Date published: 2018 May 04

[Shinryu] Created by Z Shenlong Soul! Cross gate machine

Editor: Master Roshi

Shenlong Shinryu Seoul

I tried to create Z Shenlong Soul with the cross memory "Come on, say I wish" which can be obtained occasionally with the share capsule that can be obtained from the event map.

Cross memory "Come on, I wish" was put in three, and the rest was the name memory of Alien Namek.

Obtained from the Piccolo battle of Gohan's training in the stage 12 of the adventure.

Z Let's make a wish Shenlong Seoul

What the dragon brings The share capsule drop rate after the battle is slightly increased

Skill 1 above is fixed and skill 2 below is random. Linkability is caused by Alien Namek and God.

Increase in share capsule drop rate (small) Share capsule drop rate slightly increased
Acquisition player experience value increase (small) Player experience gains slightly increased after the battle
Earned Zeny Rise (Small) The number of earned zenies after the battle is slightly increased
Increased character experience value (small) Experience points gained slightly after the battle ends
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  • I feel like I'll be using it until UL Gohan comes out...
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  • Too much trash
  • Seriously, that's it...
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