Date published: 2018 May 08

Conditions are met even in location battles (CPU battles)! Butchgiri Super Release Z Release

Editor: Master Roshi

Buchigiri Super Liberation, Butchigiri Z Liberation Conditions "Put in deck ◯ battle wins", "Use main skill ◯ times" etc. are not written with other players, so compete against characters in location battle skills The conditions are met if you use or win.

What is Butchgiri Super Liberation and Butchgiri Z Liberation?

If you look at the details of the card, you can see the butchigiri super release and the butchigiri Z release under the HP. If you release Butchgiri Super Release and Butchgiri Z, you can strengthen the card, so I want to release it aggressively. There are certain conditions for release, but no Zeny or Spirit is required.

Conditions after the release of Butchgiri Super Release and Butchgiri Z

Conditions vary depending on the card, but you can increase the level of the card to a specified level, win the battle a specified number of times in the deck, use the main skill a specified number of times, and so on.

After the release of Butchgiri Super Release and Butchgiri Z?

Depending on the card, you can strengthen the card, such as BP strengthening, HP strengthening, main skill release, sub skill release.

Feel free to ask questions of beginners, requests to the site, chatting to kill time.Anonymous is also welcome! !

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