UR Red 7 Son Gohan is featured in <Mirai> deck

No.221 Son Gohan demonstrates powerful skills by building a deck centered on the characteristic <future>. All the cards recorded in the same Super Butch Gili Gasha have the characteristics of <Mirai>, so the Super Butch Gili Fes deck seems to be recommended. 0221 A

Character <Freeza> card summary

Character <Freeza> card summary. R AR Name HP Main Skill Subskill Belong N 8 Freeza 2600 [At the end of round] [Serious] 1 deck of your own support placed at the end other than this card

Character <Vegeta> card summary

Character <Vegeta> card summary. R AR Name HP Main Skill Subskill Attribute SR 8 Vegeta 5600 [At Attack] [Awakening] Instead of attacking, cause “Explosion: BP”. [At the time of publication] For your own support

Character <Son Goku> Card Summary

Character <Goku> card summary. R AR Name HP Main Skill Subskill gen UR 8 Son Goku 5100 [Support Effect] [Serious] At the end of the round, a Super Saiyan or Son Goku other than your own Son Goku