Date published: 2021 May 05

A character whose ability increases when an ally becomes incapacitated

Editor: Master Roshi

A character whose ability increases when an ally becomes incapacitated.There are many characters in the main scenes such as Son Goku who played an active part at the end and Son Gohan who played an active part after losing Son Goku, and it is also popular.The character who plays an active part in the last one is also called "Rasuichi", and if you leave a character with high performance even in PvP, it may be reversed at once from an advantageous situation such as 1 to 1, so be careful.

If you find a missing character, please report it to the manager in the comments.In the feature ranking, various feature summaries are summarized in a ranking format.Check out the abilities that are currently in the spotlight.

Feature ranking

HP: 2425k ATK: 266k DEF: 268k CRT: 5.16k KI: 2.59k unique衝撃属性に対する自身の被ダメージを15%カット(消去不可) 自身の体力が0になった時、一度だけ体力を40%回復する(消去不可) 打撃アーツの攻撃に対してカバーチェンジした場合、敵を遠距離まで吹き飛ばす(アシストアクション時発動可) 【追撃可能アーツ】 ・必殺アーツ 自身のユニークゲージが30%以上かつ自身が以下の状態の時、敵の打撃アーツまたは一部を除く突進技などの必殺・特殊アーツに対し、自身のユニークゲージを全て消費してカウンターが発動する(発動回数3回) ・行動していない状態またはスワイプ移動中 ・左右へのステップ中 ・被攻撃中 ※状態異常または特定のアーツによる特殊なやられ状態を除く ※カバーチェンジ時を除く ※カウンターが3回発動すると、自身のユニークゲージが消失する ※自身のユニークゲージは、自身が場に出ている間減少し、控えにいる間徐々に回復する 【追撃可能アーツ】 ・必殺アーツ ・究極アーツ さらに、カウンター発動時、以下の効果を発動する ・自身の気力を50回復 ・自身の能力低下・状態異常を解除 ・味方の待機カウントを5カウント短縮 ・敵の手札を全て破棄する 自身が場に出ている時、敵のアーツによる攻撃を受けた時、以下の効果を発動する ・自身の体力を10%回復(発動回数2回) ・敵の気力を30減少(発動回数2回) 味方が2人戦闘不能になると、この発動回数は1度だけリセットされる
HP: 3145k ATK: 338k DEF: 236k CRT: 5.03k KI: 2.35k uniqueバトル開始時、自身に以下の効果を発動する ・与ダメージを90%アップ(消去不可) ・被ダメージを35%カット(消去不可) ・状態異常を無効にする(60カウント)(消去不可) 敵の攻撃終了後、以下の効果を発動する ・次に発動する自身のアーツの与ダメージを30%アップ(重複不可) ・自身のアーツカードドロー速度を2段階アップ(10カウント)(重複不可) ・敵全体に交代禁止を付与する(3カウント) 味方が1人戦闘不能になると、自身に以下の効果を発動する ・自身が受ける被ダメージの属性相性不利を無効化する(消去不可) ・自身の体力が0になった時、一度だけ体力を25%回復する(消去不可) ZENKAI uniqueバトル開始時、自身に以下の効果を発動する ・与ダメージを90%アップ(消去不可) ・被ダメージを35%カット(消去不可) ・状態異常を無効にする(60カウント)(消去不可) ・自身の体力が0になった時、一度だけ体力を25%回復する(消去不可) 敵の攻撃終了後、以下の効果を発動する ・次に発動する自身のアーツの与ダメージを30%アップ(重複不可) ・自身のアーツカードドロー速度を2段階アップ(10カウント)(重複不可) ・敵全体に交代禁止を付与する(3カウント) 味方が1人戦闘不能になると、自身に以下の効果を発動する ・射撃アーツコストを5ダウン(消去不可) ・受ける被ダメージの属性相性不利を無効化する(消去不可) ZENKAI Unique VI自身の射撃アーツヒット時、以下の効果を発動する ・自身の射撃アーツ与ダメージを15%アップ(10カウント) ・自身の必殺アーツコストを3ダウン(10カウント) ・敵に「体力被回復量15%ダウン」の能力低下効果を与える(10カウント) さらに、戦闘不能なバトルメンバーがいると、自身に以下の効果を発動する(発動回数1回) ※味方が2人戦闘不能になると、この発動回数は1度だけリセットされる ・次に発動する必殺与ダメージを20%アップ(消去不可) ・敵がカバーチェンジ時に発動する専用のアクションを無効化する状態強化効果を付与する(10カウント) ZENKAI Unique IIIWhen you enter the field, activate the following effects on yourself - Draw a shooting arts card next time (1 activation) - Recover 50 energy (1 activation) In addition, for each battle member who is unable to fight , activates the following effects on yourself ・Recovers energy by 1 ・Increases shooting damage by 25% (10 counts) ・Increases arts card draw speed by 15 step (1 counts)
