Date published: 2018 May 04

Cultivation and cultivation man training for AP saving

Editor: Master Roshi

Cultivation man

APs are difficult to train Z characters, and strong characters who are striking are trained to grow farmers with kansaku. Mainly for smashing or cutting. Since the sortie AP is 20, it is convenient when you want to go around with only a small number of strong characters but you want to increase the number of people

Portable combat creature. It is born by burying the seeds in the soil, pouring the growth liquid and waiting for a few seconds. It has the intelligence to understand orders and the fighting power comparable to the lowest warrior.

In case of 1 cultivation man and 2 strong

If you lose while being smashed, you will suffer great damage. Therefore, the cultivation man waits while attacking with the strong two with a cross slash. Click the grower when it's dangerous

The cultivation man jumps out and cuts a series of attacks. If you smash with the cultivation man as it is, you will die, so immediately click the strong character and cross slash. The cultivation man returns to the standby state.

Strong one and cultivation man

Even one body. With the cultivation man waiting, one body thrusts at the enemy with a single mount. When the amount gets worse, the cultivation man cut is done and it is started. Since the initiative of smashing has a high luck factor including skill lottery, it will be a little stable by incorporating AP1 cultivation man.

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