Date published: 2018 May 06

HE Freeza considers training benefits to level 1000

Editor: Master Roshi

HEROFreeza has reached level 1000. This is... Frieza-san, who was able to get the benefits of early pre-registration. Since it is a great deal, I will pick up Freeza and consider it.

When I startedSP PiccoloBecause there was noGRNIt was a personnel. Honestly, if it was about the main story, I was able to play an active part in this HE freeza.

Freeza status

alsoSPARKINGCompared with, the stats are not so good, but BLAST ATK is also high as a defense type, and the firepower is also reasonable. I like that it is small and easy to use.

Combat strength 30st place 5501
Physical strength 5th 18802
STRIKE ATK 33rd place 925
BLAST ATK 22th 1395
STRIKE DEF 33th 827
BLAST DEF 21th 1055
CRITICAL 5th 1122
KI RESTORE 24nd 1492

Looking at the status ranking, you can see that it is an average but it is a fairly weak category. Physical strengthHEROIsn't it outstanding?

You can recover your health with a special arts card

It is a merit that you can get hungry with a special arts card that you can use as many times as you like, instead of your main ability. A special effect that is perfect for Freeza, who has high physical strength.

Death beam Causes piercing damage to enemies.
Releasing Qi: Shape of Life Recovers 10% of one's physical strength and cancels abnormal conditions

Further improve your physical strength with Z-abilities

Z-ability will also increase physical strength.

Z Ability I At the time of battle, "attribute:GRNIncrease the maximum basic physical strength by 10%

Strong against Saiyans!

Oh, that's why! I had a unique ability to increase the damage done to the Saiyans when I thought that the firepower of shooting was unexpectedly high.

Anti-Saiyan: Fire attack up Increases your shooting damage by 10% against "Tag: Saiyan"

Rarity is NORMALHEROBut even if it rots, it's Freeza. It's cool and strong. The second form, the third form, and the final form remain, so I'm looking forward to the future.

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