HP: 2690k ATK: 350k DEF: 255k CRT: 5k KI: 2.29k unique「タグ:サイヤ人」に対する、自身の射撃与ダメージを20%アップ(消去不可) バトル開始時、自身に以下の効果を発動する ・与ダメージを90%アップ(消去不可) ・被ダメージを40%カット(消去不可) 場に出た時、自身に以下の効果を発動する ・気力を50回復 ・与ダメージを40%アップ(15カウント)(発動回数4回) ・被ダメージを30%カット(15カウント)(発動回数4回) ・能力低下・状態異常を解除 味方が2人戦闘不能になると、自身の体力を35%回復 ZENKAI unique「タグ:サイヤ人」に対する、自身の与ダメージを20%アップ(消去不可) バトル開始時、自身に以下の効果を発動する ・与ダメージを90%アップ(消去不可) ・被ダメージを40%カット(消去不可) 場に出た時、自身に以下の効果を発動する ・気力を50回復 ・与ダメージを50%アップ(15カウント)(発動回数4回) ・被ダメージを30%カット(15カウント)(発動回数4回) ・能力低下・状態異常を解除 味方が2人戦闘不能になると、自身の体力を35%回復
HP: 2374k ATK: 348k DEF: 227k CRT: 4.64k KI: 2.34k unique打撃アーツの攻撃に対してカバーチェンジした場合、敵を遠距離まで吹き飛ばす(アシストアクション時発動可) 【追撃可能アーツ】 ・必殺アーツ 自身が場に出ている時、気力チャージの時間に応じて自身のユニークゲージが超高速で増加する。 ユニークゲージが最大値になると、自身に以下の効果を発動する ・特殊アーツカードを次にドローする(発動回数1回) 味方が1人戦闘不能になると、この発動回数は1度だけリセットされる ・手札が3枚以下の場合、カードをランダムに1枚ドローする ・体力を15%回復(発動回数5回) ・気力を40回復 ・与ダメージを15%アップ(消去不可)(発動回数3回) ・必殺与ダメージを10%アップ(消去不可)(発動回数3回) ・究極与ダメージを10%アップ(消去不可)(発動回数3回) ・KI RESTOREを20%アップ(消去不可)(発動回数3回) ・状態異常・能力低下を解除 自身が場に出ている時、敵のアーツによる攻撃を受けた時、以下の効果を発動する ・自身の与ダメージを20%アップ(10カウント) ・自身の体力を5%回復(発動回数5回) 味方が1人戦闘不能になると、この発動回数は1度だけリセットされる ・敵の気力を20減少(発動回数5回) 味方が1人戦闘不能になると、この発動回数は1度だけリセットされる
HP: 2452k ATK: 326k DEF: 220k CRT: 4.81k KI: 2.37k unique打撃アーツの攻撃に対してカバーチェンジした場合、敵を遠距離まで吹き飛ばす(アシストアクション時発動可) 【追撃可能アーツ】 ・必殺アーツ 自身がバニシングステップすると、以下の効果を発動する ・自身の手札をランダムで1枚破棄し、特殊アーツカードを次にドローする(発動回数1回) ・自身の気力を30回復 ・自身の復活確率を15%アップ(消去不可) ・味方の待機カウントを2カウント短縮 場に出た時、自身に以下の効果を発動する ・気力を20回復 ・与ダメージを50%アップ(15カウント) さらに、戦闘不能なバトルメンバー1人につき、復活確率を30%ずつアップ(消去不可) 交代時、この効果はリセットされる バトル経過カウントに応じて、自身に以下の効果を発動する 20カウント経過後:KI RESTOREを50%アップ(消去不可) 40カウント経過後:体力を20%回復 60カウント経過後:アーツカードドロー速度を1段階アップ(消去不可)
HP: 2431k ATK: 369k DEF: 210k CRT: 4.9k KI: 2.33k unique打撃アーツの攻撃に対してカバーチェンジした場合、敵を遠距離まで吹き飛ばす(アシストアクション時発動可) 【追撃可能アーツ】 ・必殺アーツ 自身が場に出ている時、自身のユニークゲージが増加する ユニークゲージが最大値になると、自身のユニークゲージを全て消費し、自身に以下の効果を発動する ・手札が3枚以下の場合、カードを最大3枚までランダムにドローする ・体力を20%回復 ・気力を60回復 ・バニシングゲージを100%回復 ・与ダメージを60%アップ(消去不可)(発動回数1回) ・与ダメージを20%アップ(70カウント)(消去不可) ・アーツカードドロー速度を1段階アップ(70カウント)(消去不可) ・敵がカバーチェンジ時に発動する専用のアクションを無効化する状態強化効果を付与する(15カウント) ・能力低下・状態異常を解除 自身が場に出ている時、敵がアーツカードを使用する度、自身に以下の効果を発動する ・手札が3枚以下の場合、カードをランダムに1枚ドローする ・与ダメージを20%アップ(15カウント) ・アーツカードドロー速度を1段階アップ(10カウント) 場に出た時、以下の効果を発動する ・自身の気力を30回復 ・自身を除く味方の「エピソード:Z セル編」または「タグ:再生」の与ダメージを15%アップ(消去不可)(発動回数1回) さらに、戦闘不能なバトルメンバー1人につき、自身のユニークゲージを20%ずつ増加
HP: 3031k ATK: 280k DEF: 193k CRT: 5k KI: 2.27k Unique after transformation変身時、自身に以下の効果を発動する ・与ダメージを70%アップ(消去不可) ・射撃アーツコストを10ダウン(消去不可) ・必殺アーツコストを10ダウン(消去不可) 場に出た時、自身に以下の効果を発動する ・射撃アーツカードを次にドローする ・KI RESTOREを50%アップ(15カウント) ・CRITICAL発生率を20%アップ(15カウント) 味方が2人戦闘不能になると、自身に以下の効果を発動する ・KI RESTOREを50%アップ(消去不可) ・ユニークゲージを100%増加
