Date published: 2018 May 04

Awakening shoes-Z, awakening dogi-Z, awakening weight-Z with a cross gate machine

Editor: Master Roshi

I tried hard to create awakening shoes, Z, awakening uniform, Z, awakening weight, and Z, which are necessary to awaken Z characters, with a cross gate machine. I verified it with 1 to 7, but only 1 was available. The probability is quite low... There is a rumor that even one will appear. Due to the lack of Zeni, the continuation will be updated irregularly on the following pages.

Awakening cross memory memo

1 individual (1) Awakening ◯ × 18 times
(3) Awakening ◯, strength × 7 times
(15) Bon Seoul x 2
(30) bon cyborg peach white white
(3H) Strong Soul Shippo!!!
3 individual (1) Awakening ◯ × 2 times
(3) Awakening ◯, strength × 3 times
4 individual (1) Awakening ◯ × 2 times
(3) Awakening ◯, strength × 3 times
5 individual (1) Awakening ◯ × 11 times
(3) Awakening ◯, strength × 4 times
6 individual (1) Awakening ◯ × 3 times
(3) Awakening ◯, strength × 1 times
(15) Awakening ◯・Z × 1 time
7 individual (1) Awakening ◯ × 4 times
(3) Awakening ◯, strength × 1 times
Feel free to ask questions of beginners, requests to the site, chatting to kill time.Anonymous is also welcome! !

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