Date published: 2018 May 08

Too hard to hit! SP Super TrunksGRNConsideration [reroll]

Editor: Master Roshi

Consider the performance of the new SP trunks

SPARKING Super trunks GRN

Too hard to hit!

STRIKE ATK seems to be a very strong character. Since the tags are mixed-race Saiyans, Vegetas, and super Saiyans, is it a little hard to strengthen? Saiyans are not included.

* Compare with other characters in the status comparison table

Item/Ranking status
Combat strength 5st place 7777
Physical strength 37th 17453
STRIKE ATK 1rd place 2395
BLAST ATK 28th 1612
STRIKE DEF 11th 1280
BLAST DEF 15th 1280
CRITICAL 12th 1126
KI RESTORE 50nd 1607

Fainting judgment for hitting arts!

It is a special type that has a stun judgment for normal batting arts. The effect of "stuning an enemy with a 5% chance on hit" by simply using the batting arts. Special arts can increase the chance of fainting.

Arts Name Description cost
Deadly Bus cannon Causes large amount of explosive damage to enemies. When hit, gives the enemy 10% more damage from hits (15 counts) 50
special Releasing Qi: Form of Attack Increases damage done by yourself by 15% (15 counts) Increases stun chance by 10% when hitting a hitting arts (10 counts) 25
Blow (stun) - On hit, there is a 5% chance to stun an enemy. 22

Main abilities have demerits!

The real power will increase the STRIKE ATK, but instead ... it will increase your own hitting arts cost by 10 and reduce the vanishing gauge recovery speed by 50%.As the original ... Is the arts cost a little painful?

Real power Increases own blow damage by 75% (10 counts) Increases own strike arts cost by 10 (15 counts) & burnishing gauge recovery speed by 50% (15 counts) After 15 counts

Strengthen the blow of mixed-race Saiyan!

Z Ability I Increases the basic STRIKE ATK and basic CRITICAL value of "Tag: Mixed Race Saiyan" by 19% during battle

Z ability is STRIKE ATK and CRITICAL up of mixed race Saiyan.Son Gohan: Childhood Since it is a hit type, it seems to be compatible.

SP Son Gohan: Childhood 7445 Mixed-race Saiyan/Grandson/Kids YEL
SP Trunks: Adolescence 6953 Mixed-Blood Saiyan, Vegeta Family, Super Saiyan RED
SP Bread 6595 Mixed Race Saiyan, GT, Grandson Clan, Female Warrior BLU

Unique ability to increase enemy damage and damage

This looks pretty easy to use.

Intimidation: Down defense Every time you enter the battlefield, give the enemy a "20% increase in damage hit" ability reduction effect (10 counts).

Vegeta Recovers the energy of incompetence!

When Vegeta becomes incapacitated, it goes into serious mode.

Revenge (Vegeta): KI RESTORE up Increases your KI RESTORE by 30% when your teammate "Character: Vegeta" is unable to battle

Is there a reroll at Mukinkus?

STRIKE ATK is quite attractive in the top class because there are things that can be done unilaterally in the NPC battle in the story. Even in PvP, it seems to be strong if mixed race Saiyans can form a battle member.

SPARKING Super trunks GRN

Character ranking per recommended reroll

The highest rare allSPARKINGAttention and popularity ranking

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  • I feel like I'll be using it until UL Gohan comes out...
  • This Buu is the strongest and defeated the golfer.
  • Too much trash
  • Seriously, that's it...
  • I still think selfishness is broken.
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