HP: 2581k ATK: 309k DEF: 209k CRT: 4.97k KI: 2.54k unique打撃アーツの攻撃に対してカバーチェンジした場合、敵を遠距離まで吹き飛ばす(アシストアクション時発動可) 【追撃可能アーツ】 ・必殺アーツ 自身が場に出ている時、アーツカードをドローする度に、自身に以下の効果を発動する ・体力を2%回復 ・気力を10回復 自身が打撃・射撃アーツカードを使用する度に、自身に以下の効果を発動する ・必殺与ダメージを10%アップ(10カウント) ・究極与ダメージを10%アップ(10カウント) ・KI RESTOREを10%アップ(10カウント) 自身が場に出ている時、敵がライジングラッシュを発動すると、以下の効果を発動する(発動回数1回) ・自身のバニシングゲージを100%回復 ・敵の能力強化&状態強化を消去 味方が2人戦闘不能になると、自身に以下の効果を発動する ・ユニークゲージを100%増加 ・攻撃時、敵の「体力が0になった時、体力を回復する」効果を無効化する(消去不可) 
HP: 2526k ATK: 319k DEF: 174k CRT: 4.95k KI: 2.44k ZENKAI Unique VIWhen 2 allies become unable to fight, the following effects will be applied to yourself: ・Increases damage dealt by 50% (cannot be erased) ・Reduces damage taken by 25% (cannot be erased) ・Increases KI RESTORE by 60% (cannot be erased)・Increase arts card draw speed by 1 level (cannot be erased)
HP: 3056k ATK: 276k DEF: 196k CRT: 4.97k KI: 2.25k Unique after transformation変身時、自身に以下の効果を発動する ・与ダメージを40%アップ(消去不可) ・自身の体力が0になった時、一度だけ体力を30%回復する(消去不可) 場に出た時、自身に以下の効果を発動する ・打撃アーツカードを次にドローする ・気力を20回復 ・打撃与ダメージを20%アップ(重複不可) ・アーツカードドロー速度を1段階アップ(重複不可) 場に出た時または変身時、戦闘不能なバトルメンバー1人につき、自身に以下の効果を発動する ・体力を15%ずつ回復 ・与ダメージを40%ずつアップ ・KI RESTOREを40%ずつアップ 交代時に、この効果はリセットされる
HP: 2735k ATK: 356k DEF: 197k CRT: 4.94k KI: 2.39k ZENKAI uniqueOnly when changing cover for the first time, switch without taking damage from the opponent (can be activated during assist action) If one ally becomes incapacitated, activate the following effects on yourself ・Increase damage dealt by 1% (cannot be erased) ) ・ Adds the ability enhancement effect of ``waiting count is reduced by 30 counts'' (cannot be erased)
HP: 3258k ATK: 262k DEF: 186k CRT: 4.79k KI: 2.32k ZENKAI Unique VIAfter 70 counts from the start of the battle, activate the following effects on yourself ・Increase damage dealt by 15% (cannot be erased) ・Increase special damage by 15% (cannot be erased) Activates the following effects:-Recovers 2% physical strength and restores 15 morale-Increase the number of dragon balls by 50-Increase arts card draw speed by 2 stage (1 counts)
HP: 2464k ATK: 248k DEF: 222k CRT: 4.87k KI: 2.24k uniqueWhen you enter the battlefield, activate the following effects on yourself ・Draw a batting arts card next time ・Recover 10% physical strength ・Recover 20 morale ・Reduce damage taken by 15% (10 counts) In addition, you can not fight Activates the following effects for each ally or enemy battle member ・Increases damage dealt by 1% (cannot be erased) ・Reduces all arts cost by 25 (cannot be erased) ・Increases KI RESTORE by 2% ( (Cannot be erased) This effect is reset when replaced.
