Date published: 2020 May 02

Must be carefully selected! Android 21PURRecommended fragment

Editor: Master Roshi

Let's consider the recommended fragment of Android 21 which is Gasha's pickup. Since it has a rare Z ability that can raise the physical strength, it can be expected to be active for a long time with Android, rebirth, female warrior. I also want to do my best to carefully select fragments. Since the status after transformation is high on average, it seems easy to extend even fragments?Artificial human-regeneration-Woman warrior-Transformation warrior-absorptionAnd has many tags.

Android 21 firepower fragment

Specializing in hitting attacks! [Awakening] No.1

A new fragment that greatly enhances STRIKE ATK. The feature is that you can choose either female warrior or Android.

[Awakening] No.1
① Basic BLAST ATK 15.00%
① Basic BLAST DEF 18.00%
(1) STRIKE ATK or per Battle Member "Tag: Female Warrior" per STRIKE ATK or 1% per Battle Member "Tag: Android"
Woman warrior & Blow type

Special killing & shooting specialization! Waves ohhhhh!!!!

Android 21 also has a strong deadly arts feature. A brain muscle system fragment that greatly enhances BLAST ATK at the time of re-election and also enhances deadly damage. I personally love it.

Waves ohhhhh!!!!
① Special Move Damage 12.50%
② Basic STRIKE DEF 15.00%
③ Each battle member's "Tag: Playback" increases their shooting damage by 1%
/[Evolving life form cell][Fragment collection]

Specializing in artificial strike attacks! ...I'll erase it!

A fragment that greatly enhances STRIKE ATK when selected by Android. The defense power also grows in a good balance.

...I'll erase it!
① Basic BLAST DEF 15.00%
② Basic STRIKE DEF 16.50%
③For each "Tag: Android" of a battle member, increase STRIKE ATK 1% each
[Artificial human]
/[Cell game]

Specializing in transformation hits! Great fighting power...

Fragment that greatly improves STRIKE ATK when selected as a transformation warrior. It's a bit difficult to understand, but for female warriors, two No. 21 bodies and Ribrian, and for reproduction, Baby 2 and Janemba also apply.

Great fighting power...
① Basic STRIKE DEF 15.00%
② Basic BLAST DEF 15.00%
(1) Each STRIKE ATK 5.00% increase per battle member's "Tag: Transformation Warrior"
Transformation warrior & Blow type
/[Ultimate transformation final form Kuura]

Specializing in playing hits! Dimension sword

A fragment that greatly enhances STRIKE ATK when selected for playback.

Dimension sword
① Basic BLAST DEF 18.00%
② Basic STRIKE DEF 15.00%
③ For each "Tag: Playback" of a battle member, STRIKE ATK 1% increase
regeneration & Blow type

Specialized rehabilitation blow + enhanced shooting! Ohhhhh!!!

It is the same as the above that raises STRIKE ATK at the time of reproduction selection, but it is a fragment that further extends BLAST ATK and further increases firepower.

① Foundation STRIKE DEF or foundation BLAST DEF 18.00% or 18.00%
② Basic BLAST ATK 13.00%
③ For each "Tag: Playback" of a battle member, STRIKE ATK 1% increase
/[Legends Road NAMEK]

Android 21 PvP Recommended Endurance Fragment

Specializing in artificial blow defense! Androids

Greatly increase STRIKE DEF when selecting Android. I'm worried about the third slot.

① Basic BLAST DEF 12.50%
(1) Each STRIKE DEF +6.00% for each Battle Member "Tag: Android"
③ Basic STRIKE ATK or Basic BLAST ATK 15.00% or 15.00%
[Artificial human]
/[Super Space-Time Duel]

Specializing in reproduction hit defense! Nuoooo...!!

Fragment that greatly increases STRIKE DEF when replaying. Selectable in the second slot.

① Basic BLAST DEF 12.50%
② Foundation STRIKE DEF or foundation BLAST DEF 13.00% or 13.00%
③ For each "Tag: Playback" of a battle member, STRIKE DEF of 1% of each player is increased.

Specializing in transformation hit defense! It's not as gentle as before...

A fragment that greatly enhances STRIKE DEF when selecting a transformation warrior. For female warriors, two No. 21 and Ribrian, and for reproduction, Baby 2 and Janemba also apply.

It's not as gentle as before...
① Basic CRITICAL 12.50%
② Basic STRIKE ATK 15.00%
③ For each "Tagged: Transformation Warrior" of Battle Members, BLAST DEF of 1% each
[Transform warrior]
/[Super Space-Time Duel]

REDSpecial attack! Physical strength + Android 18

REDYou can increase your special attack and physical strength. No. 21 has a recovery of physical strength, so you can increase the amount of recovery by increasing your physical strength.

Android 18
① Basic STRIKE ATK 20.00%
② Basic physical fitness 15.00%
③ Special attack:RED 15.00%
[Woman warrior]
/[Invincible Android No. 18]

Saiyan special defense! See ya

A fragment with a Saiyan special defense that is popular regardless of fashion.

See ya
① Basic STRIKE DEF 20.00%
② Basic CRITICAL 15.00%
③ Special defense: Saiyan 30.00%
[Woman warrior]
/[Invincible Android No. 18]

Specialized in shooting defense! Physical strength + repels me!

YELA fragment that greatly enhances BLAST DEF by pairing with. It also seems to be even more compatible with Android No. 21 because it also increases your basic physical strength.

I will repel it!!
① Basic STRIKE DEF 15.00%
② Basic physical fitness 10.00%
③ Battle member's "attribute:YELEach person's BLAST DEF increases by 1%
/[Legends Road (Son Goku: Boyhood)]
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