Added UL Broly!Blue Dyed Super Saiyan Tag Party/Recommended Formation!dragon ball legends

  • 2022-09-28 ULTRA Broly added
  • 2021-12-24 UL Super Gogeta has been added, and the Z ability can increase the deadly power of Super Saiyans.
  • 2021-08-05 ZENKAI Awakened Son Gohan's Z ability has low synergy with the Son clan and mixed-breed Saiyan, but ZENKAI ability is super Saiyan +BLUGood compatibility with.
  • 2021-06-09 Makeover GogetaBLUIs ZENKAI awakening, ZENKAI ability isBLU+ Theatrical version is compatible with Broly, but Z ability is suitable for coalesced warriors
  • 2021-03-10 BLUDisadvantagesGRNFavorable toPURBroly ZENKAI Awakening.
    • Broly is a target for strengthening Bardock.
  • 2020-12-23 Super Saiyan Broly added
  • Stupid Son Goku awakens ZENKAI on November 11th.
  • BLUOf the attributes that I am not good atGRNZENKAI awakened super Saiyan 3 Son Goku as a countermeasure.
  • The essential bardock is ZENKAI awakening.
  • The replacement buff from Bardock greatly increases the firepower of the Super Saiyan.

Super saiya-jin&BLU Recommended formation

Click here for a list of other recommended party formations

Son Goku
Bakayaro Makeover
Son Goku
Super saiya-jin

When you enter the battlefield, if there are battle members who are unable to fight, strengthen yourself further!With all uniabi open, if there are 2 "Theater Edition" battle members other than yourself, a sticking effect will be added!It's a character that has the potential to turn things around!

Super saiya-jin
It is useful for completing Rising Rush missions because it is easy to use when returning to the reserve and increasing the damage dealt by the super Saiyan of the ally and also increases the CRITICAL damage. It has been strengthened by ZENKAI Awakening, and the damage-up system of allies has been given effects such as extension of count and draw speed increase with unique ability, making it easier to use.The biggest merit is that it goes well with the popular characters in the Super Saiyan tag Dragon Ball.Note that it has no effect on Super Saiyans 2 and 3.
Super gogeta
``Destroy all enemy hands with a hit of special arts'' ``Disable sticking to ultimate arts (30 counts)'' ``Disable special cover change to special arts (10 counts) recover debuffs, cancel buffs (2 times)'' ``Unique Draw deadly arts with maximum gauge" "Draw ultimate arts when 2 allies are incapacitated" "Nullify attribute compatibility disadvantage if there are members who are incapacitated (10 counts 2 times) Prohibit replacement for all enemies (5 counts 2 times)" "Special attack for theatrical version" "Special cover change for hitting arts, special follow-up attack possible"
Legendary Super Saiyan
「ユニークゲージが最大で敵のバニシングゲージを0%にする」「ユニークゲージが最大でドラゴンボールを1つ減らす、特殊カバーチェンジ無効化(10カウント)」「「状態異常:行動不能」を無効化(消去不可)」「究極アーツに踏ん張り無効化」「メインアビリティで敵の気力を70下げKI RESTORE100%ダウン5カウント」「特殊アーツヒットでバニシングゲージ70%回復、敵全体に交代禁止(5カウント)、メインアビリティ封印(5カウント)」「敵が交代すると被ダメージ属性相性不利の無効化(5カウント)」「打撃、射撃、一部を除く必殺、特殊、覚醒アーツの特殊カバーチェンジ。特殊、必殺で追撃可。」
Android 14

