Date published: 2018 May 12

80 Broly EX5 VS Gogeta CHALLENGE BATTLE with clear and rising rush

Editor: Master Roshi

Challenge the EX5 of CHALLENGE BATTLE of the original reproduction Broly event (NORMAL). I would also like to aim for 75 and 85 with the rising rush of challenge. Battle members are as followsREDOrganization that raises STRIKE ATK of Broly. At the time of clearing, Broly is at level 1500 and is ★2.

SP Broly Increase the basic STRIKE ATK of "Episode: Theatrical Edition" by 19% during battle
SP Barduck Increase the basic STRIKE ATK of "Tag: Saiyan" by 19% during battle
SP Son Goku Increase the basic STRIKE ATK of Doug: Saiyan by 19% during battle
SP Vegeta At the time of battle, "attribute:REDIncreases basic attack/defense by 10%
EX Son Goku Increase the basic STRIKE ATK of "Tag: Saiyan" by 17% during battle
EX Vegeta At the time of battle, "attribute:REDIncreases basic attack/defense by 17%
HE Jaco At the time of battle, "attribute:REDIncreases the basic CRITICAL value by 18%
HE Freeza At the time of battle, "attribute:RED”Basic STRIKE ATK increased by 15%
EX Dodria Increase the basic STRIKE ATK of "Tag: Frieza Army" by 23% during battle

For the challenge, you also have to decide the ultimate technique once.

Use Special Arts before Rising Rush

Don't forget to equip the fragment firmly. Bloly is a special type that gives more damage and damage, so I want to use it firmly before the rising rush.

special Releasing Qi: Form of Attack Increases the damage done by yourself by 20% (20 counts). Gives the enemy a "20% increase in damage taken" ability reduction effect (15 counts).

Adjusting HP and rising rush

Rising Rush does not give much damage when not damaged, so it is best to use Broly's HP as much as possible.

Feel free to ask questions of beginners, requests to the site, chatting to kill time.Anonymous is also welcome! !

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