI: 2.46k ZENKAI specialWhen activated, increases own shooting damage by 20% (15 counts) When hit, activates the following effects ・Forcibly replaces the enemy ・Gives the enemy an ability-decreasing effect of ``waiting count is extended by 5 counts'' (15 count) ・Reduces enemy's morale by 30 * Shooting armor when charging Makeover ZENKAI SpecialWhen activated, increases own shooting damage by 20% (20 counts) When hit, activates the following effects ・Forcibly replaces the enemy ・Gives the enemy an ability-decreasing effect of ``waiting count is extended by 10 counts'' (15 count) ・Reduces enemy's morale by 30 * Shooting armor when charging
HP: 2503k ATK: 300k DEF: 198k CRT: 4.94k KI: 2.5k DeadlyInflicts a large amount of slashing attribute damage on the enemy.When activated, gives an ability-enhancing effect that reduces the effect of "damage cut" that the enemy activates by 30% (3 counts).When hit, gives the enemy extreme bleeding with a 100% chance. *Rush shooting armor ultimateInflicts a large amount of impact damage on the enemy.When activated, activates the following effects on yourself-Gives an ability-enhancing effect that reduces the effect of "damage cut" activated by the enemy by 20% (3 counts)-When attacking, the enemy's physical strength is 0 When it becomes, nullify the effect of "Recover physical strength" (3 counts)・Recover 70% of the vanishing gauge When hit, reduce the enemy's energy by 70 * Shooting armor when charging
HP: 2792k ATK: 338k DEF: 226k CRT: 5.39k KI: 2.62k DeadlyCauses extraordinary impact damage to enemies.When activated, grants the ability enhancement effect that deducts the effect of "damage cut" activated by the enemy by 30% (3 counts) * Shooting armor at the time of rush Deadly after transformationCauses extraordinary impact damage to enemies.When activated, activates the following effects on itself ・ Increases the damage dealt to "Tag: Regeneration" by 30% (3 counts) ・ Increases the ability to reduce the effect of "Damage Cut" activated by the enemy by 100% Grant (3 counts) ・ Disables the enemy's "recovers health when health becomes 0" effect when attacking (3 counts) * Shooting armor when rushing ZENKAI SpecialCauses extraordinary impact damage to enemies.When activated, grants the ability enhancement effect that deducts the effect of "damage cut" activated by the enemy by 40% (3 counts) * Shooting armor at the time of rush Makeover ZENKAI SpecialInflicts a large amount of impact damage on the enemy.When activated, activates the following effects on itself ・Increases damage dealt to "Tag: Regeneration" by 30% (3 counts) ・Ability enhancement effect that reduces the effect of "damage cut" activated by the enemy by 100% Grant (3 counts) ・When attacking, disable the enemy's "Recover physical strength when physical strength reaches 0" effect (3 counts) * Shooting armor when charging
HP: 2433k ATK: 295k DEF: 201k CRT: 4.92k KI: 2.37k DeadlyIncreases own CRITICAL rate by 25% (3 counts) when activated to inflict extraordinary impact damage on enemies. When hit, draws a special arts card next.
HP: 2607k ATK: 254k DEF: 247k CRT: 5.12k KI: 2.49k DeadlyCauses extraordinary impact damage to enemies.When activated, recovers 30 of your own energy. When you hit, if you have 3 or less cards in your hand, draw up to 4 cards at random. * Shooting armor at the time of rush ultimateInflicts extraordinary slashing damage on enemies.When activated, activates the following effects on yourself ・ Increases the ultimate damage dealt by 40% (3 counts) ・ When attacking yourself, negates the effect of the enemy's "recovers health when health becomes 0" (3 counts) Furthermore, if there is a battle member who cannot fight, the disadvantage of own attribute compatibility is invalidated (3 counts) * Shooting armor at the time of rush
HP: 2754k ATK: 268k DEF: 216k CRT: 4.41k KI: 2.3k ultimateCauses a large amount of impact damage to enemies.When activated, increase your ultimate damage by 50% (3 counts) * Shooting armor when rushing ZENKAI UltimateCauses extraordinary impact damage to enemies.When activated, increase your ultimate damage by 50% (3 counts) * Shooting armor when rushing
HP: 2461k ATK: 348k DEF: 164k CRT: 5.05k KI: 2.42k DeadlyCauses extraordinary impact damage to enemies.When activated, increase your own deadly damage by 20% (10 counts) When hit, cancel your own ability deterioration and abnormal conditions * Shooting armor at the time of rush ultimateInflicts extraordinary impact damage on enemies.When activated, activates the following effects on itself ・ Increases the ultimate damage dealt by 40% (3 counts) ・ Gives the ability enhancement effect that reduces the effect of the "damage cut" activated by the enemy by 100% (3 counts) -When attacking yourself, invalidate the enemy's "recover health when health becomes 0" effect (3 counts) * Shooting armor when rushing
