'19 5/9 TOP1 Team/Party Composition PvP 24th Super Space-Time Duel Dragon Ball Legends

The top 50 character rankings in Battle Rank 20 of the "XNUMXth Super Space-Time Duel" are linked below.

Recommended formation

Click here for a list of other recommended party formations

Android 18

With Awakening, strengthen yourself every time a friendly battle member becomes incapacitated!In addition, when all Uniabi is open and the enemy's attack is avoided in the vanishing step, your own energy will be recovered, the damage dealt to allies will be increased, and the standby count of allies will be reduced by 3 counts up to 2 times!

Great Saiyan Man 2
Super saiyan 2

Califra is an excellent character for STRIKE ATK.It is easy to use for solo events and PvP and recommended for beginners as it always has the effect of increasing the damage dealt to Saiyans by 40%.If you can form a party with girls, you can strengthen it further.With the main abilities and special arts, you can further increase the damage dealt, so it will be useful in missions and challenges.

Other candidate characters

Z Ability I
EX Android No. 18
"Tag: Girls"Maximum basic physical strengthUp by 12%ZI★1~ "Tag: Girls"Maximum basic physical strengthUp by 15%ZII★3~ "Tag: Girls"Maximum basic physical strengthUp by 17%ZⅢ ★ 5 ~ "Tag: Girls"Maximum basic physical strengthUp by 18%ZIV ★ 7
"attribute:GRN'+"Tag: Girls"of·
Foundation STRIKE DEF15% upBasic BLAST DEFUp by 15%
"attribute:GRN'+"Tag: Girls"of·
Foundation STRIKE DEF20% upBasic BLAST DEFUp by 20%
"attribute:GRN'+"Tag: Girls"of·
Foundation STRIKE DEF25% upBasic BLAST DEFUp by 25%
ZⅢ ★ 5 ~
"attribute:GRN'+"Tag: Girls"of·
Foundation STRIKE DEF30% upBasic BLAST DEFUp by 30%
ZIV ★ 7
Of "tag: future"Maximum basic physical strengthUp by 15%ZI★1~ Of "tag: future"Maximum basic physical strengthUp by 18%ZII★3~ "Tag: Future" "Tag: Girls"Maximum basic physical strengthUp by 23%ZⅢ ★ 5 ~ "Tag: Future" "Tag: Girls"Maximum basic physical strengthUp by 25%ZIV ★ 7
SP Caulifla Super Saiyan 2
"Tag: Girls"Basic STRIKE ATKUp by 24%ZI★1~ "Tag: Girls"Basic STRIKE ATKUp by 26%ZII★3~ "Tag: Girls" "Tag: Sixth Universe"Basic STRIKE ATKUp by 31%ZⅢ ★ 5 ~ "Tag: Girls" "Tag: Sixth Universe"Basic STRIKE ATKUp by 33%ZIV ★ 7
"attribute:PUR'+"Tag: Rival Universe"of·Basic STRIKE ATK20% upBasic BLAST ATK15% up
Foundation STRIKE DEF20% upBasic BLAST DEFUp by 15%
"attribute:PUR'+"Tag: Rival Universe"of·Basic STRIKE ATK25% upBasic BLAST ATK20% up
Foundation STRIKE DEF25% upBasic BLAST DEFUp by 20%
"attribute:PUR'+"Tag: Rival Universe"of·Basic STRIKE ATK35% upBasic BLAST ATK30% up
Foundation STRIKE DEF35% upBasic BLAST DEFUp by 30%
ZⅢ ★ 5 ~
"attribute:PUR'+"Tag: Rival Universe"of·Basic STRIKE ATK40% upBasic BLAST ATK35% up
Foundation STRIKE DEF40% upBasic BLAST DEFUp by 35%
ZIV ★ 7
SP Videl
"Tag: Girls"Foundation STRIKE DEFUp by 17%ZI★1~ "Tag: Girls"Foundation STRIKE DEFUp by 20%ZII★3~ "Tag: Girls"Foundation STRIKE DEF-Basic BLAST DEFUp by 22%ZⅢ ★ 5 ~ "Tag: Girls"Foundation STRIKE DEF-Basic BLAST DEFUp by 25%ZIV ★ 7
SP Great Saiyan Man 2
"attribute:PUR"ofBasic STRIKE ATKUp by 22%ZI★1~ "attribute:PUR"ofBasic STRIKE ATKUp by 24%ZII★3~ "attribute:PUR"Tag: Girls"Basic STRIKE ATKUp by 29%ZⅢ ★ 5 ~ "attribute:PUR"Tag: Girls"Basic STRIKE ATKUp by 32%ZIV ★ 7
SP Librian
"Tag: Girls"Basic BLAST DEFUp by 17%ZI★1~ "Tag: Girls"Basic BLAST DEFUp by 20%ZII★3~ "Tag: Girls"Foundation STRIKE DEF-Basic BLAST DEFUp by 22%ZⅢ ★ 5 ~ "Tag: Girls"Foundation STRIKE DEF-Basic BLAST DEFUp by 25%ZIV ★ 7
Specialized Z ability page for each character
GRNAndroid 18 / GRNMy / PURCaulifla Super Saiyan 2 / YELBidel / REDGreat Saiyan Man 2 / BLULibrian /
Equipped fragments
GRNAndroid 18 / GRNMy / PURCaulifla Super Saiyan 2 / YELBidel / REDGreat Saiyan Man 2 / BLULibrian /

Character characteristics

EX Android 18

With Awakening, strengthen yourself every time a friendly battle member becomes incapacitated!In addition, when all Uniabi is open and the enemy's attack is avoided in the vanishing step, your own energy will be recovered, the damage dealt to allies will be increased, and the standby count of allies will be reduced by 3 counts up to 2 times!

SP Caulifla: Super Saiyan 2

Saiyan-Super saiyan 2-Woman warrior-6th universe-Super Space SurvivalBelongs to STRIKE ATKBlow typeI also hit two possessed arts. STRIKE DEF and BLAST DEF are also high. Special Arts can inflict 2% more damage at low cost, and recover 20 Ki with main ability and 50% more damage, and cancel the ability reduction. Furthermore, hit damage is always 40%+ for Saiyans. Also, when the enemy changes, he recovers 40 energies.-Each battle member "female warrior" has a large number of attack-type buffs, which increases the damage done by himself by 30%.GRNStrong againstYELWeak to.

SP librian

Defensive type with 2 hitting arts. It has high physical strength and excellent durability, and it has the effect of cutting damage when it comes into play. Its Special Moves have the effect of paralyzing, and ultimately paralyzing and discarding cards. Specially, when hitting the battlefield with "30% damage increase", "hit damage 30% increase" is added. The feature is that the damage up system exerts an effect other than itself. With the main ability, you can also give a ban to the opponent.

Woman warrior-future-Super Future TrunksBe superior to hitting and shooting defenseSupport type..Special Arts has multiple effects such as discarding 2 cards, reducing the draw speed by 1 step, and flashing.It recovers 30 energy when retreating and increases the damage dealt by allies by 20%, and if you have trunks, it will be + 10%.It is also a feature that it is easy to change because it recovers energy even when it comes into play.The main ability restores 20% of allies' health and increases damage dealt by 15%.Another feature is that it is easy to connect arts combos and acquire dragon balls with its own energy recovery effect.PURWeak toBLUStrong against.

Team ranking (latest 2)

Character evaluation (during recruitment)

  • I feel like I'll be using it until UL Gohan comes out...
  • This Buu is the strongest and defeated the golfer.
  • Too much trash
  • Seriously, that's it...
  • I still think selfishness is broken.
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