Date published: 2023 May 01

How to earn Chrono Crystals in Tournament of Power [Updated January 2023, 1]

Editor: Master Roshi

Tournament of Power is a mode in which you form a team with 6 characters, defeat the enemy teams placed on the map, and compete for the battle score.Defeat the boss in the back of the map to get "Chrono Crystals".

Easy Digestion Method (Updated 2023-01-14)

It's not suitable for aiming for the top ranking, but I'll show you how to aim for the top 25% of the Z League, where you can get the most Chrono Crystals. Fragments for Tournament of Power, Boost characters by Tier classification don't really care at this point.It's easier with fragments, but if you're too picky about boost characters, it may become difficult to capture.

Fragment for Tournament of Power None required
Boost Character (Tier) don't really care

Form a party with tags that are compatible with the new characters you have and aim for consecutive victories.

Until the 13th consecutive win, the bonus is low, so defeat enemies with low difficulty to proceed. After the 14th consecutive win, the bonus will be higher, so just defeat the difficult enemies.I am not particularly conscious of placement.If you feel that the enemy has the latest characters or incompatible characters, avoid them.

14th consecutive win 100% bonus
15/16 consecutive wins 200% bonus
17/18 consecutive wins 300% bonus
19/20 consecutive wins 400% bonus
21/22 consecutive wins 500% bonus
23th consecutive win 600% bonus
24th consecutive win 800% bonus

If you want to aim for a higher rank regardless of rewards, you need to organize with boost characters, but if you only want to earn Chrono Crystals, you can earn enough with this method.

TP is the tournament participation point

You can advance one square by consuming one TP. TP recovers in a certain amount of time.

The party consists of 6 bodies and 2 bodies

The party can register 6 bodies to be selected for the battle and 2 bodies that can be replaced at any time.

Chrono Crystals rewards

Beat the final boss Chrono Crystals ×300
Seasonal reward: Battle score over 180 million Chrono Crystals ×100
Z League 1st place
Top 25%
Chrono Crystals ×1,000
Top 35% Chrono Crystals ×800
Top 50% Chrono Crystals ×500

Type of trout

battle There are normal battles and boss battles.The innermost boss has Chrono Crystals as a clear reward.
Reply The character's physical strength is fully restored, but the incombatable character is not restored.
reorganization You can reorganize the character, but the physical strength will not recover because the physical strength of the 6 teams and the reserve will be equal.
Characters that cannot fight will also be revived by the above effects
Take over the Special Move gauge

Boost character

Bonus points when using the set boost character.

League and season, promotion and demotion

The Tournament of Power is held by classifying users in the league.There are promotion and demotion according to the score of the season in the league, and by promoting, the reward becomes luxurious and the difficulty of the enemy also increases.If you do not participate, you will be demoted.

Overall ranking Reward changes according to ranking
League ranking Judgment of promotion and demotion of next seeds

Tournament of Power Rising Rush

After 4 turns, the rising rush will be activated only on the player side.Damage is determined by the special attack and attribute compatibility without being affected by abilities.

Physical strength will be passed on to the next battle

Be aware that the physical strength of your characters has been taken over throughout the two-week season!Characters with 2 health cannot participate in battle.Let's clear by making full use of recovery squares and reorganization squares!

* If you use recovery squares or reorganization squares, the points will drop as a result.There is also information that the points may be higher if they are wiped out.

You can choose the priority to attack the enemy at the start

On this screen, you can tap the enemy and select the attack priority from ① to ⑥!Basically, select and defeat the characters that should be attacked with priority so that you can earn more battle scores!

* The order of actions of the characters in your army is affected by the speed of recovery of energy.

If you lose the battle, it will drop by 2 squares and fully recover.

If you lose in the battle, you will be moved to the next lower square as a penalty.The TP required to move up the square is valuable, so be careful and choose an enemy to challenge!

Take advantage of battles with placement bonuses!

The placement bonus in the 3x3 square will strengthen the character placed in that position.Change the placement of your team and aim to maximize the battle score before challenging the enemy!

* There are special arts strengthening, special gauge acquisition amount increase, hitting or shooting damage increase, special gauge acquisition amount increase, CRITICAL occurrence rate increase, physical strength recovery amount increase, KI RESTORE increase, etc.

The blue squares of the ability affect allies, and the red affects enemies.

On the ability screen dedicated to Tournament of Power mode, you can check what kind of enhancement / weakening will be given on the 3x3 square!The blue squares are effective against you and your allies, and the red squares are effective against your enemies.

Classified into Tiers 1 to 5 by usage rate, bonus for characters with low usage rate!

What is Tier?Characters are categorized into Tiers 1-5 according to season usage, and characters with low usage in the previous season will receive a battle score bonus in the next season!

How to raise your battle score

Defeat all enemies to maximize your battle score!Even if you win the physical strength judgment, you will not get the same battle score as when you defeated it.Other important factors are the remaining health, the amount of damage done, the difficulty of the enemy, the "boost character bonus", and the "winning streak bonus"!

Up to 1 turns per race!Physical fitness judgment beyond that

The battle with the enemy team consists of 4 turns! If you can't settle in 4 turns, you will be judged based on the physical strength ratio of yourself and the enemy team.

Check the difficulty level of the square to challenge by the number of fists!

Refer to the fist icon for the difficulty level of the enemy you are challenging.The more fists you have, the stronger your enemy!Of course, if you defeat a strong enemy, the battle score will increase easily, so choose a strategic destination!

Bonus for every 5 consecutive wins

Bonus points for 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 consecutive wins.Even if you pass the recovery or formation square, the winning streak will not be reset, but you cannot go through the recovery square or formation square to get the bonus of the 25th consecutive win.

Check the organization of the top players!

You can see the team formation of players other than yourself from the ranking screen!If you're trying to battle, or if you're wondering which character to replace in the reorganized square, check it out and use it as a reference!

Feel free to ask questions of beginners, requests to the site, chatting to kill time.Anonymous is also welcome! !

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  • Too much trash
  • Seriously, that's it...
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