HP: 2805k ATK: 330k DEF: 216k CRT: 5.11k KI: 2.57k ultimateInflicts extraordinary impact damage on enemies.When activated, activates the following effects on itself ・ Increases the ultimate damage dealt by 50% (3 counts) ・ Gives the ability enhancement effect that deducts the effect of the "damage cut" activated by the enemy by 100% (3 counts)・ When attacking yourself, invalidate the effect of "recovering physical strength when the enemy's physical strength becomes 0" (3 counts) ・ Ability strengthening effect that invalidates the dedicated action that the enemy activates at the time of cover change Grant (3 counts) * Shooting armor when rushing ZENKAI specialWhen hit, activates the following effects on the enemy ・ Eliminates the ability enhancement effect (activation count 2 times) ・ Gives the ability reduction effect of "damage taken 25% up" (15 counts) [Pursuitable arts] ・ Batter arts ・Shooting arts, special arts, deadly arts, ultimate arts * Shooting armor at the time of rush BlowShooting Armor Character Strike
HP: 2500k ATK: 283k DEF: 238k CRT: 5.14k KI: 2.53k Deadly after transformationCauses extraordinary impact damage to enemies.When activated, increase your own special damage by 30% (3 counts) * Shooting armor when rushing
HP: 2646k ATK: 292k DEF: 191k CRT: 5.5k KI: 2.37k ZENKAI UltimateWhen activated to inflict extraordinary impact damage on enemies, discard all of your hand. Depending on the number of discarded arts cards, your ultimate damage will increase. 1 card: Increase your ultimate damage by 30% (3 counts) ) 2 pieces: Increases ultimate damage by 50% (3 counts) 3 pieces: Increases ultimate damage by 75% (3 counts) * Shooting armor during rush
HP: 2651k ATK: 257k DEF: 235k CRT: 4.92k KI: 2.67k ultimateCauses extraordinary impact damage to enemies.When activated, grants the ability enhancement effect that reduces the effect of "damage cut" that the enemy activates by 80% (3 counts) * Shooting armor at the time of rush ZENKAI UltimateCauses extraordinary impact damage to enemies.When activated, activates the following effects on itself ・ Gives the ability enhancement effect that deducts the effect of "damage cut" activated by the enemy by 80% (3 counts) ・ When activated, the enemy's "health is 0" Disables the effect of "Recovers health when it becomes" (3 counts) * Shooting armor when rushing
HP: 2449k ATK: 311k DEF: 195k CRT: 4.77k KI: 2.22k DeadlyCauses extraordinary impact damage to enemies.Increases own CRITICAL damage by 25% when activated (3 counts) * Shooting armor when rushing
HP: 2474k ATK: 307k DEF: 196k CRT: 4.81k KI: 2.22k DeadlyCauses extraordinary impact damage to enemies.When activated, increase your CRITICAL rate by 30% (3 counts) * Shooting armor when rushing
HP: 2712k ATK: 348k DEF: 182k CRT: 4.42k KI: 2.5k specialWhen activated, increase the damage dealt by yourself by 20% (15 counts) When hit, give the enemy a "KI RESTORE 50% down" ability reduction effect (10 counts) * Shooting armor when rushing ZENKAI specialWhen activated, the damage dealt by yourself is increased by 20% (15 counts). When hit, the following effects are activated.-Recovers your own energy by 40.-Recovers your own vanishing gauge by 60%. Gives ability reduction effect (50 counts) [Pursuitable arts] ・ Batter arts ・ Shooting arts ・ Special arts ・ Special arts ・ Ultimate arts ※ Shooting armor at the time of rush
HP: 2512k ATK: 292k DEF: 215k CRT: 4.62k KI: 2.3k Deadly17号「デッドエンドバレット」 敵に爆発属性の特大ダメージを与える。 発動時、自身に以下の効果を発動する ・必殺与ダメージを40%アップ(3カウント) ・敵が発動する「被ダメージカット」の効果を40%マイナスする能力強化効果を付与する(3カウント) ※突進時射撃アーマー 18号「サディスティックバレット」 敵に爆発属性の特大ダメージを与える。 発動時、自身に以下の効果を発動する ・必殺与ダメージを40%アップ(3カウント) ・敵が発動する「被ダメージカット」の効果を40%マイナスする能力強化効果を付与する(3カウント) ※突進時射撃アーマー
HP: 2449k ATK: 236k DEF: 221k CRT: 5.02k KI: 2.54k DeadlyCauses extraordinary impact damage to enemies.When hit, reduce the enemy's energy by 70 * Shooting armor when rushing specialWhen activated, activates the following effects on yourself ・ Recovers 10% of health ・ Increases damage dealt by 20% (15 counts) When hit, activates the following effects on enemies ・ Blinds your hand (10 counts) The position of the arts card is shuffled, and the arts card is in a prone state during the effect time.
