Date published: 2018 May 04

Event mission reward item list

Editor: Master Roshi

A list of event mission rewards for events.

Devil's technology! Threatening android

Defeat Revenge Mad Technology N Boss once cross memory[Revenge against Son Goku] Special training ticket[Karin Tower]
Defeat Revenge Mad Technology N Boss once cross memory[Android version] Awakening Shell
Defeat Revenge Mad Technology N Boss once cross memory[Soul appearance UP] Sushi 450
Defeat Revenge Mad Technology H Boss once cross memory[Stable control] Special training ticket[Karin Tower]× 2
Defeat Revenge Mad Technology H Boss once cross memory[scientist] Awakening Shell x2
Defeat Revenge Mad Technology H Boss once cross memory[Character appearance UP] Sushi 450
Revenge Mad Technology Defeat VH Boss once cross memory[Cell edition] Special training ticket[Karin Tower]× 3
Revenge Mad Technology Defeat VH Boss once cross memory[Who are you!? You guys] Awakening Shell x3
Revenge Mad Technology Defeat VH Boss once cross memory[The one who creates the devil] Sushi 450
Defeat the devil N boss from the future once cross memory[obedient servant] Special training ticket[Karin Tower]
Defeat the devil N boss from the future once cross memory[Android version] Awakening Shell
Defeat the devil N boss from the future once cross memory[Soul appearance UP] Sushi 450
Destroy the devil H boss from the future once cross memory[Stable control] Special training ticket[Karin Tower]× 2
Destroy the devil H boss from the future once cross memory[Sun Fist User] Awakening Shell x2
Destroy the devil H boss from the future once cross memory[Character appearance UP] Sushi 450
Defeat the devil VH boss from the future once cross memory[Mixing devil] Special training ticket[Karin Tower]× 3
Defeat the devil VH boss from the future once cross memory[I have awakened my true power...] Awakening Shell x3
Defeat the devil VH boss from the future once cross memory[[Speed] Cell: XNUMXst form] Sushi 450

Planetary shake! Super Saiyan VS Emperor of the Universe

Let's clear N once with the use of supernatural enemy's super power cross memory[Supernatural power] Shumai 150 Awakening Carapace
Use the supernatural powers of the enemies to clear H once. cross memory[Now make a wish] Shumai 150 Awakening Carapace x2
Use your supernatural powers to clear VH once cross memory[Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet!!!!]  Shumai 150 Awakening Carapace x4
Clear the Freeza Army's strongest warrior N once cross memory[Ginyu Special Sentai] Shumai 150 Awakening Carapace
Clear the Freeza Army's strongest warrior H once cross memory[Now make a wish] Shumai 150 Awakening Carapace x2
Clear the strongest warrior VH in the Freeza army once cross memory[Fair spirit] Shumai 150 Awakening Carapace x4
Let's inherit the will and clear Warrior N once cross memory[fusion] Shumai 150 Awakening Carapace
Let's inherit the will and clear Warrior H once cross memory[Now make a wish]Shumai 150 Awakening Carapace x2
Let's inherit the will and clear the Warrior VH once cross memory[Ultimate power through assimilation] Shumai 150 Awakening Carapace x4
Complete the atrocious final form N once cross memory[Tough body] Shumai 150 Awakening Carapace
Clear Violent Final Form H once cross memory[Now make a wish]Shumai 150 Awakening Carapace x2
Complete the atrocious final form VH once cross memory[Final evolution of nightmare] Shumai 150 Awakening Carapace x4
Share an item 3 times Cross high-speed completion gear ×3 Shuritan 500
Share an item 10 times Cross high-speed completion gear ×5 Shuritan 500
Share an item 20 times Cross high-speed completion gear ×10 Shuritan 500
Make 3 items with Crossgate 100000 Zenny Shumai 500 Special Training Ticket[Gravity device]
Make 10 items with Crossgate Premium Gasha Ticket x 5 Yomiuri 500
Make 20 items with Crossgate cross memory[Extreme X Device] Sushi 500
Let's call one strong character at the cross gate cross memory[Soul appearance UP] Sushi 500
Let's call one strong character at the cross gate Premium Gasha Ticket x 5 Yomiuri 500
Let's call one strong character at the cross gate cross memory[Let me show you my fear!] Sushi 500
Call one strong soul at the cross gate cross memory[Character appearance UP] Sushi 500
Call 1 Z Soul at the Cross Gate Premium Gasha Ticket x 5 Yomiuri 500
Call 2 Z Soul at the Cross Gate cross memory[[Power] Frieza: First form] Sushi 500