HP: 2762k ATK: 325k DEF: 212k CRT: 5.41k KI: 2.51k uniqueOnly at the time of the first cover change, it will be replaced without being damaged by the opponent (can be activated at the time of assist action) When it comes into play, for each battle member who can not fight, the following effects will be activated for itself ・ Physical strength 1 Recovers by% ・ Increases damage dealt by 10% (cannot be erased) ・ Increases ultimate damage dealt by 20% (cannot be erased) ZENKAI uniqueAt the start of the battle, if two battle members other than yourself have "Tag: GT", increase the number of uses of your special cover change by 2. At the start of the battle, the battle members other than yourself will have "Tag: GT ” or “Tag: Son Ichizoku” is organized by two people, gives yourself the ability-enhancing effect of “Reduces standby count by 1 count” (cannot be erased) When changing cover, change without receiving damage from the opponent Do (2 activation) (Can be activated during assist action) When on the battlefield, activate the following effects on yourself for each battle member who is unable to fight ・Recover physical strength by 1% ・Damage dealt by 1% Increases by 1 (cannot be erased) ・Increases ultimate damage by 10% (cannot be erased) This effect is reset when replaced
HP: 2804k ATK: 347k DEF: 178k CRT: 4.54k KI: 2.26k ZENKAI Unique VIWhen one ally becomes incapacitated, the following effects will be applied to yourself: ・Reduce damage taken by 1% (cannot be erased) ・Increase KI RESTORE by 10% (cannot be erased) ・Increase arts card draw speed by 100 step (cannot be erased) not allowed)
HP: 2759k ATK: 271k DEF: 207k CRT: 4.66k KI: 2.22k uniqueIncreases self-fire damage by 2% when two teammates are unable to battle uniqueWhen two teammates are in battle, draw a special arts card next
HP: 2950k ATK: 357k DEF: 177k CRT: 4.7k KI: 2.46k uniqueIncreases the damage dealt by 1% for each incombatable battle member. Increases the damage dealt by 20% when the ally "Character: Trunks" becomes incapacitated. Unique after transformationIncreases own damage dealt by 1% for each incombatable battle member. Increases own damage dealt by 20% when a friendly "Character: Trunks" becomes incapacitated. When you are in play, the enemy Activates the following effects when replaced.-Recovers your own energy by 30.-Increases your own shooting damage by 30% (15 counts). ZENKAI uniqueWhen you enter the battlefield, activate the following effects on yourself for each battle member who cannot fight ・Recover physical strength by 1% ・Increase damage dealt by 5% (cannot be erased) ・Cut damage taken by 20% (Cannot be erased) When replaced, this effect will be reset. If your ally "Character: Trunks" becomes incapacitated, increase your damage dealt by 10%. Activates the effect of ・Recovers 30 morale ・Increases shooting damage by 30% (15 counts) Makeover ZENKAI Unique残された戦士 場に出た時、戦闘不能なバトルメンバー1人につき、自身に以下の効果を発動する ・体力を5%ずつ回復 ・与ダメージを20%ずつアップ(消去不可) ・被ダメージを10%ずつカット(消去不可) 交代時、この効果はリセットされる 味方の「キャラクター:トランクス」が戦闘不能になると、自身の与ダメージを30%アップ 自身が場に出ている時、敵が交代すると自身に以下の効果を発動する ・気力を30回復 ・射撃与ダメージを15%アップ(20カウント) ・バニシングゲージを50%回復(発動回数1回) 交代時、この発動回数はリセットされる
HP: 2907k ATK: 232k DEF: 173k CRT: 4.65k KI: 2.67k ZENKAI uniqueWhen one ally becomes incapacitated, the following effects will be applied to yourself ・Increase damage dealt by 1% (cannot be erased) ・Increase KI RESTORE by 20% (cannot be erased) ・Increase special damage dealt by 50% (cannot be erased) ) When two allies become incapacitated, the following effects are activated on themselves: ・Recovers 20% of physical strength ・Increases damage dealt by 2% (cannot be erased) ・Reduces damage taken by 20% (cannot be erased) ・Recovers burnishing gauge 20% faster
HP: 2297k ATK: 234k DEF: 214k CRT: 5.04k KI: 2.31k uniqueWhen you become incapable of fighting, activate the following effects on your allies ・ Recover 20% of your health ・ Recover 50 of your energy ・ Increase the damage dealt by 20% (cannot be erased) Activate the effect ・ Increase the arts card draw speed by 1 level (cannot be erased) ・ Increase KI RESTORE by 1% (cannot be erased) ・ Increase the damage dealt by 50% (cannot be erased) ・ Increase the special damage dealt by 50% (cannot be erased) )
HP: 2754k ATK: 268k DEF: 216k CRT: 4.41k KI: 2.3k uniqueAt the time of cover change, cut your damage by 50% until the opponent's attack ends. After activating the effect, increase your standby count by 2 counts. Increase your damage by 1% for each incombatable battle member. ZENKAI uniqueAt the time of cover change, cut your damage by 50% until the opponent's attack ends. Increase your damage by 1% for each incapable battle member.
HP: 2557k ATK: 281k DEF: 195k CRT: 4.75k KI: 2.4k uniqueAt the beginning of the battle, activate the following effects on yourself ・ Increase the damage dealt by 80% (cannot be erased) ・ Cut the damage taken by 50% (cannot be erased) Activates the following effects: -Recovers health by 1%-Increases damage dealt by 10% (cannot be erased) -Increases KI RESTORE by 30% (cannot be erased) This effect is reset when replaced.
HP: 2805k ATK: 330k DEF: 216k CRT: 5.11k KI: 2.57k ZENKAI Unique IIIWhen two allies become incapacitated, the following effects will be activated on themselves.-Recovers 2% of health.-Cuts damage taken by 15% (cannot be erased).