HP: 2363k ATK: 294k DEF: 192k CRT: 4.83k KI: 2.24k specialWhen activated, activates the following effects on yourself ・ Recovers 40 energy ・ Increases damage dealt by 20% (15 counts) When activated, activates the following effects ・ Next draws a Special Arts card (1 activation count) ) ・ Gives strong bleeding to the enemy with a 100% chance.-Erase the enemy's ability enhancement effect (2 activations) [Pursuitable arts] -Blowing arts-Shooting arts-Special arts-Special arts-Shooting armor when rushing
HP: 2429k ATK: 284k DEF: 189k CRT: 5.07k KI: 2.47k DeadlyCauses extraordinary explosive damage to enemies.When activated, it grants the following effects to itself ・ Increases the deadly damage by 20% (3 counts) ・ When attacking itself, negates the effect of the enemy's "recovers health when health becomes 0" (3 counts) When the enemy's health becomes 0 with this attack, the effect of the enemy's "Resurrection when the enemy's health becomes 0" is invalidated.
HP: 2435k ATK: 300k DEF: 187k CRT: 4.99k KI: 2.4k BlowShooting Armor Character Strike
HP: 2506k ATK: 315k DEF: 201k CRT: 5.17k KI: 2.63k DeadlyCauses extraordinary impact damage to enemies.When activated, increase your own deadly damage by 20% (10 counts) When hit, discard all enemy's hand * Shooting armor at the time of rush ultimateInflicts extraordinary impact damage on enemies.When activated, activates the following effects on itself ・ Increases ultimate damage by 30% (3 counts) ・ Disables the enemy's "recovers health when health becomes 0" effect (30 counts) * Shooting armor during rush
HP: 2804k ATK: 310k DEF: 178k CRT: 4.61k KI: 2.44k specialWhen hit, activate one randomly from the following effects ・ Destroy all the enemy's hand ・ Reduce the enemy's dragon ball by 1 ・ Eliminate the enemy's ability enhancement effect [Pursuitable arts] ・ Blow arts ・ Shooting arts ・Special Arts / Special Arts * Shooting armor during rush ZENKAI specialWhen hit, activate 2 at random from the following effects ・ Destroy all the enemy's hand ・ Reduce the enemy's dragon ball by 1 ・ Eliminate the enemy's ability enhancement effect [Pursuitable arts] ・ Strike arts ・ Shooting arts ・Special Arts / Special Arts * Shooting armor at the time of rush
HP: 3092k ATK: 312k DEF: 209k CRT: 5.44k KI: 2.56k ultimateCauses slashing damage to enemies. When activated, grants the following effects to yourself.・Increases your ultimate damage dealt by 40% (3 counts).・When you attack yourself, disable the effect of "recovering your physical strength when your HP reaches 0". Convert (3 counts) * Shooting armor when charging ZENKAI UltimateInflicts extraordinary slashing damage on enemies.When activated, it gives the following effects to itself ・ Increases its ultimate damage dealt by 40% (3 counts) ・ When it attacks itself, it invalidates the effect of the enemy's "recovers health when health becomes 0" Become (3 counts) * Shooting armor at the time of rush
HP: 2528k ATK: 270k DEF: 185k CRT: 4.96k KI: 2.38k DeadlyCauses extraordinary piercing damage to enemies.When activated, it grants the following effects to itself ・ Increases the deadly damage by 20% (3 counts) ・ When attacking itself, negates the effect of the enemy's "recovers health when health becomes 0" (3 counts) * Shooting armor during rush
HP: 2472k ATK: 288k DEF: 208k CRT: 4.88k KI: 2.28k DeadlyCauses extraordinary impact damage to enemies.When activated, increase your own special damage by 25% (3 counts) * Shooting armor when rushing
HP: 2497k ATK: 335k DEF: 180k CRT: 4.85k KI: 2.3k Deadly孫悟空「コズミックラッシュ」 敵に衝撃属性の特大ダメージを与える。 発動時、自身に以下の効果を発動する ・バニシングゲージを70%回復 ・敵が発動する「被ダメージカット」の効果を50%マイナスする能力強化効果を付与する(3カウント) ・自身の攻撃時、敵の「体力が0になった時、体力を回復する」効果を無効化する(3カウント) ※突進時射撃アーマー ベジータ「コズミックシューター」 敵に衝撃属性の特大ダメージを与える。 発動時、自身に以下の効果を発動する ・必殺与ダメージを25%アップ(3カウント) ・敵が発動する「被ダメージカット」の効果を50%マイナスする能力強化効果を付与する(3カウント) ・自身の攻撃時、敵の「体力が0になった時、体力を回復する」効果を無効化する(3カウント) ※突進時射撃アーマー