Namek Star Crisis! Tyrant Advent of the Universe

Clear Prince N, a proud fighting race, once cross memory[Overwhelming by violence] Special training ticket[Karin Tower]
Clear Prince N, a proud fighting race, once cross memory[Saiyan] Awakening Shell
Clear Prince N, a proud fighting race, once cross memory[Soul appearance UP] [Instant recovery] Shumai
Complete Prince H, a proud fighting race, once cross memory[Fireworks scattered in the sky] Special training ticket[Karin Tower]× 2
Complete Prince H, a proud fighting race, once cross memory[genius] Awakening Shell x2
Complete Prince H, a proud fighting race, once cross memory[Character appearance UP] [Instant recovery] Shumai
Complete VH, the proud prince of battle, once cross memory[Ambitionous super elite] Special training ticket[Karin Tower]× 3
Complete VH, the proud prince of battle, once cross memory[The most important thing in the world is your life! ] Awakening Shell x3
Complete VH, the proud prince of battle, once cross memory[[Technique] Vegeta] [Immediate recovery] Shumai 450
Clear Beautiful Aide Warrior N once cross memory[Pursuer's attack] Special training ticket[Karin Tower]
Clear Beautiful Aide Warrior N once cross memory[Frieza Force] Awakening Shell
Clear Beautiful Aide Warrior N once cross memory[Soul appearance UP] [Instant recovery] Shumai
Clear Beautiful Aide Warrior H once cross memory[Brute force plunder] Special training ticket[Karin Tower]× 2
Clear Beautiful Aide Warrior H once cross memory[Calm judgment] Awakening Shell x2
Clear Beautiful Aide Warrior H once cross memory[Character appearance UP] [Instant recovery] Shumai
Clear the Beautiful Aide Warrior VH once cross memory[True figure revealed] Special training ticket[Karin Tower]× 3
Clear the Beautiful Aide Warrior VH once cross memory[Let me do it] Awakening Shell x3
Clear the Beautiful Aide Warrior VH once cross memory[[Power] Zarbon] [Immediate recovery] Shumai 450
Clear N once with little hope cross memory[Raging Aide Warrior] Special training ticket[Karin Tower]
Clear N once with little hope cross memory[Saiyan Edition] Awakening Shell
Clear N once with little hope cross memory[Soul appearance increased] [Immediate recovery] Shumai 450
Clear H once with a little hope cross memory[Brilliant aide warrior] Special training ticket[Karin Tower]× 2
Clear H once with a little hope cross memory[Earthling] Awakening Shell x2
Clear H once with a little hope cross memory[Character appearance UP] [Immediate recovery] Shumai 450
Clear VH once with a little hope cross memory[We won!!!] Special training ticket[Karin Tower]× 3
Clear VH once with a little hope cross memory[Excellent control] Awakening Shell x3
Clear VH once with a little hope cross memory[[Speed] Son Gohan: Childhood] Sushi 450
Clear Emperor N of the Universe once cross memory[Raging Aide Warrior] Special training ticket[Karin Tower]
Clear Emperor N of the Universe once cross memory[Freeza Edition] Awakening Shell
Clear Emperor N of the Universe once cross memory[Soul appearance UP] [Immediate recovery] Shumai 450
Clear Emperor H of the Universe once cross memory[Brilliant aide warrior] Special training ticket[Karin Tower]× 2
Clear Emperor H of the Universe once cross memory[Frieza family] Awakening Shell x2
Clear Emperor H of the Universe once cross memory[Character appearance UP] [Immediate recovery] Shumai 450
Clear Emperor of the Universe VH once cross memory[Let me show you my fear] Special training ticket[Karin Tower]× 3
Clear Emperor of the Universe VH once cross memory[Kai~yo~kai~oh~kaiou...Kaiou!] Awakening Shell x3
Clear Emperor of the Universe VH once cross memory[Power Frieza] Sushi 450
Feel free to ask questions of beginners, requests to the site, chatting to kill time.Anonymous is also welcome! !

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  • I feel like I'll be using it until UL Gohan comes out...
  • This Buu is the strongest and defeated the golfer.
  • Too much trash
  • Seriously, that's it...
  • I still think selfishness is broken.
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