Date published: 2018 May 10

Also earn Zeni! Cross memory to drop in the horror cell game

Editor: Master Roshi

Summary of cross memories dropped in "Cell Game of Horror".The related cross memory is[Winner],[Saiyan],[Disciple],[Earthling],[Super saiya-jin],[Second generation],[Red Ribbon Army],[Transformation type],[Permanent type],[Warlike]is dropped.

Stage 1 The last hope for humanity...? In the match against Mr. Satan, "Satan's champion belt copper" will also drop, so I want to do my best to earn Zeni. "Satan's champion belt copper" can be traded for 5 Zeni.

Horror cell game

Stage 1 Humanity's last hope...?

Opponent: [Power] Son Goku
N [Secret of birth],[Weight of Awakening],[Sujitoun]
H [Saiyan],[Secret of birth],[Weight of Awakening],[Sujitoun]
VH [Winner],[Saiyan],[Secret of birth],[Weight of Awakening],[Sujitoun]
Opponent: [Tech] Mr. Satan
N [Champion of Hope],[Disciple], Awakening Shoes, Protector, Scouter, Special Training Ticket[Turtle House]
H [Sudden big trick],[Champion of Hope],[Disciple], Shoes of Awakening, Shoes of Awakening Strong, Protector, Scouter, Special Training Ticket[Karin Tower]
VH [Fist awakened to light],[Sudden big trick], Satan's Champion Belt - Bronze,[Earthling], Shoes of Awakening, Shoes of Awakening Strong, Protector, Scouter, Special Training Ticket[God's Temple]

Stage 2 beautiful android

Opponent: [Power] Trunks: Adolescent
N [Second generation],[Weight of Awakening],[protector]
H [Earthling],[Second generation],[Weight of Awakening],[protector]
VH [Super saiya-jin],[Earthling],[Second generation],[Weight of Awakening],[protector]
Opponent: [Speed] Android No. 18
N [Red Ribbon Army],[Permanent type], Awakening weight, Nyoi stick, Protector, Special training ticket[Turtle House]
H [The one who creates the devil],[Red Ribbon Army],[Permanent type], Awakening weight, Awakening weight/strong, Nyoi stick, Protector, Special training ticket[Karin Tower]
VH [[Speed] Android 18],[Cold combat game],[Red Ribbon Army],[Permanent type], Awakening weight, Awakening weight/strong, Nyoi stick, Protector, Special training ticket[God's Temple]

Stage 3 Nature's Super Weapon

Opponent: [Speed] Cell: First form
N [Transformation type],[Shoes of Awakening],[Nyoi-bo]
H [obedient servant],[Transformation type],[Shoes of Awakening],[Nyoi-bo]
VH [Revenge against Son Goku],[obedient servant],[Transformation type],[Shoes of Awakening],[Nyoi-bo]
Opponent: [Speed] Android No. 16
N [Red Ribbon Army],[Permanent type], Awakening weight, Nyoi stick, Protector, Special training ticket[Turtle House]
H [Stable control],[Red Ribbon Army],[Permanent type], Awakening weight, Awakening weight/strong, Nyoi stick, Protector, Special training ticket[Karin Tower]
VH [Silent Android],[Stable control],[Red Ribbon Army],[Permanent type], Awakening weight, Awakening weight/strong, Protector, Nyoi stick, Special training ticket[God's Temple]
Opponent: [Technology] Cell: Perfect
SEC [Perfectly attained],[cold smile],[Cold combat game],[Transformation type], Awakening Gi, Awakening Gi - Strong, Special Training Ticket[God's Temple], Scouter, Jintoun

Stage 4 Destiny Day

Opponent: [Speed] Dr. Gero
N [Revenge against Son Goku],[Shoes of Awakening],[Scouter]
H [Artificial human],[Revenge against Son Goku],[Shoes of Awakening],[Scouter]
VH [Red Ribbon Army],[Artificial human],[Revenge against Son Goku],[Shoes of Awakening],[Scouter]
Opponent: [Technology] Cell: Perfect
N [Warlike],[Permanent type], Awakening Gi, Protector, Scouter, Special Training Ticket[Turtle House]
H [Cold combat game],[Results of training],[Warlike], Awakening Gi, Awakening Gi - Strong, Protector, Scouter, Special Training Ticket[Karin Tower]
VH [Perfectly attained],[Let's relax and have fun],[cold smile],[Permanent type], Awakening Gi, Awakening Gi - Strong, Protector, Scouter, Special Training Ticket[God's Temple]
Opponent: [Skill] Son Gohan: Super Saiyan
SEC [A blow with all my heart and soul],[Super power beyond imagination],[Super Awakening of Anger],[Super saiya-jin], Awakening Gi, Awakening Gi - Strong, Special Training Ticket[God's Temple], Nyoi-bo, Protector
Feel free to ask questions of beginners, requests to the site, chatting to kill time.Anonymous is also welcome! !

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  • I feel like I'll be using it until UL Gohan comes out...
  • This Buu is the strongest and defeated the golfer.
  • Too much trash
  • Seriously, that's it...
  • I still think selfishness is broken.
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