HP: 2485k ATK: 282k DEF: 213k CRT: 4.89k KI: 2.28k ultimateA blow that protects the earth Inflicts extraordinary impact damage on enemies.When activated, increase your ultimate damage by 40% (3 counts) In addition, increase your ultimate damage by 1% for each incapable battle member (30 counts) * Shooting armor when rushing
HP: 2485k ATK: 295k DEF: 194k CRT: 4.8k KI: 2.3k DeadlyCauses extraordinary impact damage to enemies.When activated, increase your own special damage by 40% (3 counts) * Shooting armor when rushing specialIncreases damage dealt by 15% (20 counts) when activated ・ Activates the following effects when hit ・ Increases own unique gauge by 30% ・ Recovers own vanishing gauge by 70% ・ Decreases enemy's energy by 70 * Shooting armor during rush ultimateSolar System Destruction Kamehameha Causes extraordinary impact damage to enemies.When activated, activates the following effects on yourself ・ Increases the ultimate damage dealt by 30% (3 counts) ・ When attacking yourself, negates the effect of the enemy's "Recovers health when health becomes 0" (3 counts) * Shooting armor when rushing
HP: 2659k ATK: 359k DEF: 179k CRT: 5.38k KI: 2.95k ultimateCauses extraordinary explosive damage to enemies.When activated, activates the following effects on yourself ・ Increases the ultimate damage dealt by 70% (3 counts) ・ Gives the ability enhancement effect that deducts the effect of the "damage cut" activated by the enemy by 100% (3 counts)・ Increased damage dealt to "Tag: Saiyan" by 30% (3 counts) ZENKAI UltimateCauses extraordinary explosive damage to enemies.When activated, activates the following effects on itself ・ Increases the ultimate damage dealt by 70% (3 counts) ・ Gives the ability enhancement effect that deducts the effect of the "damage cut" activated by the enemy by 100% (3 counts)・ Increases damage dealt to "Tag: Saiyan" by 30% (3 counts) ・ Disables the effect of "Recovers health when the enemy's health becomes 0" when attacking itself (3 counts) * Shooting armor during rush
HP: 2448k ATK: 286k DEF: 181k CRT: 5.05k KI: 2.43k DeadlyCauses extraordinary impact damage to enemies.Increases damage dealt by 20% when activated (15 counts) * Shooting armor when rushing ultimateWhen activated, activates the following effects on yourself ・ Increases the ultimate damage dealt by 40% (3 counts) ・ When attacking yourself, negates the effect of the enemy's "Recovers health when health becomes 0" (3 counts) When hit, discard all of your hand and draw 4 cards at random * Shooting armor at the time of rush
HP: 2491k ATK: 241k DEF: 210k CRT: 4.86k KI: 2.23k DeadlyCauses extraordinary explosive damage to enemies.When activated, it gives the enemy a "30% increase in damage" ability reduction effect (20 counts) * Shooting armor when rushing BlowShooting Armor Character Strike
HP: 3165k ATK: 299k DEF: 171k CRT: 5.09k KI: 2.43k DeadlyCauses a large amount of slashing damage to enemies.When activated, gives the enemy the ability reduction effect of "Slashing attribute damage taken 20% up" (15 counts) * Shooting armor at the time of rush Deadly after transformationCauses extraordinary piercing damage to enemies.When activated, it gives the enemy the ability reduction effect of "Puncture attribute damage taken 20% up" (15 counts) Special after transformationIncreases damage dealt by 30% (10 counts) when activated ・ Activates the following effects when hit ・ Recovers 70% of own vanishing gauge ・ Forces enemies to change * Shooting armor when rushing
HP: 2404k ATK: 307k DEF: 193k CRT: 4.88k KI: 2.33k DeadlyCauses extraordinary impact damage to enemies.When activated, activates the following effects on itself ・ Increases the special damage dealt by 20% (3 counts) ・ Gives the ability enhancement effect that deducts the effect of the "damage cut" activated by the enemy by 50% (3 counts) * Shooting armor during rush