Super saiya-jin&BLU Other candidate characters

Z Ability I
SP Son Goku Super Saiyan
Of "Tag: Saiyan"Foundation STRIKE DEFUp by 19%ZI★1~ Of "Tag: Saiyan"Foundation STRIKE DEFUp by 22%ZII★3~ Of "Tag: Saiyan"Foundation STRIKE DEFUp by 24%ZⅢ ★ 5 ~ Of "Tag: Saiyan"Foundation STRIKE DEFUp by 25%ZIV ★ 7
"attribute:BLU'+"Episode: Movie Edition"of·Basic STRIKE ATK20% upBasic BLAST ATK15% up
Foundation STRIKE DEF20% upBasic BLAST DEFUp by 15%
"attribute:BLU'+"Episode: Movie Edition"of·Basic STRIKE ATK25% upBasic BLAST ATK20% up
Foundation STRIKE DEF25% upBasic BLAST DEFUp by 20%
"attribute:BLU'+"Episode: Movie Edition"of·Basic STRIKE ATK35% upBasic BLAST ATK30% up
Foundation STRIKE DEF35% upBasic BLAST DEFUp by 30%
ZⅢ ★ 5 ~
"attribute:BLU'+"Episode: Movie Edition"of·Basic STRIKE ATK40% upBasic BLAST ATK35% up
Foundation STRIKE DEF40% upBasic BLAST DEFUp by 35%
ZIV ★ 7
SP Barduck Super Saiyan
"Tag: Super Saiyan"Foundation STRIKE DEFUp by 19%ZI★1~ "Tag: Super Saiyan"Foundation STRIKE DEFUp by 21%ZII★3~ "Tag: Super Saiyan"Basic STRIKE ATK-Foundation STRIKE DEFUp by 23%ZⅢ ★ 5 ~ "Tag: Super Saiyan"Basic STRIKE ATK-Foundation STRIKE DEFUp by 25%ZIV ★ 7
"attribute:BLU'+"Tag: Saiyan"of·Basic STRIKE ATK20% upBasic BLAST ATK20% up
Foundation STRIKE DEF15% upBasic BLAST DEFUp by 15%
"attribute:BLU'+"Tag: Saiyan"of·Basic STRIKE ATK25% upBasic BLAST ATK25% up
Foundation STRIKE DEF20% upBasic BLAST DEFUp by 20%
"attribute:BLU'+"Tag: Saiyan"of·Basic STRIKE ATK35% upBasic BLAST ATK35% up
Foundation STRIKE DEF30% upBasic BLAST DEFUp by 30%
ZⅢ ★ 5 ~
"attribute:BLU'+"Tag: Saiyan"of·Basic STRIKE ATK40% upBasic BLAST ATK40% up
Foundation STRIKE DEF35% upBasic BLAST DEFUp by 35%
ZIV ★ 7
SP Son Goku Bakayaro Makeover
"Tag: Saiyan" "Tag: Super Saiyan"Basic BLAST ATKUp by 19%ZI★1~ "Tag: Saiyan" "Tag: Super Saiyan"Basic STRIKE ATK-Basic BLAST ATKUp by 21%ZII★3~ "Tag: Saiyan" "Tag: Super Saiyan"Basic STRIKE ATK-Basic BLAST ATKUp by 30%ZⅢ ★ 5 ~ "Tag: Saiyan" "Tag: Super Saiyan"Basic STRIKE ATK-Basic BLAST ATKUp by 35%ZIV ★ 7
"attribute:BLU'+"Tag: Saiyan"of·Basic STRIKE ATK15% upBasic BLAST ATK20% up
Foundation STRIKE DEF15% upBasic BLAST DEFUp by 20%
"attribute:BLU'+"Tag: Saiyan"of·Basic STRIKE ATK20% upBasic BLAST ATK25% up
Foundation STRIKE DEF20% upBasic BLAST DEFUp by 25%
"attribute:BLU'+"Tag: Saiyan"of·Basic STRIKE ATK30% upBasic BLAST ATK35% up
Foundation STRIKE DEF30% upBasic BLAST DEFUp by 35%
ZⅢ ★ 5 ~
"attribute:BLU'+"Tag: Saiyan"of·Basic STRIKE ATK35% upBasic BLAST ATK40% up
Foundation STRIKE DEF35% upBasic BLAST DEFUp by 40%
ZIV ★ 7
EX Android No. 14
"attribute:BLU""attribute:PUR"ofFoundation STRIKE DEFUp by 25%ZI★1~ "attribute:BLU""attribute:PUR"ofFoundation STRIKE DEFUp by 35%ZII★3~ "attribute:BLU""attribute:PUR"ofBasic STRIKE ATK-Foundation STRIKE DEFUp by 40%ZⅢ ★ 5 ~ "attribute:BLU""attribute:PUR"ofBasic STRIKE ATK-Foundation STRIKE DEFUp by 50%ZIV ★ 7
UL Super Gogeta
Increased basic blow attack / defense power of "Tag: Combined Warrior" by 28%ZI★1~ "Tag: Combined Warrior" "Tag: Saiyan"Basic STRIKE ATK-Foundation STRIKE DEFUp by 30%ZII★3~ Increases the deadly damage of "Tag: Super Saiyan" by 3% & "Tag: Combined Warrior" and "Tag: Saiyan"Basic STRIKE ATK-Foundation STRIKE DEFUp by 38%ZⅢ ★ 5 ~ Increases the deadly damage of "Tag: Super Saiyan" by 5% & "Tag: Combined Warrior" and "Tag: Saiyan"Basic STRIKE ATK-Foundation STRIKE DEFUp by 42%ZIV ★ 7
UL Broly Legendary Super Saiyan
Of “Episode: Theatrical Edition”Foundation STRIKE DEF-Basic BLAST DEFUp by 28%ZI★1~ "Episode: Theatrical Version" "Tag: Mighty Enemy"Foundation STRIKE DEF-Basic BLAST DEFUp by 30%ZII★3~ "Episode: Theatrical Edition" Ultimate Awakening damage increased by 3% & "Episode: Theatrical Edition" "Tag: Mighty Enemy"Foundation STRIKE DEF-Basic BLAST DEFUp by 38%ZⅢ ★ 5 ~ "Episode: Theatrical Edition" Ultimate Awakening damage increased by 5% & "Episode: Theatrical Edition" "Tag: Mighty Enemy"Foundation STRIKE DEF-Basic BLAST DEFUp by 42%ZIV ★ 7
Specialized Z ability page for each character
BLUSon Goku Super Saiyan / BLUBardak Super Saiyan / BLUSon Goku Bakayaro Makeover / BLUAndroid 14 / BLUSuper gogeta / PURBroly Legendary Super Saiyan /
Equipped fragments
BLUSon Goku Super Saiyan / BLUBardak Super Saiyan / BLUSon Goku Bakayaro Makeover / BLUAndroid 14 / BLUSuper gogeta / PURBroly Legendary Super Saiyan /

