[Dragon Ball Legends] "Theatrical Edition & Saiyan" Party

  • 2023-01-11 Theatrical version & unique fragment addition for Saiyan
  • 2022-06-15 4th Anniversary Movie version + Super Saiyan Gogeta that goes well with SaiyansPURIs event distribution
  • Rising BattleREDBrolly awakens ZENKAI.You can strengthen your allies as an assistant.
  • 2020-12-23 EX Broly with strong synergy between the movie version and Saiyan, Super Saiyan Broly: Full power, Super Saiyan God SS Gogeta added.

Saiyan & Theatrical Version Recommended Organization

Click here for a list of other recommended party formations

Super gogeta
``Destroy all enemy hands with a hit of special arts'' ``Disable sticking to ultimate arts (30 counts)'' ``Disable special cover change to special arts (10 counts) recover debuffs, cancel buffs (2 times)'' ``Unique Draw deadly arts with maximum gauge" "Draw ultimate arts when 2 allies are incapacitated" "Nullify attribute compatibility disadvantage if there are members who are incapacitated (10 counts 2 times) Prohibit replacement for all enemies (5 counts 2 times)" "Special attack for theatrical version" "Special cover change for hitting arts, special follow-up attack possible"
Legendary Super Saiyan
「ユニークゲージが最大で敵のバニシングゲージを0%にする」「ユニークゲージが最大でドラゴンボールを1つ減らす、特殊カバーチェンジ無効化(10カウント)」「「状態異常:行動不能」を無効化(消去不可)」「究極アーツに踏ん張り無効化」「メインアビリティで敵の気力を70下げKI RESTORE100%ダウン5カウント」「特殊アーツヒットでバニシングゲージ70%回復、敵全体に交代禁止(5カウント)、メインアビリティ封印(5カウント)」「敵が交代すると被ダメージ属性相性不利の無効化(5カウント)」「打撃、射撃、一部を除く必殺、特殊、覚醒アーツの特殊カバーチェンジ。特殊、必殺で追撃可。」
Super Saiyan God SS Gogeta
Super Saiyan 3 Goku
``When the unique gauge is at maximum, the main ability fully recovers vanishing and reduces the enemy's vanishing to 0.'' ``Ultimate arts invalidates stomping and reduces damage cut by 100%.'' ``Special cover invalidates 10 counts when entering the field.'' Special cover for hitting arts, special follow-up attack possible.'' ``Maximize unique gauge to recover physical strength, strengthen each art and main ability.'' ``Use unique fragment to increase durability in the movie version/Sun family party.''
Super Saiyan God SS: Son Goku & Vegeta
Gokuveji Tag
"Son Goku: Favorable attributeGRN Disadvantageous attributesYEL” “Vegeta: Advantageous attributeYEL Disadvantageous attributesGRN``Recovers 15% of physical strength each time you change tags, recovers 3% each time you use striking shooting arts'' ``When the enemy activates a resurrection ability, the number of dragon balls increases by 2 and the number of enemies decreases by 2'' ``Son Goku shoots, Vegeta has a special cover change for blows. Only Vegeta can perform a special follow-up attack.” “Special draw with special arts (1 time each) Disable special cover change for Vegeta (15 counts).” Disable sticking to special arts. Sticking disabled (3 count)"
"Theatrical version with Z-ability, increase physical strength of mixed-race Saiyan" "Special arts hinder energy and physical strength recovery, seal main ability (3 times), reduce ally's standby count by 3" "Main ability reduces attribute compatibility disadvantage Nullifies, draws special arts" "Debuffs enemies when entering the battlefield, buffs allies when backed up" "Special cover change for batting arts, special follow-up attack possible" "Depends on enemy's batting, shooting, and special arts When attacked, reduces morale by 15 and gives standby count 2 (1 time) Reduces the standby count of Son Gohan and Piccolo by 1” “Increases damage dealt to allies and recovers physical strength after enemy attack ends” “Special Arts Increases the number of Dragon Balls by 1 (3 times) and reduces the standby count by 5 when hit."