HP: 2648k ATK: 298k DEF: 233k CRT: 5.03k KI: 2.48k Special after transformationWhen activated, activates the following effects on itself ・ Recovers 40 energy ・ Increases damage dealt by 25% (10 counts) ・ Gives ability enhancement effect that reduces the effect of "damage cut" activated by enemies by 25% (10 counts) [Pursuitable arts] ・ Batting arts ・ Shooting arts ・ Special arts ・ Special arts ※ Shooting armor at the time of rush
HP: 2638k ATK: 325k DEF: 211k CRT: 4.9k KI: 2.4k Deadly after transformationCauses extraordinary impact damage to enemies.When activated, activates the following effects on itself ・ Gives a state strengthening effect that invalidates the dedicated action that the enemy activates at the time of cover change (3 counts) ・ When the enemy attacks, the enemy's "physical strength becomes 0" Disables the effect of "Recovers health when hit" (3 counts) * Shooting armor when rushing
HP: 2756k ATK: 331k DEF: 212k CRT: 4.98k KI: 2.68k DeadlyCauses extraordinary explosive damage to enemies.Increases damage dealt by 10% when activated (15 counts) * Shooting armor when rushing Deadly after transformation[At the time of strengthening] Inflicts extraordinary damage of explosive attribute on enemies When activated, grants a ban on replacement to all enemies (3 counts) When activated, increases own damage dealt by 15% (15 counts) ZENKAI SpecialCauses extraordinary explosive damage to enemies.Increases damage dealt by 10% when activated (15 counts) * Shooting armor when rushing Makeover ZENKAI Special[Normal] Inflicts extraordinary explosive damage on enemies.When activated, increase the damage dealt by yourself by 15% (15 counts) [When strengthening] Inflicts extraordinary explosive damage on enemies.When activated, grants a ban on replacement to all enemies (3 counts) When activated, increases own damage dealt by 15% (15 counts) * Shooting armor when rushing
HP: 2486k ATK: 292k DEF: 186k CRT: 4.83k KI: 2.33k ultimateCauses extraordinary impact damage to enemies.When activated, activates the following effects on yourself ・ Increases damage dealt by 30% (15 counts) ・ Cuts damage taken by 20% (15 counts) * Shooting armor when rushing
HP: 2468k ATK: 284k DEF: 191k CRT: 4.93k KI: 2.37k specialWhen activated, activate the following effects: -Recover your energy by 50-Increase your arts card draw speed by 1 level (15 counts) -Give all enemies a ban on substitution (5 counts) Activate the effect of ・ Reduce one dragon ball ・ Discard all special arts cards in your hand * Shooting armor when rushing ultimateCauses extraordinary impact damage to enemies.When activated, activates the following effects on yourself ・ Recovers 50 energy ・ Recovers 100% of vanishing gauge ・ Increases arts card draw speed by 1 level (15 counts) ・ Increases the effect of "damage cut" activated by enemies by 50 % Minus ability enhancement effect (3 counts) * Shooting armor at the time of rush
HP: 2453k ATK: 330k DEF: 176k CRT: 4.79k KI: 2.33k DeadlyCauses extraordinary impact damage to enemies.When activated, grants 2 standby counts to all enemies * Shooting armor when rushing
HP: 2465k ATK: 260k DEF: 222k CRT: 4.8k KI: 2.33k DeadlyCauses extraordinary impact damage to enemies.When activated, activates the following effects on yourself ・ Increases the special damage dealt by 20% (3 counts) ・ Disables the enemy's "Recovers health when health becomes 0" effect (3 counts) * Shooting armor during rush
HP: 2384k ATK: 341k DEF: 152k CRT: 5.03k KI: 2.52k DeadlyCauses extraordinary piercing damage to enemies.When activated, recovers 60% of your own vanishing gauge. When hit, gives the enemy the ability reduction effect of "100% reduction in health recovery amount" (15 counts) * Shooting armor when rushing ultimateCauses extraordinary impact damage to enemies.When activated, increase your ultimate damage by 50% (3 counts) When hit, give all enemies the ability reduction effect of "extending the standby count by 3 counts" (15 counts) * Shooting armor when rushing