Character characteristics

UL Broly: Legendary Super Saiyan

When the Unique Gauge reaches maximum due to an enemy attack, the enemy's Vanishing Gauge is reduced to 0%!In addition to hitting and shooting arts, we also have special cover changes for deadly, special, and awakening arts except for some!In addition to firepower, it has a powerful combo cut ability!

SP Son Goku: Super Saiyan

When you enter the battlefield, if there are battle members who are unable to fight, strengthen yourself further!With all uniabi open, if there are 2 "Theater Edition" battle members other than yourself, a sticking effect will be added!It's a character that has the potential to turn things around!

UL Super Gogeta

It has overwhelming strength such as exceptional damage increase, unique gauge that can be activated multiple times, special cover change for hitting arts, etc.!

SP Goku: Bakayaro Makeover
It is a shooting type and has high durability and firepower. If many skills related to burnishing steps can be used successfully, the opponent will have difficulty fighting. The firepower at the end will also be amazing. Many players dislike waiting for the counter at Special Moves Arts.
SP Barduck: Super Saiyan
It is useful for completing Rising Rush missions because it is easy to use when returning to the reserve and increasing the damage dealt by the super Saiyan of the ally and also increases the CRITICAL damage. It has been strengthened by ZENKAI Awakening, and the damage-up system of allies has been given effects such as extension of count and draw speed increase with unique ability, making it easier to use.The biggest merit is that it goes well with the popular characters in the Super Saiyan tag Dragon Ball.Note that it has no effect on Super Saiyans 2 and 3.
EX Android 14

STRIKE ATK, CRITICAL and STRIKE DEF are high. When he returned, he said, "attribute:BLUCharacteristic is that you can add 5% physical strength and 30% damage increase (non-duplicate) to "Tag: Android". Special arts are also easy to use with energy recovery.

Team ranking (latest 2)

Character evaluation (during recruitment)

  • I feel like I'll be using it until UL Gohan comes out...
  • This Buu is the strongest and defeated the golfer.
  • Too much trash
  • Seriously, that's it...
  • I still think selfishness is broken.
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