Date published: 2018 May 08

Perfect SP Perfect CellREDCharm and reroll

Editor: Master Roshi

Considering the charm of the full-body cell that was implemented at the same time as Son Goku, a full-power super Saiyan.

SPARKING Whole body cell REDDetails

Strong attack! Endurance... This is perfect

BLAST ATK Top class, but STRIKE ATK is also high! I mean, it's fluffy, but... If it's too strong... it's a perfect cell. There is strength that is not defeated by the original.

* Compare with other characters in the status comparison table

Item/Ranking status
Combat strength 1st place 8431
Physical strength 6th 20450
STRIKE ATK 8rd place 2130
BLAST ATK 1th 2301
STRIKE DEF 10th 1293
BLAST DEF 13th 1293
CRITICAL 56th 920
KI RESTORE 11nd 2154

The cover kills the turtle!

Gives yourself a boost of -50% to cover the enemy's cover effect in Super Special Kamehameha. In PvP you might put the back of your opponent's cover.

Arts Name Description cost
Deadly Super Kamehameha Causes enormous damage of impact to the enemy. When activated, gains an ability-enhancing effect that reduces the enemy's "Cover: Damage cut" effect by 50% (20 counts). 50
ultimate Perfect combination Causes enormous damage of impact to the enemy. On hit, there is a 30% chance to stun an enemy. 20
special Torrent of energy: death Increases own damage by 20% (15 counts) Adds a reduction in ability to halve the non-recovery amount to all enemies (15 counts) 20

Draw the ultimate arts in the main ability. There is a chance of fainting.

Will you kill me soon... Draw the ultimate arts card "Perfect Combination" next

Special recovery and killing! This is the one that can't be made with Senzu...

In the special arts, a debuff that increases the damage done by itself and halves the recovery amount of the opponent is added.GRNPiccoloIt seems that he can restrain the recovery of his. You can't even use Kuririn's Senzu... exactly as the original.

special Torrent of energy: death Increases own damage by 20% (15 counts) Adds a reduction in ability to halve the non-recovery amount to all enemies (15 counts) 20

Piccolo is also strengthened with playback tags!

Play... Who was there? If you think, Mr. Piccolo!

Z Ability I 19% increase in the basic STRIKE ATK of "Tag: Playback" during battle

You can upgrade the basic STRIKE ATK. Applicable because it also has a playback tag.

RANK Name Combat Power Tag attribute
SP Piccolo 7451 regeneration GRN
EX cell 6980 Android, absorption, reproduction BLU
EX Piccolo 6080 Super Warrior/Regeneration/Fusion YEL
EX cell 6065 Android, absorption, reproduction YEL

Saiya killing is attractive!

The unique ability is a special attack on Saiyans. Saiyan people are very popular even in PvP, and it seems that it will be useful because strong characters will continue to be added in the future.

Super Saiyan: Fire Attack Up Increases your shooting damage to "Tag: Saiyan" by 40%

It’s unique, and it’s costly.

You can increase the cost of your opponent's batting and shooting arts by 10 +5 just by putting them into play. It's a pretty bad effect in PvP.

Intimidation: Increased shooting cost Each time it enters the battlefield, it gives an effect of increasing the cost of hitting and shooting arts by 5 (10 counts).

Perfect roll reroll

Strong enough to say that the status is perfect. Strong against Saiyans. The strengthening of the playback tag can be expected to strengthen the genie Buu. It has a built-in ability and effects for PvP, so it can be widely used. It is also recommended for rerolling.

SPARKING Whole body cell REDDetails

Character ranking per recommended reroll

The highest rare allSPARKINGAttention and popularity ranking

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  • I feel like I'll be using it until UL Gohan comes out...
  • This Buu is the strongest and defeated the golfer.
  • Too much trash
  • Seriously, that's it...
  • I still think selfishness is broken.
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