HP: 2749k ATK: 333k DEF: 165k CRT: 4.71k KI: 2.58k specialIncreases your shooting damage by 20% when activated (20 counts), reduces enemies' morale by 50 and makes a forced change on hit * Shooting armor during rush Special after transformationIncreases your shooting damage by 20% when activated (20 counts), reduces enemies' morale by 50 and makes a forced change on hit * Shooting armor during rush Ultimate after transformationCauses extraordinary shock damage to the enemy. When activated, increase your KI RESTORE by 30% (30 count). When hit, stun your enemy with a 20% chance. * Shooting armor when charging ZENKAI specialWhen activated, increase your own shooting damage by 20% (20 counts) When hit, activate the following effects ・ Reduce the enemy's energy by 50 & forcibly replace it ・ Cut your own damage by 15% (10 counts) * Shooting armor during rush Makeover ZENKAI SpecialWhen activated, increase the damage dealt by yourself by 20% (20 counts) When hit, activate the following effects ・ Reduce the enemy's energy by 50 & forcibly replace it ・ Cut your own damage by 15% (10 counts) * Rush Time shooting armor Makeover ZENKAI UltimateCauses extraordinary impact damage to enemies.When activated, increase your KI RESTORE by 40% (40 counts). When hit, stun the enemy with a 20% chance. * Shooting armor during rush BlowShooting Armor Character Strike Blow after transformationShooting Armor Character Strike
HP: 2784k ATK: 283k DEF: 251k CRT: 4.52k KI: 2.61k ultimateCauses extraordinary explosive damage to enemies.When activated, activates the following effects on yourself ・ Increases the ultimate damage dealt by 50% (3 counts) ・ When attacking yourself, negates the effect of the enemy's "Recovers health when health becomes 0" (3 counts) * Shooting armor during rush ZENKAI UltimateCauses extraordinary explosive damage to enemies.When activated, activates the following effects on yourself ・ Increases the ultimate damage dealt by 60% (3 counts) ・ When you attack yourself, negates the effect of the enemy's "Recovers health when health becomes 0" (3 counts) * Shooting armor during rush
HP: 2938k ATK: 248k DEF: 158k CRT: 4.98k KI: 2.33k ultimateCauses extraordinary explosive damage to enemies.When activated, increase your ultimate damage by 30% (3 counts) When hit, give a part of the damage done to the enemy's reserve member (the reserve member does not become incapacitated) * Shooting armor at the time of rush
HP: 2862k ATK: 246k DEF: 206k CRT: 5.12k KI: 2.57k ZENKAI SpecialCauses extraordinary explosive damage to enemies.Reduces enemy energy by 70 when hit * Shooting armor when rushing
HP: 2453k ATK: 317k DEF: 193k CRT: 4.87k KI: 2.29k ultimateCauses extraordinary impact damage to enemies.When activated, activate the following effects ・ Increase your ultimate damage dealt by 50% (3 counts) ・ When you attack, negate the enemy's "Recover health when health becomes 0" effect (3 counts) * Shooting armor when rushing
HP: 2323k ATK: 295k DEF: 201k CRT: 4.8k KI: 2.57k ultimateCauses extraordinary explosive damage to enemies.When hit, activate the following effects ・ Recover 25% of your own health ・ Reduce the enemy's energy by 70 ・ Give the enemy the ability reduction effect of "KI RESTORE 150% down" (5 counts) * Shooting armor at the time of rush
HP: 2506k ATK: 285k DEF: 219k CRT: 4.88k KI: 2.32k ultimateCauses extraordinary impact damage to enemies.When activated, the following effects are activated.・ Increases your ultimate damage by 40% (3 counts) ・ Disables the enemy's "recovers health when health becomes 0" effect when attacking (3 counts) In addition, your health If is 50% or less, increase your ultimate damage by 20% (3 counts) * Shooting armor when rushing