HP: 2508k ATK: 357k DEF: 164k CRT: 5k KI: 2.45k uniqueバトル開始時、自身に以下の効果を発動する ・与ダメージを90%アップ(消去不可) ・被ダメージを50%カット(消去不可) ・アーツカードドロー速度を1段階アップ(消去不可) 場に出た時、自身に以下の効果を発動する ・気力を40回復 ・与ダメージを40%アップ(重複不可) ・被ダメージを15%カット(重複不可) 敵の攻撃をバニシングステップで回避した際、自身に以下の効果を発動する ・気力を20回復 ・次に発動するアーツの与ダメージを20%アップ(重複不可) 自身が打撃・射撃アーツカードを使用する度に、自身のユニークゲージを15%回復 味方が2人戦闘不能になると、自身に以下の効果を発動する ・自身の体力が0になった時、一度だけ体力を40%回復する(消去不可) ・ユニークゲージを100%回復
HP: 2712k ATK: 348k DEF: 182k CRT: 4.42k KI: 2.5k uniqueAt the time of cover change, it gives the enemy the ability reduction effect of "reduce the arts card draw speed by one step" (1 counts) When the cover is changed against the attack of hitting arts, the ally's "tag: artificial" that blows the enemy to a long distance When two "humans" become incapacitated, the following effects will be activated on themselves.-Increase damage dealt by 15%.-Increase KI RESTORE by 2%.-Recover health by 50%.
HP: 2737k ATK: 296k DEF: 177k CRT: 6.16k KI: 2.41k ZENKAI uniqueWhen one ally becomes incapacitated, the following effects will be activated on himself.-Arts card draw speed will be increased by 1 level (cannot be erased) -KI RESTORE will be increased by 1% (cannot be erased). When it becomes incapable of fighting, it activates the following effects on itself ・ Increases the damage dealt by 40% (cannot be erased) ・ Increases the special damage dealt by 20% (cannot be erased)
HP: 2506k ATK: 315k DEF: 201k CRT: 5.17k KI: 2.63k uniqueWhen two allies become incapacitated, discard one card at random from their own hand, and when they enter the field to draw the ultimate arts card "Soul Punisher" next time, if there is an incapacitated battle member, the following effects・ Disables the disadvantage of own attribute compatibility (2 counts) (1 activations) ・ Grants a ban on substitution to all enemies (10 counts) (2 activations) When you are in play When an enemy activates Rising Rush, the waiting count of allies is reduced by 5 counts. Increases the damage dealt to "Tag: Mighty Enemy" or "Episode: Theatrical Version" by 2% (cannot be erased). On the other hand, if the cover is changed, the enemy will be blown away to a long distance (can be activated during assist action) [Pursuitable arts] ・ Special arts
HP: 2485k ATK: 282k DEF: 213k CRT: 4.89k KI: 2.28k ultimateA blow that protects the earth Inflicts extraordinary impact damage on enemies.When activated, increase your ultimate damage by 40% (3 counts) In addition, increase your ultimate damage by 1% for each incapable battle member (30 counts) * Shooting armor when rushing MaineDraw the ultimate arts card "Blow to Protect the Earth" next. Recover 40 health of yourself. Recover 10% of health of allies. In addition, recover 1% of health of each uncombatable battle member. 15 decrease
HP: 2659k ATK: 359k DEF: 179k CRT: 5.38k KI: 2.95k ZENKAI Unique IIIWhen one ally's "Tag: Frieza Army" or "Tag: Evil Genealogy" becomes incapacitated, the following effects will be activated on itself.-Increases damage dealt by 1% (cannot be erased). (20 counts) ・ Shooting arts cost reduced by 30 (cannot be erased)
HP: 2826k ATK: 253k DEF: 218k CRT: 4.29k KI: 2.65k MaineDraws the ultimate arts card, “The Three Great Parents and Children Kamehameha” next, recovers 15% of allies' stamina, and recovers 1% of allies' stamina per uncombatable battle member ZENKAI mainDraw the ultimate arts card "Parent and Child Three Great Kamehameha" Next Draw 20% increase in damage dealt by allies (20 counts) Recover 15% of allies' physical strength In addition, increase the physical strength of allies for each uncombatable battle member Recover by 1%
HP: 2428k ATK: 273k DEF: 170k CRT: 5.11k KI: 2.56k uniqueWhen it comes into play, for each incapable battle member, activate the following effects on yourself ・ Increase the damage dealt by 1% (cannot be erased) ・ Cut the damage taken by 20% (cannot be erased) ・ Increase health This effect is reset when the recovery is changed by 10%.
