Date published: 2022 May 06

The special attack character has changed!Up to 53 LL10% Gasha Tickets! "Ultimate fierce battle!"

Editor: Master Roshi

The ultimate fierce battle for 1 hours per stage every day!The stage is released.

"Ultimate fierce battle!" Recommended characters and tips

Attack character

Four new characters are set as special attacks.In particular, the magnification of "selfish secret Son Goku" is high, and the attribute disadvantage is invalid, so be sure to incorporate it if you have it.On the contrary, it is a little difficult to reduce the physical strength of the enemy.

The special attack character has changed due to the gacha update.Although it is selfish, the special attack ratio has dropped significantly.The highest is the latest Super Saiyan 3 Son Goku.The event distribution Gogeta is also set as a special attack.

Selfishness Strengthening Son Goku

It is very easy to use in CPU battles because you can take the initiative with the automatic avoidance of unique abilities and the counter. It will be more powerful by strengthening it with the ZENKAI ability.

The special attack ratio has decreased, but you can still play an active part.Take control of the attack with automatic avoidance and counters, and use it by connecting to 3 Super Saiyan Son Goku.

Basic way of fighting

It is to damage the opponent without taking damage.

  • Use the horizontal flick burnishing step to avoid and hit the attack to connect the combo.
  • Priority is given to arts with a dragon ball, and immediately use the rising rush to prepare for the second rising rush.
  • Characters using the burnishing step change.

With the latest character, "Selfish Secret Son Goku", you can also stand up and connect the combo from the automatic avoidance → automatic counter.To explain simply

  1. Avoid in the burnishing step
  2. Combo in arts, deadly to the last and ultimate arts
  3. Character change
  4. Return to ①

The basics are the repetition of the above.In the burnishing step, avoid → attack → CPU burnishing → CPU attack, take turns immediately and activate the cover change.If you change the cover change with a character who has a "special cover change" like a selfish secret, you can also connect a combo from there.

On the contrary, it may be possible to connect with shooting arts → CPU burnishing → CPU attack → own burnishing avoidance → combo.

Since the physical strength of high-difficulty enemies is high, a rising rush is indispensable for sharpening. It is preferable to be able to use the rising rush not only once but twice or three times, so let's use it."Change" is important in the Legends battle.In addition to utilizing substitutions, defeating one enemy and reducing the number of substitutions on the enemy side will make the battle easier.

"LL selfish secret Son Goku" is easy to use with high difficulty in CPU battle!Automatic avoidance counter

LEGENDS LIMITED available at Gasha

Feel free to ask questions of beginners, requests to the site, chatting to kill time.Anonymous is also welcome! !

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  1. Seriously, if you think that the raid medal has finally come out with 3 medals
    6 sheets with 80 convex?30 sheets in the mother's body and no confirmed drop.

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  • I feel like I'll be using it until UL Gohan comes out...
  • This Buu is the strongest and defeated the golfer.
  • Too much trash
  • Seriously, that's it...
  • I still think selfishness is broken.
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