HP: 3093k ATK: 343k DEF: 225k CRT: 4.62k KI: 2.63k Deadly after transformationCauses a large amount of piercing damage to enemies.When activated, grants the ability enhancement effect that increases the effect of "damage cut" activated by the enemy by -100% (3 counts). When hit, grants strong bleeding to the enemy with a 100% chance. * Shooting armor during rush Makeover ZENKAI SpecialCauses extraordinary piercing damage to enemies.When activated, activates the following effects on itself ・ Gives the ability enhancement effect that deducts the effect of "damage cut" activated by the enemy by 100% (3 counts) ・ When activated, the enemy's "health is 0" Disables the effect of "Recovers health when it becomes" (3 counts) When hit, it gives the enemy heavy bleeding with a 100% chance. * Shooting armor during rush
HP: 2679k ATK: 296k DEF: 171k CRT: 4.74k KI: 2.32k ultimateCauses extraordinary shock damage to the enemy. On hit, there is a 20% chance to stun an enemy. * Shooting armor when charging ZENKAI UltimateCauses extraordinary impact damage to enemies.When activated, increases your ultimate damage by 30% (3 counts). When hit, stuns enemies with a 20% chance. * Shooting armor during rush
HP: 2527k ATK: 320k DEF: 193k CRT: 4.73k KI: 2.33k ultimateCauses extraordinary impact damage to enemies.When activated, activates the following effects on yourself ・ Increases the ultimate damage dealt by 30% (3 counts) ・ Gives the ability enhancement effect that deducts the effect of the "damage cut" activated by the enemy by 100% (3 counts) Forcibly replaces enemies when hit * Shooting armor when rushing BlowShooting Armor Character Strike
HP: 2424k ATK: 286k DEF: 207k CRT: 4.8k KI: 2.31k DeadlyCauses extraordinary piercing damage to enemies.When activated, grants the ability enhancement effect that deducts the effect of "damage cut" activated by the enemy by 100% (3 counts). When hit, grants strong bleeding to the enemy with a 100% chance. * Shooting armor during rush
HP: 2468k ATK: 351k DEF: 160k CRT: 4.65k KI: 2.32k ultimateCauses extraordinary impact damage to enemies.When activated, activates the following effects on yourself ・ Increases the ultimate damage dealt by 30% (3 counts) ・ When attacking yourself, negates the effect of the enemy's "Recovers health when health becomes 0" (3 counts) * Shooting armor during rush
HP: 2375k ATK: 300k DEF: 186k CRT: 5k KI: 2.32k ultimateCauses extraordinary explosive damage to enemies.When activated, increase your ultimate damage by 50% (3 counts) When hit, give a part of the damage done to the enemy's reserve member (the reserve member does not become incapacitated) * Shooting armor at the time of rush
HP: 2531k ATK: 250k DEF: 224k CRT: 4.91k KI: 2.34k ultimateCauses extraordinary impact damage to enemies.When activated, increase your ultimate damage by 50% (3 counts) When hit, draw a special arts card next * Shooting armor when rushing
HP: 2612k ATK: 381k DEF: 181k CRT: 4.51k KI: 2.53k Deadly after transformationCauses extraordinary explosive damage to enemies.When activated, grants the ability enhancement effect that deducts the effect of "damage cut" activated by the enemy by 100% (3 counts). When hit, grants strong bleeding to the enemy with a 100% chance. * Shooting armor during rush
HP: 2502k ATK: 338k DEF: 182k CRT: 4.98k KI: 2.57k Special after transformationWhen activated, activates the following effects on yourself ・ Increases damage dealt by 20% (15 counts) ・ Cuts damage taken by 20% (20 counts) (cannot be duplicated) [Pursuitable arts] ・ Blow arts ・ Shooting arts ・ Special Arts / Special Arts * Shooting armor at the time of rush
HP: 2758k ATK: 327k DEF: 184k CRT: 5.32k KI: 2.31k specialCauses extraordinary shock damage to the enemy. Increases own damage by 25% when activated (20 counts) * Shooting armor when charging ZENKAI UltimateCauses extraordinary impact damage to enemies.When activated, activates the following effects on yourself ・ Increases damage dealt by 50% (20 counts) ・ Disables the enemy's "Recover health when health becomes 0" effect when attacking yourself (3 counts) XNUMX counts) * Shooting armor during rush
HP: 2798k ATK: 234k DEF: 213k CRT: 4.81k KI: 2.49k ZENKAI SpecialCauses extraordinary impact damage to enemies.Increases own self-destruct damage by 30% when hit (30 counts) * Shooting armor when rushing