HP: 2453k ATK: 330k DEF: 176k CRT: 4.79k KI: 2.33k uniqueAt the time of cover change, cut 20% of your own damage until the end of the opponent's attack If you change the cover against the attack of the hitting arts, blow the enemy to a long distance (can be activated at the time of assist action) Activate the following effects ・ Recover 30 ally's energy ・ Recover 10% of own physical strength When one of your ally's "Episode: Super Space Survival Edition" or "Tag: Android" becomes incapable of fighting, your own damage 1% up (cannot be erased)
HP: 2305k ATK: 231k DEF: 216k CRT: 5.1k KI: 2.58k uniqueAt the time of cover change, when you enter the cut field by 40% of your own damage until the end of the opponent's attack, activate the following effects on yourself for each incapable battle member ・ Increase the damage dealt by 1% (erase) Not possible) ・ Cuts damage taken by 30% (cannot be erased) ・ Increases KI RESTORE by 5% (cannot be erased)
HP: 2633k ATK: 273k DEF: 201k CRT: 4.73k KI: 2.32k uniqueIncreases your own KI RESTORE by 1% for each uncombatable battle member. Increases your shooting damage by 15% for each untagable "Tag: Future". ZENKAI uniqueWhen it comes into play, increase your KI RESTORE by 1% for each non-combatable battle member. In addition, non-combatable "Tag: Future" or "Tag: Mixed Race Saiyan" or "Tag: Vegeta Clan" 30 Increases the damage dealt to each person by 1% (cannot be erased)
HP: 2759k ATK: 313k DEF: 198k CRT: 4.29k KI: 2.34k uniqueIncreases your damage dealt by 1% for each uncombatable battle member. Increases your KI RESTORE by 20% when an ally, "Character: Pai-Kuhan", becomes uncombatable. ZENKAI uniqueFor each incombatable battle member, activate the following effects on yourself ・ Increase the damage dealt by 1% (cannot be erased) ・ Increase KI RESTORE by 20% (cannot be erased) Increases your KI RESTORE by 30% when disabled
HP: 2396k ATK: 285k DEF: 170k CRT: 4.19k KI: 2.19k uniqueIncreases your shooting damage by 1% for each battle member who cannot battle ZENKAI uniqueFor each incombatable battle member, activate the following effects on yourself ・ Increase shooting damage by 1% ・ Increase KI RESTORE by 15%
HP: 2424k ATK: 245k DEF: 216k CRT: 4.41k KI: 2.18k uniqueIncreases self-fire damage by 2% when two teammates are unable to battle ZENKAI uniqueWhen one or more "Tag: Saiyan" or "Tag: Frieza Army" are organized in battle members other than yourself, the following effects will be activated on yourself and the shooting damage will be increased by 1%. (20 counts) ・ Cuts damage taken by 20% (10 counts) Increases damage dealt by 20% when one ally becomes incapacitated (cannot be erased) When two allies become incapacitated, damage caused by shooting 1% up (cannot be erased)
HP: 3042k ATK: 406k DEF: 186k CRT: 4.81k KI: 2.59k uniqueWhen it comes into play, it cuts its own damage by 40% (5 counts). When it avoids an enemy's attack in a burnishing step, it recovers its own energy by 20. When two allies become incapacitated, its own health is reduced by 2%. recovery Unique after transformationWhen two allies become incapacitated, their shooting damage is increased by 2%. According to the count that they are in play, their damage is increased (up to 50%). 70 Count elapsed: 5 damage % Up 40 counts elapsed: Increases damage dealt by 10% This effect is reset when changing. Unique after transformationWhen it comes into play, it cuts its own damage by 40% (5 counts). When it avoids an enemy's attack in a burnishing step, it recovers its own energy by 25. When two allies become incapacitated, its own health is reduced by 2%. Recovery & Special Arts cost reduced by 50 (cannot be erased) ZENKAI uniqueWhen it comes into play, it cuts its own damage by 40% (10 counts). When it avoids an enemy's attack in a burnishing step, it recovers its own energy by 30. When two allies become incapacitated, its own health is reduced by 2%. recovery ZENKAI Unique IIIWhen one ally becomes incapacitated, activates the following effects on itself, increases the damage dealt by 1%, and grants the state strengthening effect of "disable the occurrence of ability reduction twice".-Gives a state enhancement effect of "invalidate the occurrence of abnormal conditions twice". Makeover ZENKAI UniqueI'll settle it !! When two allies become incapacitated, increase their own shooting damage by 2% (cannot be erased) Increase their own damage dealt according to the count they are in play (maximum) (50% up) 70 count progress: 3% increase in damage dealt 40 count progress: 8% increase in damage dealt This effect is reset when replaced. Makeover ZENKAI UniqueIt seems that only one person can't squeeze ... When it comes into play, it cuts its own damage by 40% (10 counts). When it avoids an enemy's attack in a burnishing step, it activates the following effects on itself. 30 recovery ・ If you have 3 or less cards in your hand, draw 1 card at random. If 2 allies become incapacitated, recover 50% of your health and reduce the deadly arts cost by 15 (cannot be erased). Transformation ZENKAI Unique IIIWhen one ally becomes incapacitated, activates the following effects on itself, increases the damage dealt by 1%, and grants the state strengthening effect of "disable the occurrence of ability reduction twice".-Gives a state enhancement effect of "invalidate the occurrence of abnormal conditions twice".
