Date published: 2019 May 09

Chrono Crystals x 1000! Summary of OTSUKIMI FEVER Login Bonus

Editor: Master Roshi

If you log in during the period, you can get up to 1000 "Chrono Crystals", limited titles for login bonus "Otsukimi I love you", and "OTSUKIMI FEVER Login Bonus" where you can enjoy the famous autumn moon with luxurious items.


From 2019/09/11 15:00(JST) to 2019/10/08 15:00(JST)

Login bonus limited title

OTSUKIMI FEVER Login bonus limited title "Otsukimi I Love" will be available on the 2nd day and will give you +100 health, and on the 27th you will get ★10 and get +1000 health.

Login bonus total

Chrono Crystals 1000
Super Dimension Gasha Auxiliary Ticket #15 1
Event-only adventure request form (pink) 27
Event-only adventure request form (brown) 27
Adventure slot keys 60
I love watching the moon ★ 10 -

Login bonus details

On the 1th day, Adventure Slot Key x10
Event-only adventure request form (pink) × 1
Event-only adventure request form (brown) x 1
On the 2th day, I love watching the moon ★ 1
Event-only adventure request form (pink) × 1
Event-only adventure request form (brown) x 1
On the 3th day, Chrono Crystals ×500
Event-only adventure request form (pink) × 1
Event-only adventure request form (brown) x 1
On the 4th day, Adventure Slot Key x10
Event-only adventure request form (pink) × 1
Event-only adventure request form (brown) x 1
On the 5th day, Super Dimension Gasha Auxiliary Ticket #15 x 1
Event-only adventure request form (pink) × 1
Event-only adventure request form (brown) x 1
On the 6th day, Energy voucher 5 x 2
Event-only adventure request form (pink) × 1
Event-only adventure request form (brown) x 1
On the 7th day, Chrono Crystals ×100
Event-only adventure request form (pink) × 1
Event-only adventure request form (brown) x 1
On the 8th day, Adventure Slot Key x10
Event-only adventure request form (pink) × 1
Event-only adventure request form (brown) x 1
On the 9th day, I love watching the moon ★ 2
Event-only adventure request form (pink) × 1
Event-only adventure request form (brown) x 1
On the 10th day, Energy voucher 5 x 2
Event-only adventure request form (pink) × 1
Event-only adventure request form (brown) x 1
On the 11th day, Adventure Slot Key x10
Event-only adventure request form (pink) × 1
Event-only adventure request form (brown) x 1
On the 12th day, I love watching the moon ★ 3
Event-only adventure request form (pink) × 1
Event-only adventure request form (brown) x 1
On the 13th day, Energy voucher 5 x 2
Event-only adventure request form (pink) × 1
Event-only adventure request form (brown) x 1
On the 14th day, Chrono Crystals ×200
Event-only adventure request form (pink) × 1
Event-only adventure request form (brown) x 1
On the 15th day, Adventure Slot Key x10
Event-only adventure request form (pink) × 1
Event-only adventure request form (brown) x 1
On the 16th day, I love watching the moon ★ 4
Event-only adventure request form (pink) × 1
Event-only adventure request form (brown) x 1
On the 17th day, Energy voucher 5 x 2
Event-only adventure request form (pink) × 1
Event-only adventure request form (brown) x 1
On the 18th day, I love watching the moon ★ 5
Event-only adventure request form (pink) × 1
Event-only adventure request form (brown) x 1
On the 19th day, Adventure Slot Key x10
Event-only adventure request form (pink) × 1
Event-only adventure request form (brown) x 1
On the 20th day, I love watching the moon ★ 6
Event-only adventure request form (pink) × 1
Event-only adventure request form (brown) x 1
On the 21th day, Chrono Crystals ×200
Event-only adventure request form (pink) × 1
Event-only adventure request form (brown) x 1
On the 22th day, I love watching the moon ★ 7
Event-only adventure request form (pink) × 1
Event-only adventure request form (brown) x 1
On the 23th day, Energy voucher 5 x 2
Event-only adventure request form (pink) × 1
Event-only adventure request form (brown) x 1
On the 24th day, I love watching the moon ★ 8
Event-only adventure request form (pink) × 1
Event-only adventure request form (brown) x 1
On the 25th day, Energy voucher 5 x 2
Event-only adventure request form (pink) × 1
Event-only adventure request form (brown) x 1
On the 26th day, I love watching the moon ★ 9
Event-only adventure request form (pink) × 1
Event-only adventure request form (brown) x 1
On the 27th day, I love watching the moon ★ 10
Event-only adventure request form (pink) × 1
Event-only adventure request form (brown) x 1
Feel free to ask questions of beginners, requests to the site, chatting to kill time.Anonymous is also welcome! !

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