HP: 2238k ATK: 275k DEF: 194k CRT: 4.94k KI: 2.49k DeadlyCauses extraordinary impact damage to enemies.When activated, grants the ability enhancement effect that deducts the effect of "damage cut" activated by the enemy by 100% (3 counts) * Shooting armor at the time of rush
HP: 2424k ATK: 273k DEF: 192k CRT: 4.8k KI: 2.26k DeadlyCauses extraordinary explosive damage to enemies.Increases damage dealt by 20% when activated (15 counts) * Shooting armor when rushing
HP: 2536k ATK: 300k DEF: 187k CRT: 4.89k KI: 2.28k ultimateCauses explosive damage to enemies. Draw special arts card next when hit ※ Shooting armor during rush ZENKAI UltimateCauses extraordinary explosive damage to enemies.When activated, increase your ultimate damage by 40% (3 counts) When hit, draw a special arts card next * Shooting armor when rushing BlowShooting Armor Character Strike
HP: 2417k ATK: 305k DEF: 152k CRT: 4.67k KI: 2.56k specialWhen hit, activate the following effects ・ Reduce the enemy's energy by 50 ・ Give the enemy the ability reduction effect of "KI RESTORE 50% down" (5 counts) ・ Recover 10% of your own health & recover 50 energy [Chase Possible Arts] ・ Special Arts * Shooting Armor at the time of rush
HP: 2574k ATK: 361k DEF: 167k CRT: 4.73k KI: 2.49k Deadly after transformationInflicts extraordinary slashing damage on enemies.When activated, increase your own special damage by 40% (3 counts) * Shooting armor when rushing
HP: 2340k ATK: 260k DEF: 168k CRT: 4.42k KI: 2.32k DeadlyCauses a large amount of impact damage to enemies.When hit, the enemy is forcibly replaced. * Shooting armor during rush
HP: 2472k ATK: 224k DEF: 216k CRT: 4.75k KI: 2.32k specialWhen hit, activate the following effects ・ Give the enemy incapacity ・ Recover 50 own energy ・ Increase the damage dealt by allies by 30% (15 counts) (cannot be duplicated) ・ Increase the damage taken by the enemy by 30% ”Ability reduction effect (10 counts) (cannot be duplicated) * Shooting armor during rush
HP: 2363k ATK: 258k DEF: 179k CRT: 4.87k KI: 2.51k DeadlyInflicts a large amount of slashing damage on the enemy. When hit, gives the enemy the ability reduction effect of "KI RESTORE 100% down" (10 counts). On hit, gives the enemy strong bleeding with a 100% chance. * Shooting armor during rush
HP: 2439k ATK: 276k DEF: 178k CRT: 4.23k KI: 2.22k specialWhen activated, increase your own arts card draw speed by 1 level (15 counts) When hit, give the enemy the ability reduction effect of "impact attribute damage taken 15% up" (20 counts) [Pursuitable arts] ・ Strike arts ・Shooting Arts / Special Arts / Special Arts * Shooting Armor at the time of rush
HP: 2621k ATK: 257k DEF: 191k CRT: 4.99k KI: 2.67k DeadlyCauses a large amount of slashing damage to the enemy.When activated, grants the ability enhancement effect that reduces the effect of "damage cut" activated by the enemy at the time of cover change by 50% (20 counts). When hit, bleeds the enemy with an 80% chance. * Shooting armor during rush Deadly after transformationCauses a large amount of slashing damage to the enemy.When activated, grants the ability enhancement effect that reduces the effect of "damage cut" activated by the enemy at the time of cover change by 50% (20 counts). When hit, bleeds the enemy with an 80% chance. * Shooting armor during rush
HP: 2724k ATK: 330k DEF: 159k CRT: 5.55k KI: 2.44k DeadlyCauses a large amount of impact damage to enemies.Recovers 10% of your health when hit * Shooting armor when rushing BlowShooting Armor Character Strike
HP: 1886k ATK: 196k DEF: 143k CRT: 4.4k KI: 1.92k BlowShooting Armor Character Strike
HP: 2392k ATK: 252k DEF: 171k CRT: 4.19k KI: 2.53k BlowShooting Armor Character Strike
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  • I feel like I'll be using it until UL Gohan comes out...
  • This Buu is the strongest and defeated the golfer.
  • Too much trash
  • Seriously, that's it...
  • I still think selfishness is broken.
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