HP: 2758k ATK: 327k DEF: 184k CRT: 5.32k KI: 2.31k ZENKAI Unique VIWhen two allies become incapacitated, the following effects will be activated on themselves.-Recovers 2% of physical strength.-Increases damage dealt by 20% (cannot be erased). Activates the following effects on: -Recovers 30 energy-Increases damage dealt by 40% (25 counts) uniqueActivates the following effects for each uncombatable battle member.-Increases damage dealt by 1%.-Increases KI RESTORE by 30%. 20% increase in ultimate damage ZENKAI uniqueActivates the following effects for each incombatable battle member ・ Increases own damage dealt by 1% ・ Increases own KI RESTORE by 40% Increases the ultimate damage dealt by 30%
HP: 2828k ATK: 299k DEF: 176k CRT: 4.36k KI: 2.3k ZENKAI Unique IIIWhen two allies become incapacitated, activate the following effects on themselves ・ Increase damage dealt by 2% ・ Reduce shooting arts cost by 30
HP: 2494k ATK: 271k DEF: 194k CRT: 4.76k KI: 2.32k uniqueWhen it comes into play, increase the damage dealt by 1% for each enemy battle member. When changing, this effect is reset. For each incombatable battle member, the following effects are activated. Increases damage dealt by 30% and cuts damage taken by 1%
HP: 3249k ATK: 291k DEF: 181k CRT: 4.94k KI: 2.15k uniqueIncreases damage dealt to your opponent by 1% per battle member who cannot battle
HP: 2506k ATK: 306k DEF: 174k CRT: 4.91k KI: 2.24k uniqueIncreases your damage dealt by 1% for each uncombatable battle member. Increases your KI RESTORE by 15% when your ally "Character: Son Gohan" becomes uncombatable. ZENKAI uniqueIncreases the damage dealt by 1% for each incombatable battle member. When the ally "Character: Son Gohan" becomes incapacitated, activates the following effects on himself.-Reduces the hitting arts cost by 20.-KI Increase RESTORE by 5%
HP: 2541k ATK: 259k DEF: 226k CRT: 4.79k KI: 2.48k uniqueIncreases damage dealt by each player by 1% per battle member who cannot battle ZENKAI uniqueIncrease your STRIKE ATK by 1% for each non-combatable battle member
HP: 2400k ATK: 247k DEF: 175k CRT: 4.48k KI: 2.34k uniqueIncreases damage dealt by 1% when one ally becomes incapacitated When incapacitated, activates the following effects on allies ・ Recovers 40% of physical strength ・ Increases KI RESTORE by 20% ・ "Tag: Bardock" Increases the damage dealt by "Team" by 50%
HP: 2683k ATK: 353k DEF: 167k CRT: 4.58k KI: 2.32k Unique after transformationWhen it comes into play, for each incapable battle member, activate the following effects on yourself ・ Increase your own damage dealt by 1% ・ Increase your own deadly damage by 25% In addition, your ally's "Tag" : Bardock Team ”cannot fight, reduce all own arts cost by 20
HP: 2761k ATK: 293k DEF: 176k CRT: 4.3k KI: 2.58k uniqueWhen on the battlefield, for each battle member who is unable to battle, increase his or her own damage by 1%. When entering the battlefield, each KI RESTORE up for one enemy battle member who cannot fight 15 person: KI RESTORE 1% up 1 persons: KI RESTORE 30% up ZENKAI uniqueWhen it comes into play, increase the damage dealt by 1% for each incapable battle member.When it comes into play, increase your own KI RESTORE according to the enemy battle members who cannot fight.
HP: 2566k ATK: 287k DEF: 178k CRT: 4.69k KI: 2.54k ZENKAI uniqueWhen it comes into play, increase the damage dealt by 1% for each incombatable ally or enemy battle member. When changing, this effect is reset. Each time you make an enemy incombatable, your own shooting Increases damage by 10%
HP: 2753k ATK: 248k DEF: 156k CRT: 3.95k KI: 2.01k uniqueIncreases damage dealt to your opponent by 1% per battle member who cannot battle
HP: 2518k ATK: 297k DEF: 171k CRT: 4.84k KI: 2.1k ZENKAI uniqueAfter 5 counts have passed since entering the battlefield, activate the following effects on yourself. ・ Reduce the cost of hitting and shooting arts by 10 (15 counts). ・ Cut the damage taken by 30% (15 counts). , Increases own damage dealt to "Tag: Evil Genealogy" by 2% (cannot be erased) ZENKAI uniqueWhen an ally's "Character: Krillin" becomes incapacitated, its own shooting damage is increased by 35%. When it enters the battlefield, each incombatable battle member activates the following effects on itself. Increase by% (1 counts) ・ Recover your own physical strength by 20%
HP: 2403k ATK: 212k DEF: 177k CRT: 4.6k KI: 2.47k uniqueWhen it comes into play, increase the damage dealt by 30% (20 counts). Disable your abnormal condition. When one ally becomes incapacitated, your CRITICAL rate increases by 1%.
HP: 2505k ATK: 278k DEF: 154k CRT: 4.54k KI: 2.29k uniqueIncreases the damage dealt by one ally by 1% when one ally becomes incapacitated. When the ally becomes incapacitated, the following effects are given to the ally's "Tag: Saiyan". 40% up
HP: 2439k ATK: 276k DEF: 178k CRT: 4.23k KI: 2.22k uniqueAfter 40 counts have passed since the start of the battle, if you recover your health by 30% and change the cover against the attack of the arts, the health of the attacked ally will be reduced by 15% and the enemy will be blown away to a long distance (the ally fights) (Cannot be disabled) [Pursuitable Arts] ・ Special Arts When one ally becomes incapacitated, activates the following effects on himself ・ Increases damage dealt by 1% ・ Increases KI RESTORE by 20% ・ Reduces hitting arts cost by 30
HP: 2518k ATK: 325k DEF: 162k CRT: 4.92k KI: 2.59k Unique after transformationWhen it comes into play, for each incapable battle member, activate the following effects on yourself ・ Increase the deadly damage by 1% ・ Reduce all arts cost by 30 Enemy "Episode: Theatrical Version" Increases damage dealt by 3% (15 counts) each time you face each other
HP: 2108k ATK: 296k DEF: 156k CRT: 4.56k KI: 2.32k uniqueWhen it comes into play, activate the following effects for each incapable battle member ・ Increase your damage dealt by 1% (40 counts) ・ Recover your own health by 5% In addition, become a battle member yourself If there is another "Episode: Z Freeza Edition", the damage dealt by yourself will be increased by 15%. At the time of cover change, the damage dealt by yourself will be increased by 30% (20 counts) & the standby count of allies will be reduced by 30 counts.
