Rare super reroll popular ranking and Steg comparison Dragon Ball Z Crosskeepers

reroll method

Since it is a Yahoo game, you need to reset and recreate your Yahoo account, so reroll is more difficult than a smartphone app. Rerolling is not required, so it's recommended to proceed with the game when your favorite super character appears. You can also get super characters at events and tutorials.

Aim for a super character!

The rarity of the X Keepers characters is: Super>Z>Strong>Mediocre. If you aim with reroll, you want to aim for a super character.

Super soul reroll is OK

Soul is an item like an accessory. There is compatibility, but Z and strong characters become stronger just by equipping the "super" rarity soul. What kind of soul you haveSeoul list and comparison pageIn can be confirmed.

Team ranking (latest 2)

Character evaluation (during recruitment)

  • This Buu is the strongest and defeated the golfer.
  • Too much trash
  • Seriously, that's it...
  • I still think selfishness is broken.
  • Scary? w
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    1. No Z character appeared in 390 days in XNUMX consecutive games.
      I expected yesterday because the screen for confirming the Z character next time appeared.
      When I pulled it with the first shot today, all the fellow characters gathered, Satan appeared, Shenlong and Goku's cut-in also entered,
      Expectations were extremely high, and the result was Z Soul of Yamcha. .. ..

    2. Are there 390 cells, No. 16, Super Gohan in the XNUMX series?
      Since the first, second, and third place three species are not in Premium Gasha
      I heard that the content of that gasha is the standard of premium gasha, so it would be terrible to reroll towards something that does not appear.
      I made a comment.
      The Z characters that I have been out for these 3 days are Frieza XNUMX and Son Gohan childhood, Sel XNUMX and Piccolo Daimaou.

      I can't say anything because it's not against strong souls or strong characters
      All of these articles are from Premium Gasha, so they are articles written carefully, so please check the history against Premium Gasha.

      1. It seems likely that it is the same as Premium Gasha.
        On the other hand, omitting characters that do not appear in Genki-ball Gacha is likely to be less accurate, so I'll think about what I can do. For the time being, I would like to add one sentence and examine it while watching the contents of the gacha. Thank you m(_ _)m

      2. I don't know the others, but the Super Saiyan Goku is included. I came out three times.
        The others that came out were Frieza's final form, Kaioken Goku, Kame Sennin, Tianjin, and Zabong.
        I want to know what will come out.

        1. I'm sorry. It is the above rice.
          Is Super Goku a reprint? It was newly added.
          Thank you for replying to the site owner right after my rice.
          We apologize for making a comment without checking carefully.
          Please do your best because it is for reference ☺

          1. No no no no!
            Thanks to the comments, I was able to add notes etc.
            I think there is a lot of potential for premium gachas.
            Thank you for your comments. m(_ _)m