Saiyan & Theatrical Version Other Candidate Characters

Z Ability I
SP Super Saiyan God SS: Son Goku & Vegeta Goku Vegeta
"Tag: Son Clan" "Tag: Vegeta Clan"Basic STRIKE ATK-Basic BLAST ATKUp by 22%ZI★1~ "Tag: Son Clan" "Tag: Vegeta Clan"Basic STRIKE ATK-Basic BLAST ATKUp by 26%ZII★3~ "Tag: Son Clan" "Tag: Vegeta Clan" "Tag: God's Ki"Basic STRIKE ATK-Basic BLAST ATK30% up & "Episode: Theatrical Version"Foundation STRIKE DEFUp by 15%ZⅢ ★ 5 ~ "Tag: Son Clan" "Tag: Vegeta Clan" "Tag: God's Ki"Basic STRIKE ATK-Basic BLAST ATK35% up & "Episode: Theatrical Version"Foundation STRIKE DEFUp by 18%ZIV ★ 7
UL Super Gogeta
Increased basic blow attack / defense power of "Tag: Combined Warrior" by 28%ZI★1~ "Tag: Combined Warrior" "Tag: Saiyan"Basic STRIKE ATK-Foundation STRIKE DEFUp by 30%ZII★3~ Increases the deadly damage of "Tag: Super Saiyan" by 3% & "Tag: Combined Warrior" and "Tag: Saiyan"Basic STRIKE ATK-Foundation STRIKE DEFUp by 38%ZⅢ ★ 5 ~ Increases the deadly damage of "Tag: Super Saiyan" by 5% & "Tag: Combined Warrior" and "Tag: Saiyan"Basic STRIKE ATK-Foundation STRIKE DEFUp by 42%ZIV ★ 7
SP Super Saiyan 3 Son Goku Ryuken
"Tag: Son Clan" "Episode: Theatrical Version"Basic STRIKE ATK-Basic BLAST ATKUp by 22%ZI★1~ "Tag: Son Clan" "Episode: Theatrical Version"Basic STRIKE ATK-Basic BLAST ATKUp by 26%ZII★3~ Increases the damage dealt by the hitting arts of "Tag: Son Clan" by 2% & "Tag: Son Clan" "Episode: Theatrical Version" "Tag: Saiyan"Basic STRIKE ATK-Basic BLAST ATKUp by 30%ZⅢ ★ 5 ~ Increases the damage dealt by the hitting arts of "Tag: Son Clan" by 3% & "Tag: Son Clan" "Episode: Theatrical Version" "Tag: Saiyan"Basic STRIKE ATK-Basic BLAST ATKUp by 38%ZIV ★ 7
UL Broly Legendary Super Saiyan
Of “Episode: Theatrical Edition”Foundation STRIKE DEF-Basic BLAST DEFUp by 28%ZI★1~ "Episode: Theatrical Version" "Tag: Mighty Enemy"Foundation STRIKE DEF-Basic BLAST DEFUp by 30%ZII★3~ "Episode: Theatrical Edition" Ultimate Awakening damage increased by 3% & "Episode: Theatrical Edition" "Tag: Mighty Enemy"Foundation STRIKE DEF-Basic BLAST DEFUp by 38%ZⅢ ★ 5 ~ "Episode: Theatrical Edition" Ultimate Awakening damage increased by 5% & "Episode: Theatrical Edition" "Tag: Mighty Enemy"Foundation STRIKE DEF-Basic BLAST DEFUp by 42%ZIV ★ 7
SP bread
Of “Episode: Theatrical Edition”Maximum basic physical strengthUp by 13%ZI★1~ Of “Episode: Theatrical Edition”Maximum basic physical strengthUp by 15%ZII★3~ "Episode: Theatrical Version" "Tag: Mixed Race Saiyan"Maximum basic physical strength18% increase & "Tag: Grandson Clan"Basic CRITICAL valueUp by 18%ZⅢ ★ 5 ~ "Episode: Theatrical Version" "Tag: Mixed Race Saiyan"Maximum basic physical strength20% increase & "Tag: Grandson Clan"Basic CRITICAL valueUp by 20%ZIV ★ 7
UL Super Saiyan God SS Gogeta
Of "Tag: Union Warrior"Basic STRIKE ATK-Foundation STRIKE DEFUp by 28%ZI★1~ "Tag: Combined Warrior" "Tag: Saiyan"Basic STRIKE ATK-Foundation STRIKE DEFUp by 30%ZII★3~ 3% increase in special damage of "Tag: Combined Warrior" & "Tag: Combined Warrior" and "Tag: Saiyan"Basic STRIKE ATK-Foundation STRIKE DEFUp by 38%ZⅢ ★ 5 ~ 5% increase in special damage of "Tag: Combined Warrior" & "Tag: Combined Warrior" and "Tag: Saiyan"Basic STRIKE ATK-Foundation STRIKE DEFUp by 42%ZIV ★ 7
Specialized Z ability page for each character
PURSuper Saiyan God SS: Son Goku & Vegeta Goku Vegeta Tag / BLUSuper gogeta / GRNSuper Saiyan 3 Son Goku Ryuken / PURBroly Legendary Super Saiyan / REDBread / PURSuper Saiyan God SS Gogeta /
Equipped fragments
PURSuper Saiyan God SS: Son Goku & Vegeta Goku Vegeta Tag / BLUSuper gogeta / GRNSuper Saiyan 3 Son Goku Ryuken / PURBroly Legendary Super Saiyan / REDBread / PURSuper Saiyan God SS Gogeta /

Character characteristics

UL Super Saiyan God SS Gogeta

When you receive an enemy attack and your unique gauge reaches its maximum, a counter will be activated against the enemy's shooting arts and special shooting special arts except for some! (Activates 3 times) Activates even during enemy combos!Possess powerful self-enhancement!

SP bread

Possess an unprecedented uni-avi that reduces the power of arts to all enemies when it comes into play!In addition, strengthen allies every time you return to reserve!After the enemy's attack ends, effects such as damage increase and physical strength recovery will be activated on allies!A character that specializes in support abilities!

UL Broly: Legendary Super Saiyan

When the Unique Gauge reaches maximum due to an enemy attack, the enemy's Vanishing Gauge is reduced to 0%!In addition to hitting and shooting arts, we also have special cover changes for deadly, special, and awakening arts except for some!In addition to firepower, it has a powerful combo cut ability!

SP Super Saiyan 3 Son Goku: Ryuken

It has a unique gauge that increases every time you use batter / shooting arts, and when it reaches MAX, special / special / ultimate arts and main avi are strengthened!Furthermore, the ultimate technique "Ryuken" will become more powerful every time you use the batter / shooting arts! (There is an upper limit) Don't miss the production that reproduces the original!

UL Super Gogeta

It has overwhelming strength such as exceptional damage increase, unique gauge that can be activated multiple times, special cover change for hitting arts, etc.!

SP Super Saiyan God SS: Son Goku & Vegeta: Goku Vegeta

Legends' first tag character who fights while switching between Goku and Vegeta!A character with excellent offense and defense, but his greatest feature is attribute compatibility reversal!Reverse your own attribute compatibility when switching characters!

Team ranking (latest 2)

Character evaluation (during recruitment)

  • I feel like I'll be using it until UL Gohan comes out...
  • This Buu is the strongest and defeated the golfer.
  • Too much trash
  • Seriously, that's it...
  • I still think selfishness is broken.
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