Date published: 2018 May 08

KI RESTORE is high! SP breadBLUDoes E win? [Reroll consideration]

Editor: Master Roshi

SPARKINGConsider the character performance of bread and the degree of reroll recommendation.

SPARKING Bread BLU Detailed information

Bread with high KI RESTORE!

Bread has outstandingly high KI RESTORE. So it is easier to fire arts than other characters, and it is also easier to activate rising rush.

* Compare with other characters in the status comparison table

Item/Ranking status
Combat strength 29st place 6595
Physical strength 16th 18654
STRIKE ATK 34rd place 1522
BLAST ATK 37th 1492
STRIKE DEF 32th 1141
BLAST DEF 40th 1141
CRITICAL 33th 965
KI RESTORE 1nd 2624

Special attacks and special arts have no special features because they are damage-up type.

Maiden Blast Causes enormous damage of impact to the enemy. When hit, gives the enemy 15% more damage from hits (15 counts)
Dancing flip Increases own blow damage by 15% (30 count)

Main abilities bring down the opponent's KI RESTORE!

The high KI RESTORE is a characteristic of BLE bread, but with the main ability you can bring down the opponent's KI RESTORE. As a result, the difference between the KI RESTORE of the other party and the bread is widened, and it is possible to take an advantage.

Tomboy Girl Reduces enemy KI RESTORE by 30% (20 counts) After 20 counts

KI RESTORE up at the start of the battle with the assault!

KI RESTORE is further increased at the beginning of battle due to the effect of unique ability. Summary

  • 20% of KI RESTORE at the start of battle ↑
  • 30% of opponent's KI RESTORE with main ability ↓
  • Original KI RESTORE is high in top class
Assault: KI RESTORE up Increases your KI RESTORE by 25% for 20 counts from the start of battle

Although it has not been implemented yet, I would like to also raise KI RESTORE with fragments etc.

Expecting a female warrior formation

Z Ability I Increases the basic STRIKE ATK of "Tag: Female Warrior" by 19% during battle

With the Z-Ability, you can enhance the female warrior's basic STRIKE ATK. There are still few female warrior tag characters, so I would like to expect future implementations.

RANK Name Combat Power Tag attribute
SP Android 18 7725 Android, female warrior, twins YEL
EX Android 18 6654 Android, female warrior, twins GRN
HE Bread 5925 Mixed Race Saiyan, GT, Grandson Clan, Female Warrior GRN

SPARKING Bread BLU Detailed information

Character ranking per recommended reroll

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  • I feel like I'll be using it until UL Gohan comes out...
  • This Buu is the strongest and defeated the golfer.
  • Too much trash
  • Seriously, that's it...
  • I still think selfishness is broken.
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