Date published: 2018 May 04

Frieza Army's Strongest Warrior Guineau Berry Hard Strong Character Orbit

Editor: Master Roshi

Orbit around Belizeh, the strongest warrior in the Freeza army. What a very hardSon Goku: KaiokenCross memory drops... This is the only way for Uncle Dragonball to go around.

As with hardware, you can win with the combination of strong characters' speed attributes, but Dodria's special move is super strong. Immediate death if hit. Therefore, it is stable that Dodria is immediately killed by a special move with a quick attribute by holding his energy gauge while defeating the cultivation man.

Technique cultivation man Force attribute is valid
Power dodria Fast attribute is effective

Gurdo can be pushed by one strong Dodria with maximum awakening

Gird Force attribute is valid
Speed ​​gin Technique attribute is effective

Even a strong character with the maximum awakening skill attribute is somewhat tough. It might be a little easier if Gurdu is awakened and trained

You can win even with the above strong character composition, but it will be stable if you add Z vegeta with a good skill attribute as well.

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  • I feel like I'll be using it until UL Gohan comes out...
  • This Buu is the strongest and defeated the golfer.
  • Too much trash
  • Seriously, that's it...
  • I still think selfishness is broken.
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