HP: 2282k ATK: 247k DEF: 171k CRT: 4.48k KI: 2.34k uniqueIncrease your KI RESTORE by 1% for each incombatable battle member. Increase your own arts card draw speed by 30 level for each incombatable "Tag: Frieza Army".
HP: 2229k ATK: 249k DEF: 146k CRT: 4.82k KI: 2.38k uniqueIncreases your damage dealt by 1% and KI RESTORE by 20% for each battle member who cannot fight
HP: 1894k ATK: 174k DEF: 111k CRT: 3.53k KI: 1.61k uniqueIncreases damage dealt to your opponent by 1% per battle member who cannot battle
HP: 2890k ATK: 196k DEF: 129k CRT: 4.37k KI: 2.7k uniqueFor each battle member who is not able to battle, the home run count increase amount when the counter is activated increases by 1
HP: 2475k ATK: 229k DEF: 195k CRT: 3.86k KI: 2.29k uniqueIncreases own hit damage by 1% for each incombatable battle member Increases own damage dealt by 30% for each incombatable "Tag: Girls"
HP: 2175k ATK: 236k DEF: 152k CRT: 4.55k KI: 2.09k uniqueIncreases damage dealt by 1% per battle member who cannot fight
HP: 2263k ATK: 259k DEF: 149k CRT: 4.46k KI: 2.48k uniqueWhen two allies become incapacitated, the following effects will be activated ・ Draw a special arts card next ・ Recover 2% of your own health & recover 50 of your energy ・ Increase your own hit damage by 60% ・ Your own Cuts damage taken by 70% (50 counts) When entering the battlefield, increase your KI RESTORE by 10% for each incombatable "Character: Bulma" or "Tag: Vegeta Clan".
HP: 2233k ATK: 216k DEF: 186k CRT: 5.22k KI: 2.37k uniqueWhen two teammates are unable to battle, their own damage caused by damage is increased by 2%. Each time they face the enemy's character: Son Gohan, their damage caused by damage is increased by 50% (20 counts).
HP: 2368k ATK: 249k DEF: 170k CRT: 4.04k KI: 2.23k unique"Tag: Super Saiyan" increases its shooting damage by 40%. Furthermore, if two allies become incapacitated, their physical strength is recovered by 2% and shooting damage is increased by 50%. Two enemies cannot fight. Then, increase your own KI RESTORE by 40% & reduce shooting arts cost by 2
HP: 1772k ATK: 157k DEF: 111k CRT: 3.53k KI: 1.61k uniqueIncreases damage dealt to your opponent by 1% per battle member who cannot battle
HP: 2888k ATK: 219k DEF: 144k CRT: 5.34k KI: 2.23k uniqueIf there is a "Tag: Saiyan" other than yourself as a battle member, the damage done to you is increased by 30%. If two teammates are unable to battle, the damage done to you is increased by 2% and your physical strength is recovered by 30%.
HP: 2345k ATK: 212k DEF: 201k CRT: 4.12k KI: 2.18k uniqueReduces own blow arts cost by 2 when two allies are unable to battle
HP: 1997k ATK: 222k DEF: 140k CRT: 4.12k KI: 2.06k uniqueIncreases your shooting damage by 1% for each battle member who cannot battle
HP: 1945k ATK: 188k DEF: 145k CRT: 4.23k KI: 1.96k uniqueIncreases your KI RESTORE by 2% when two teammates are unable to battle
HP: 2022k ATK: 127k DEF: 117k CRT: 3.74k KI: 1.55k uniqueIncreases your shooting damage by 1% for each uncombatable battle member
HP: 2509k ATK: 228k DEF: 143k CRT: 3.47k KI: 1.78k uniqueWhen 2 teammates are incapable of battle, their own damage damage is increased by 30%.Every time they disable an enemy, their damage damage is increased by 35% (20 counts).
HP: 2363k ATK: 214k DEF: 209k CRT: 3.92k KI: 2.12k uniqueIncreases your damage by 2% when two allies are in battle uniqueIncreases own deadly arts power by 2% when two allies are unable to battle
HP: 969k ATK: 92k DEF: 72k CRT: 3.7k KI: 1.48k uniqueIncreases your shooting damage by 1% for each battle member who cannot battle
HP: 2444k ATK: 183k DEF: 126k CRT: 7.1k KI: 2.58k uniqueIncreases your CRITICAL rate by 2% when two allies are unable to battle
HP: 173k ATK: 193k DEF: 113k CRT: 4.23k KI: 1.66k uniqueIncreases damage dealt by each player by 1% per battle member who cannot battle
HP: 1526k ATK: 134k DEF: 87k CRT: 3.24k KI: 1.34k uniqueIncreases damage dealt to your opponent by 1% per battle member who cannot battle
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  • I feel like I'll be using it until UL Gohan comes out...
  • This Buu is the strongest and defeated the golfer.
  • Too much trash
  • Seriously, that's it...
  • I still think selfishness is broken.
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