LL GRN Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta GT | 「必殺アーツがヒットすると必殺アーツをドローし気力50回復(1回)」「究極アーツは被ダメージカット効果100%マイナス、踏ん張り無効化(3カウント)」「メインアビリティで属性相性不利を無効化(20カウント)」「特殊アーツに被弾すると手札全破棄、バフ解除(2回)追撃可」「場に出た時に被ダメージの属性相性不利を無効化(15カウント)」「打撃と射撃アーツのどちらにも特殊カバーチェンジ(2回)」「復活するアビリティが発動するとドラゴンボール+2個、体力20%回復」「ユニークフラグメントでさらに復活阻害、ドラゴンボール+2個(合計4個)消去不可与ダメージアップ50%」「交代で味方の体力回復と与ダメージアップ(合体戦士とGTのみ)」「味方2人戦闘不能で究極アーツドロー、手札破棄無効、CRITICALアップ」 |
LL YEL Super Saiyan God SS Goku & Vegeta Gogeta Blue 6th anniversary | ``If you repeat tag changes, the gauge will accumulate and combine into Gogeta Blue.'' ``Disable Gogeta Blue's special move. Disable shooting.'' ``Use special arts before merging to discard special arts in the enemy's hand. When it comes into play. Special draw.'' ``Special cover is disabled for 5 counts when changing before merging.'' ``Special cover for striking before merging, and special cover for shooting after merging. Special follow-up attack is possible.'' ``Special cover is invalidated for reserved hitting arts after merging. Evasion actions are disabled." "Negative attribute compatibility is disabled when the unique gauge is maximized after merging." |
LL BLU Vegeta & Son Goku Super vegetto | "If an ally is incapacitated or repeatedly changes, it will combine into Super Vegito." "Super Vegito's special attack will be disabled." "Special arts before combination will have a 40 energy reduction and Dragon Ball reduction effect." "Special arts after combination will Nullifies special cover, special/ultimate seal.” “Special/ultimate seal when tag changes before merging.” “Negates elemental compatibility disadvantage when enemy changes after merging. Special/ultimate seal.” “Combining.” The subsequent Rising Rush will nullify the standstill. ``When the enemy's resurrection is activated, the damage dealt will be increased and the number of Dragon Balls will increase by 2.'' |
UL RED Super Saiyan God SS Vegetto Blue | ``Invalidating the ultimate arts and discarding all cards'' ``When entering the battlefield, sealing the rising rush when using special arts'' ``Counter to hitting, shooting, and tap actions with special arts, invalidating attribute compatibility disadvantage'' ``Entering the battlefield Occasionally, the enemy's burnishing is reduced to 1 only once." "When confronted, the deadly arts are sealed." "Special cover change to the hitting arts, special death attack possible." If you defeat , vanishing will be fully recovered, and allies' physical strength will be recovered." |
UL PUR Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta 6 anniversary | "When the unique gauge reaches its maximum, a counter is activated." "When the counter is activated, all cards in the enemy's hand are discarded, switching is prohibited, and the main is sealed." "The unique gauge increases by double when two battle members are unable to battle. Permanently negates elemental disadvantages." "The main ability that draws an ultimate negates elemental disadvantages." "Ultimate Arts negates perseverance, all cards in the hand are discarded, and Dragon Balls are reduced." "Special Arts are void for shooting. On hit, the enemy's special and special moves are sealed. Recovers your own vanishing gauge." |
LL PUR Super vegetto 1 anniversary | ``Complete convex Z ability not only increases attack and defense, but also increases physical strength of united warrior by 12%'' ``Strike special attack 30% for tag regeneration'' ``Special cover change is activated for hitting arts, deadly follow-up attack possible'' ``When in play Increases allied damage by 10% each time an enemy uses an arts card (15 counts)" "Main ability removes ability enhancement buffs, disables sticking to ultimate arts (3 counts)" |
Arubu will also be united in battle
Different? Ah?
Kimo w
Combined Zamas, Gogeta Blue, Gogeta 4, Kefra, Super No. 17
When is next?
The red vegetto of those who are not super is also strong, isn't it?
Please distribute the stones.
If you can't draw vegetto, you might retire
I don't want all Golden Freeza
Vegetto is too strong
Blue Gogeta is the next best vegetto overall
BLUI'm happy that Gogeta is still strong.