Date published: 2018 May 11

SP Super Saiyan 3 Son Goku, Majin Vegeta, Goku Black appeared! BLACK FRIDAY! STEP UP

Editor: Master Roshi

In new gasha "BLACK FRIDAY! STEP UP",SPARKINGSuper Saiyan 3 Son Goku,SPARKINGDevil Vegeta,SPARKINGThree new Goku Black characters are now available! !

The new characters of the new Gasha "BLACK FRIDAY! STEP UP" will be the following three characters.

BLACK FRIDAY! STEP UP New character summary

SPARKING Super Saiyan 3 Son Goku PURPurple attribute

Deadly Super Kamehameha Causes enormous damage of impact to the enemy. When hit, gives the enemy an ability-degrading effect of "hit damage 20% up" (15 counts) 50
ultimate Super Ryukken/Kai Causes extraordinary shock damage to the enemy. On hit, there is a 25% chance to stun an enemy. 20
special Releasing Qi: Form of Attack Increases own blow damage by 25% & reduces blow arts cost by 5 (15 counts) 15

SPARKING Majin Vegeta REDred attribute

Deadly Final impact Causes piercing damage to enemies. When hit, there is a 50% chance of causing heavy bleeding to the enemy. On hit, increases self-destruction damage by 30% (25 counts) 50
ultimate Final Explosion Causes great damage from self-destruction to the enemy. The damage caused by this self-destruction does not depend on one's own physical strength, but causes fixed damage. Upon activation, armor for hitting and shooting arts is granted to nullify the status abnormality. On hit, some damage done is also given to the enemy's backup members (the backup members do not become incapable) 20
special Predatory obsession Increases own damage caused by damage by 15% (15 counts) Reduces activation time of Ultimate Arts card "Final Explosion" (up to 3 times) 10

SPARKING Goku black YELYellow attribute

Deadly Black Kamehameha Causes enormous damage of impact to the enemy. When hit, gives the enemy a 20% increase in shooting damage and reduces the ability (15 counts) 50
special A familiar body 自身のバニシングゲージ回復速度を30%アップ(15カウント) バトル経過カウントに応じて、更に以下の効果を発動する 15カウント経過後:自身の射撃与ダメージを20%アップ(15カウント) 25カウント経過後:自身の射撃与ダメージを20%アップ(15カウント)&KI RESTOREを25%アップ(15カウント) 20

Step-up contents

STEP Chrono Crystals Number of consecutive times bonus
1 100 3
2 30 5
3 700 10
4 1000 10 SPARKINGConfirmed ticket
5 1000 10
6 Free 10
7 1000 10 SPARKINGConfirmed ticket
Total 4100 58 SPARKINGFixed ticket x 2

SPARKINGProviding ratio (total 5%)

Super Saiyan 3 Son Goku... 1%
Majin Vegeta... 1%
Goku Black... 1%
Other 38 bodies...0.053%

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  • I feel like I'll be using it until UL Gohan comes out...
  • This Buu is the strongest and defeated the golfer.
  • Too much trash
  • Seriously, that's it...
  • I still think selfishness is broken.
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