Date published: 2021 May 04

Genkitama Goku's Z ability enhancements and tips for UL Son Goku event

Editor: Master Roshi

I saw a comment that I couldn't beat Frieza, so I'll write some hints.It may be a little difficult, but don't give up and complete the challenge to get ULTRA Super Saiyan Son Goku.

Krillin is in combat uniformPURIs recommended

Some missions require the use of Krillin. We recommend Krillin, a combat uniform that can increase the firepower with the Z ability.If you switch from Krillin to Goku, Goku's firepower will also increase.Also, even if Krillin cannot fight, Goku's firepower will increase.

Skillful support When self returns, activates the following effects
・Increases damage dealt by allies by 20% (20 counts)
・Recovers 30 energy
Goku! When you become incapable of battle, give the following effects to your allies.
・Increase damage dealt by 15%
・30% increase in KI RESTORE
In addition, the following effects will be added to the ally's character: Son Goku.
・Increase damage dealt by 15%
Increases deadly damage by 25%
Z Abi ☆ 6 During the battle, "Episode: Z Freeza" or "Attribute:PUR"Basic STRIKE ATK/Basic BLAST ATK increased by 29%

Increase the damage of the rising rush

Even if the above Krillin is replaced or cannot fight, the damage will be greatly increased.It is also important to increase the damage with the main ability and special arts just before the rising rush.In addition, since the firepower of Genkitama Son Goku will increase if there are three battle members, let's select with three people if there is no designation of "Son Goku alone".

Maine Gives 40% more damage to the enemy (25 counts)
special Increases own damage by 15% (30 counts)
unique Increases your shooting damage by 3% when there are 20 battle members

Challenge the joint battle!Tips

It's almost the same as a normal joint battle.When the buddy gets a "!", Tap it to activate the assist action and raise the link to 50% or more before destroying the shield.Raising the link will increase the draw speed and make it easier to continue combos.

Co-op tips

Genkitama: Z ability to increase the firepower of Son Goku

Son Goku: Let's set the Z ability that raises both STRIKE ATK and BLAST ATK of Genkitama to raise the firepower.Use the following characters as a guide for ☆ 6 or more characters.The value tends to be higher if you give priority to the latest characters as much as possible.See the link for details.

Click here for value order

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    1. Can go
      If you hit the spark at the same time that Piccolo hits the spark, it will be scraped messed up, but the mission comp is 100 unreasonable management

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