Date published: 2020 May 08

The flow of defeating Bardak before transformation "Battle power is only 5... Garbage" Battle 51 Level 5000

Editor: Master Roshi

Only 5 fighting powers... Trash BATTLE51 Lv5000

Flow of defeating Bardak before transformation

Introducing the flow to capture Level 51 of BATTLE 5000.

You can clear even with this configuration. In particularPURThe demand for firepower is. I will introduce the flow with this configuration.PUROther configurations are possible as long as there is a firepower of. The recommended configurations are introduced on the following pages.

High difficulty "Battle power is only 5... Garbage" Battle 51 Level 5000

Collect Dragon Ball in the early Goku

Collect dragon balls when Goku is appearing in the early stages. Above GTREDGoku is easy to collect because it has a faster draw speed. Start with Super Baby 2 and increase the firepower.

Apply Rising Rush to Bardack before transformation

When Bardak before transformation comes out, it changes to Son Goku of Super Saiyan 2 via the main ability of Super Baby 4. Kills, Ultimate Arts, and Rising Rush all at once. Since you can quickly escape to a bardack as soon as you shave it, it is better to do it repeatedly until you succeed in succession (lucky), prepared to avoid it, rather than connecting combos carefully.

It is best to defeat it at one time, but if you kill Bardack, Barduck will not come out unless you considerably reduce the physical strength of Son Goku and Raditz, so it will be easier to fight. After that, while recovering the physical strength of Super Baby 1 and increasing the firepower, the character change is repeatedly cut.

Firepower is high to drop Burdak at a stretchPURIs quite important. Since the firepower of the Bardac will increase in the latter half and it will worsen badly, it is easier to fight if you cut it early.

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  • I feel like I'll be using it until UL Gohan comes out...
  • This Buu is the strongest and defeated the golfer.
  • Too much trash
  • Seriously, that's it...
  • I still think selfishness is broken.
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